
The Black Summoner

Additional Tags:- Anti-hero, High-IQ, Killer, Unprincipled, Adventure, Romance, Conquer, Evolution, Level-Up, Slice-of-Life, Dark, Magic, Superpowers, Urban, Extremely Slow-Paced... --~Some Notes~-- 1st:- English is not my first language, but I will try my best to avoid mistakes. 2nd:- The MC will be pretty much neutral, but there might be some situations when he might do something outright evil or borderline evil. 3rd:- In this Fanfic, some characters might have a slightly different personality as I will be slightly tweaking their backgrounds to fit my story. 4th:- There will be two parts of the Harem… Primary Harem:- Currently, I have planned that the Primary Harem will consist of 14 women. The Members of the Primary Harem will have a lot of plot dedicated to them and they will have their own roles. In other words, they won't be simply MC's bed warmers. Secondary Harem:- This fic will take place in an Apocalyptic World. A lot of women would happily sleep with the MC to get a stable life or something. It won't be one time or NTR or anything but the members of the Secondary Harem wouldn't be playing any major roles in the fic nor I will invest much plot for them but they will still be a part of MC's Harem and they will only belong to MC. 5th:- There will be a system involved in the fic but won't be any Quests or Missions. The system would be simply there to trace the progress of everyone. Instead of System, you might call it Status Window or something. I simply ask you to give this fic a try before dismissing it by comparing it to any other normal system fics. I will explain all the mechanics of this system in detail as the plot progresses. 6th:- Until I finish my 'The Epic of Leviathan' Fanfic, the Fanfic will be released Weekly on Sunday... I need a month at most to finish my Leviathan Fanfic... Please be patient until then... --~Synopsis~-- The life of Yozora Daichi was never normal. Daichi himself knew that his life was never going to be normal with his complicated family background. Yes, his family background was slightly complicated compared to anyone else around his age. But Daichi wasn't bothered by it, in fact, he was quite glad that his life wasn't normal. His family wasn't overly large from the beginning… with only three members. Yozora Daichi (Himself), Yozora Kemono (Adoptive Mother), and finally Roberta (His Maid)... But how would he deal with everything when his already complicated life in a somewhat normal world is turned upside down along with society?? Mana finally awakens on Earth and turns everyone's world upside down. Animals turned into terrifying beasts, some plants gained self-awareness, and the humans who managed to withstand the wave of Mana awakened the ability to acquire skills by defeating enemies. While the humans who couldn't withstand the wave of Mana turned into undead. The entire planet entered a new era where the old laws didn't hold any value. Let's follow the journey of Yozora Daichi as he creates a whole new world born from the ashes of an Apocalyptic World… --~World Setting~-- The Apocalyptic World will be an X-Over between the following Worlds... 1) Highschool of the Dead 2) Resident Evil 3) Triage X 4) Solo Leveling 5) Tomb Raider King --~Discord~-- If you want to discuss something or check the artwork or the character sheets then join my Discord Server. My Discord Server Link:- https://discord.gg/vQ6rPaqVYs

InGlorious · アニメ·コミックス
99 Chs

Strike Back (I)...

"Thanks to their cooperation, we know about all of their escape routes along with their defenses" Daichi said with a grin as he pointed toward the four people standing at the side. All four of them were staring at Daichi, Bella, and Kemono in pure hatred… Daichi was kind of amused, but since they didn't pose any sort of threat to them, he didn't mind their glares…

"Hau~, I finally found the maps~" Shizuka released a tired sigh as she plopped down on a chair. Shizuka raised her hand to wipe off the sweat from her brows and when she was done taking care of herself, she placed the maps on the table with an extremely pleased look on her face.

'It must be really hard for her to work with those gigantic tits' Daichi nodded his head as he reached the conclusion. "Thank you, Marikawa-san" Daichi thanked Shizuka with a smile on his face.

Without saying anything else, Daichi unrolled the maps over the table. "Can we really trust them?" Kanae asked curiously as she glanced toward the members of Black Label. Kanae did not know almost anything about the Ritual Bella performed, so it was kind of understandable…

"Technically, yes. They are under Bella's control, so they are under my control" Daichi said as he glanced toward Kanae, and Kanae simply nodded her head in understanding. It hasn't been long since Kanae had joined the group, but she knew that the insane woman was completely devoted to Daichi. If he would ask her to sacrifice herself, then the woman would die with the biggest grin on her face.

