
The Black Summoner

Additional Tags:- Anti-hero, High-IQ, Killer, Unprincipled, Adventure, Romance, Conquer, Evolution, Level-Up, Slice-of-Life, Dark, Magic, Superpowers, Urban, Extremely Slow-Paced... --~Some Notes~-- 1st:- English is not my first language, but I will try my best to avoid mistakes. 2nd:- The MC will be pretty much neutral, but there might be some situations when he might do something outright evil or borderline evil. 3rd:- In this Fanfic, some characters might have a slightly different personality as I will be slightly tweaking their backgrounds to fit my story. 4th:- There will be two parts of the Harem… Primary Harem:- Currently, I have planned that the Primary Harem will consist of 14 women. The Members of the Primary Harem will have a lot of plot dedicated to them and they will have their own roles. In other words, they won't be simply MC's bed warmers. Secondary Harem:- This fic will take place in an Apocalyptic World. A lot of women would happily sleep with the MC to get a stable life or something. It won't be one time or NTR or anything but the members of the Secondary Harem wouldn't be playing any major roles in the fic nor I will invest much plot for them but they will still be a part of MC's Harem and they will only belong to MC. 5th:- There will be a system involved in the fic but won't be any Quests or Missions. The system would be simply there to trace the progress of everyone. Instead of System, you might call it Status Window or something. I simply ask you to give this fic a try before dismissing it by comparing it to any other normal system fics. I will explain all the mechanics of this system in detail as the plot progresses. 6th:- Until I finish my 'The Epic of Leviathan' Fanfic, the Fanfic will be released Weekly on Sunday... I need a month at most to finish my Leviathan Fanfic... Please be patient until then... --~Synopsis~-- The life of Yozora Daichi was never normal. Daichi himself knew that his life was never going to be normal with his complicated family background. Yes, his family background was slightly complicated compared to anyone else around his age. But Daichi wasn't bothered by it, in fact, he was quite glad that his life wasn't normal. His family wasn't overly large from the beginning… with only three members. Yozora Daichi (Himself), Yozora Kemono (Adoptive Mother), and finally Roberta (His Maid)... But how would he deal with everything when his already complicated life in a somewhat normal world is turned upside down along with society?? Mana finally awakens on Earth and turns everyone's world upside down. Animals turned into terrifying beasts, some plants gained self-awareness, and the humans who managed to withstand the wave of Mana awakened the ability to acquire skills by defeating enemies. While the humans who couldn't withstand the wave of Mana turned into undead. The entire planet entered a new era where the old laws didn't hold any value. Let's follow the journey of Yozora Daichi as he creates a whole new world born from the ashes of an Apocalyptic World… --~World Setting~-- The Apocalyptic World will be an X-Over between the following Worlds... 1) Highschool of the Dead 2) Resident Evil 3) Triage X 4) Solo Leveling 5) Tomb Raider King --~Discord~-- If you want to discuss something or check the artwork or the character sheets then join my Discord Server. My Discord Server Link:- https://discord.gg/vQ6rPaqVYs

InGlorious · Anime & Comics
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99 Chs

Strike Back (II)...

When Bella, Kemono, and Roberta finally returned to the meeting room with some snacks in their hands, so Daichi finally decided to start the meeting. All three of them were going to be involved in the fight so Daichi them to be present when he started the meeting…

"These are the escape routes, we need to seal them before we can start the assault" Daichi explained as he pointed toward the four points he had marked on the map before everyone arrived.

"Seal them?" Roberta asked with a frown. "It might take some time and if we try to use explosives then there is a high chance that the enemies would be alerted" Roberta added with a frown on her face.

"But we would need to do something or they will simply escape" Kanae pointed out.

"Are there any sort of traps?" Kemono asked as she munched on some fried crackers (Not fireworks, it is a type of biscuit).

After hearing Kemono's question, Daichi turned toward Yuko. She hadn't mentioned anything about traps, but he hadn't asked anything about traps. "Are there any traps?" Daichi asked and Yuko gritted her teeth in anger, but she stop herself from answering.

"There are several motion sensors installed near the exits. We have also installed a couple of explosives with trip wires. Not only that we have also installed a thermal camera at each exit" Yuko answered in a defeated tone. She had tried to fight against the Curse, but she failed every time.

