
The Blade Of The Marines

The swordsman at the cusp of the world, the anti-hero of the marines, the Lord of hell, Asura's reincarnation, demon souled monster.

SMMCLIPS · アニメ·コミックス
57 Chs

Chapter 22- Taking Charge

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow across the tranquil waters of the Grand Line, the Fleet Carrier Marine ship sailed forth under the command of me, the Rear Admiral. The ship's sleek silhouette cut through the waves, leaving a shimmering trail in its wake. On the deck, Marines, sailors, and specialized crew members moved with purpose, ready to embark on a new mission.

Smoker, his trademark jitte in hand, and Tashigi, with a determined stance, stood beside me on the deck. The breeze carried the scent of salt and adventure as we set forth on the seas, our destination known only to a select few. The mission: to pursue the Straw Hat Pirates, a group of notorious individuals whose exploits had become the stuff of legends.

As the Fleet Carrier Marine ship sailed steadily toward the unknown, the trio of officers gathered in the strategic planning room to discuss the mission at hand. Maps of the Grand Line adorned the walls, marked with the locations of islands, currents, and potential routes taken by the elusive Straw Hat crew.

Smoker, voiced the question that lingered in the air. "Rear Admiral, why are we chasing the Straw Hats? What's the purpose behind this pursuit?"

Leaning against the strategic table, I took a moment to collect my thoughts before responding. "Smoker, Tashigi, the Straw Hats have proven to be a unique and formidable crew. Their exploits have garnered attention, not just from pirates but also from the highest echelons of the World Government. I believe there's more to them than meets the eye, and I intend to find out what makes them tick."

Tashigi, her gaze focused and determined, chimed in. "But Rear Admiral, we've got our hands full with other missions and responsibilities. Why prioritize the pursuit of the Straw Hats?"

I nodded, acknowledging the valid concern. "True, Tashigi. However, the Straw Hats' actions have far-reaching consequences. They've disrupted the delicate balance of power in the Grand Line, crossed paths with formidable adversaries, and even managed to escape the clutches of the Yonko. Understanding their motivations and potential alliances could be crucial in maintaining stability."

Smoker grunted, a characteristic sign of his dissatisfaction. "This feels like a personal agenda, Rear Admiral. Are you sure there's no history between you and the Straw Hats that we should be aware of?"

A wry smile played on my lips as I recalled encounters with the Straw Hats in the past. "No personal grudges, Smoker. I'm simply intrigued by their resilience, their ability to rally allies, and their knack for escaping seemingly insurmountable situations. We can learn from them, and, in doing so, better safeguard the seas."

With the air cleared, the trio set to work on refining the pursuit strategy. The Fleet Carrier Marine ship, a symbol of the Marines' rapid response capability, would be deployed to track and monitor the Straw Hats' movements. The ship's advanced reconnaissance capabilities and strategic positioning would give us the edge in this pursuit.

As the days passed, the chase unfolded across the vast expanse of the Grand Line. The Fleet Carrier Marine ship traversed the turbulent seas, its advanced navigation systems honing in on potential Straw Hat sightings. Smoker, Tashigi, and I maintained a vigilant watch, ready to intercept the Straw Hats at the opportune moment.

The pursuit took us through unpredictable weather patterns, treacherous sea currents, and uncharted territories. The Straw Hats, known for their unpredictability, proved to be elusive prey. They navigated through dangerous waters, encountered mythical creatures, and faced challenges that tested the limits of their resolve.

The pursuit, while challenging, served as a valuable opportunity for the Marines to fine-tune their operational capabilities. The Fleet Carrier Marine ship, with its state-of-the-art facilities, became a hub of strategic planning and tactical coordination. Marines and specialized crew members engaged in drills, honing their skills for the inevitable encounter with the legendary Straw Hat Pirates.

One night, under the starlit sky of the New World, the ship's den den mushi buzzed with a transmission. It was a coded message from Marine Headquarters, conveying critical information about a potential Straw Hat sighting on an uncharted island. The excitement onboard was palpable as the ship altered its course, setting sail towards the coordinates provided.

The island, shrouded in mist and mystery, emerged on the horizon. The Fleet Carrier Marine ship, now bathed in the moonlight, dropped anchor as Marines prepared for a potential encounter with the Straw Hat crew.

As the boarding party disembarked onto the unknown island, the air thick with anticipation, I looked at Smoker and Tashigi. "This could be it, the moment we've been waiting for. Be prepared for anything, and let's capture the essence of the Straw Hats' spirit."

The island, with its dense vegetation and hidden passages, held the promise of adventure and challenge. The Straw Hats, renowned for their resourcefulness, could be lurking anywhere.

The pursuit had brought us to the heart of the Grand Line, a place where legends were born and destinies entwined. The Fleet Carrier Marine ship, now a symbol of pursuit and justice, awaited in the moonlit waters, ready to sail into the next chapter of the chase for the Straw Hat Pirates.