
Chapter 1:- Black Cloth

A boy in his 14 or 15 was walking out from the forest near the forest city his clothes were torn apart by monster claws on his back was a monster of Rank 8 what was shocking that he doesn't have any cultivation.

He walks slowly on his face there was no expression his face was immature but his eyes were Sharp like someone with a story.

He walks slowly into Forest city and goes into Beast Shop.

He threw them monster on his back to counter.

The person on the counter was an old man in his 50s, he was calm as it was common.

He checks the monster and shocked Flash throw his eyes not because a 15-year boy kills a monster, of 8 Rank but because he does it without any cultivation.

"Good! You are improving fast yesterday 6 Rank now 8 Rank You will something in the future boy" He praised the boy with the bottom of the heart.

But boy Expression was dull without any change.

"Here 15 Stone jade" The old man took out 15 Smooth Stone jade and give it the boy.

The boy took the jades and leave the store without any change in expression.

He goes to Inn and threw three stones to counter and goes directly to his room and threw himself to bed and sleep.

At night when everyone is sleep, he woke up and look at his hand there was black Cloth which 1 meter it was like any other cloth out there, No, it so old it worse than other clothes, but the boy looked it the cloth like he is looking at his life.

suddenly cloth flies from his hand and hovering in the middle air and from cloth an ordinary girl forum, you can see through her as she is like a soul.

"Are you sure?" she said her voice was like it came from tens thousands of years ago.

Boy doesn't speak just nod.

"I will again tell you if you cultivate you have only two ways one is facing the Heavens and die second is hide from heaven and never see the sun," she said look at him.

After a few minutes pass she again said

"There is a last way to find the non-exist world"

Look at him who was looking at her without changing the expression she signs.

"Sleep we will start tomorrow today is your last day to live because tomorrow will you die and a new person will be born which I don't know who will he be the devil, saint, Buddha, demon or something new "

This first time I am writing something so please give me your thoughts.

NWOKcreators' thoughts