Yuko knew it was a Magical Spell so she had tried to use her Skill to cancel whatever they had done to her, but her Skill won't even activate if she tried to cancel whatever Spell Bellatrix Black had used to enslave her.

"Ah… I wasn't expecting all of that. Quite impressive, I must say" Daichi was quite impressed. These people were extremely serious when it came to security.

"Milord, I have an idea. You just want to stop anyone from escaping, right?" Bella asked and Daichi simply gave her a nod with an unsure look on his face. He had no idea what Bella was planning. "You wouldn't mind if they are ripped into pieces?" Bella asked in a hopeful tone, she was looking really gleeful.

"Their survival is not our priority… I think it is completely the opposite" Daichi drawled dryly. He was trying to kill them so if they ended up getting ripped into pieces then it was a good thing.

"Ohhh!! Then Bella has the perfect thing in her mind" Bella cooed in a cheerful tone as she clapped her hands while jumping in joy.

Daichi wanted to know what she had planned, but he decided that it would be better if he didn't know. "All of you are monsters!!" Arashi snarled in rage. Daichi simply gave him a bored look.

"Thank you" Daichi retorted dryly. "Then you shouldn't have tickled the monsters… Well, I know the saying goes with a Dragon, but since you called us monsters…" Daichi trailed off with a bored look on his face.

"That's good and all. Bella will stop anyone from leaving via the escape routes, but how are we going to stop the people from leaving normally?" Kemono asked as she raised her delicate eyebrows in question.

"Hmm… They only have three exits. One in the front, one at the side, and another at the back… and someone might try to jump out of the windows, so to be honest, I have no idea how to stop anyone from leaving if they decided to leave normally…" Daichi answered with a scowl on his face.

(A/N: Please remember, everyone has Mana inside their body, so the Muggle Repelling Wards won't be able to stop them).

Yuko, Sayo, Arashi, and Kiba internally cheered after hearing Daichi's words. Even if a single fighter survived, it would mean that all hope wasn't lost, but before they could celebrate anymore, someone decided to pour cold water over their hopes.

"Daichi-senpai, I think I have an idea" Kohta said nervously as he raised his hand. Daichi wanted to remind Kohta that he wasn't in class, but he knew that it probably wouldn't do him any good and it was already past midnight, so they needed to hurry.

"What do you have in mind?" Daichi asked.

"Um… If I can get to the roof of the Mochizuki General Hospital along with Tawata Haru-san, then I would be able to cover all the sides" Kohta explained his plan in a nervous tone.

Daichi agreed that it was a good plan, but there was one big glaring hole in his plan. They needed to get on the roof. "How are you planning to get on the roof?" Daichi asked and Kohta seemed to shrink back in shame and his face turned red in embarrassment. As Daichi said, it wasn't a bad plan, but they needed to get on the roof before they could start the assault, which was kind of impossible…

"Can you climb ropes?" Roberta asked as she glanced at Kohta, who after thinking for a bit, shook his head.

"Why don't we use them, they aren't the best, but from what I have seen they were quite good" Kemono said as she gestured toward the members of the Black Label.

'Miki Tsurugi…' Daichi thought as he remembered the name of the person who had killed his Bella. Daichi had asked Yuko about the person who was using the sniper and even though she struggled, she ended up revealing the name to Daichi. He was going to pay, but that was going to come later. He knew that all of them were good at handling firearms, but he did not know how good they were at sniping…

"Are the four of you any good at sniping?" Daichi asked curiously as he glanced toward the members of Black Label.

"Among the four of us, Arashi and Kiba are the best" This time it was Sayo who answered the question.

"I hope the two of you can climb ropes" Daichi said in an amused tone as he looked at Arashi and Kiba. "I think it would be poetic if they are killed by their own people, don't you think so, mom?" Daichi asked as he glanced at Kemono from the corner of his eyes.

Kemono also chuckled in amusement. "Can't argue with that… I wonder what they will think if they are killed by their own" Kemono said in a mocking tone and then she continued to chuckle. Moments later, she was joined in by Daichi and Bella and after a few seconds, their chuckles turned into full-blown laughter…


Upto 5 Advance Chapters on my Patrèon.

My P A T R E O N link is:-

https://www.p a t r e o n.com/IngloriousMe


1110 words in this fanfic.

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