Daichi was about to start pointing the escape routes on the map, that is when something clicked in his mind. He glanced toward the members of the Black Label and after thinking for a bit, he decided to go along with his idea. "Why don't the four of you introduce yourselves?" Daichi suggested and even though the four of them wanted to curse Daichi, they couldn't. They had to follow through with his suggestion…

"My name is Yuko Sagiri" The white-haired woman introduced herself with a conflicted look on her face.

A gasp was heard from the side. "That is why I thought you looked so familiar!" Yuriko blurted out, looking completely shocked. "What happened to your hair?" Yuriko asked in surprise, but all of a sudden, realization dawned on her face. "Well, it seems that I never knew you" Yuriko stared at Yuko with a betrayed look on her face. Yuriko couldn't say that they were friends, but they were close acquaintances.

Yuko could only stare at Yuriko with a pained look on her face, just before entering the house, Bella had recited another rule to all of them. 'You are forbidden from mentioning why you attacked us to anyone until I tell you otherwise' That was the rule Bella recited, so no matter how much they tried, they could defend themselves by telling everyone their side of the story…

"You know her?" Daichi asked Yuriko as he jerked his thumb toward Yuko Sagiri.

Yuriko turned toward Daichi with a complicated look on her face. "Yes… Well, I thought I knew her, but it is clear that I was wrong…" Yuriko muttered with a solemn look on her face as she threw another betrayed look toward Yuko. "She is a genius surgeon, probably one of the best surgeons if not the best surgeon of our country" Yuriko proclaimed with a complicated look on her face.

Yuko Sagiri is a doctor, she was supposed to protect lives, and here she was going around murdering people. "Jackpot!! We didn't have any doctors until now" Daichi grinned. When he had asked Yuko about the Black Label, he did not ask anything about her personal life. "Yuriko-san, you were saying something about her hair?" Daichi asked as he remembered Yuriko saying something about her hair.

"Yes, she always had brown hair, that is why I wasn't able to identify her" Yuriko answered with a shrug.

Daichi smirked and turned toward Yuko. "So you die your hair every time you join your merry band to go around and murder people?" Daichi asked in a mocking tone and the members of the Black Label bristled at the jab.

"No, whenever I start fighting my hair turns white. I die my hair brown after every fight" Yuko answered reluctantly. She seemed to be struggling against the bond, but there was not much she could do.

"Really? Do you know why it happens?" Daichi asked, looking slightly excited.

"No, I do not know" Yuko answered back in a monotone. Daichi was a bit disappointed, but he did not show it on his face.

"I see… Let's move on" Daichi said and the blue-haired woman glared at him. Daichi would have been burned to death a hundred times over if the woman had the power to burn people with her eyes.

"Sayo Hitsugi" The blue-haired woman ground out.

"I don't know her personally, but I have seen her at the Mochizuki General Hospital. If I remember correctly, she is the head nurse" Yuriko said with a thoughtful look as she tapped her chin with her finger.

Daichi nodded his head in understanding. His mom had said that she had traced them back to the Mochizuki General Hospital, but before she could start investigating them, for whatever reason, the Government called off the mission. From Yuko, Daichi already knew that the base of the Black Label was at Mochizuki General Hospital, but he did not know that they worked at the hospital.

"Arashi Mikami" the boy standing beside Sayo spat out with a disgusted look on his face. Thankfully, Daichi had sent Bella away along with his mom and Roberta. The three of them said that they were feeling hungry, so they left to have a midnight snack. Bella looked slightly reluctant as she did not want to part from her Lord, she only left after Daichi told her that he would be fine.

"Mikoto Kiba" the silver-haired girl ground out. Yozora Kemono did not pull any punches when she was dealing with the girl. Daichi had to get her new clothes as the clothes she was wearing were falling off of her skin when she started to heal. Kemono's flames were so hot, that her original clothes melted into her skin. The girl had also lost all of her hair, Kemono had cooked her pretty well…


Upto 5 Advance Chapters on my Patrèon.

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1078 words in this chapter.

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