
Episode nine

Bonnie: well, my mother had stopped Michael's heart, Damon knows where it is so we can send anyone to go get him, you have the white oak stake Damon brought with him, so that'll do as the Viking ashes

Klaus: that leaves us to just need the Scandinavian soil, we need another volunteer to get it too

Damon: Stefan will go get the soil

Stefan: what am I the delivery guy? I want to go with you

Klaus: giving him the easiest task huh?

Damon: he is weak anyway, he won't put much of a fight because of his life style

Stefan: getting the whole control freak mode on me, huh, what about Michael?

Damon: well, Michael was dangerous enough to trick that bitch Kathrine before, so anyone who goes to get him should be careful

Lexi: I can go get Michael

Damon: don't go alone, I don't want to risk your ass if there's any surprises that happened over the years

Enzo: I can keep her company

Damon: me, Klaus, Elijah, and Rebecca will go get the witch, we'll meet here where Kol and Barbie will stay to protect the humans here, and make sure the new vampire doesn't eat anyone here

Elijah: who put him in charge?

Klaus: I'm only allowing him to talk because he knows way too much information, and he has proven me that he knows how to act, not to mention that he was the one to bring you back

Elijah: and what is it in for him?

Klaus: he wants our sister to help him locate some compass he used to travel in time

Elijah: this is still weird

Klaus: tell me about it

Damon: alright folks let's go!

*In the car*

Klaus: you can't keep him in that glass cage forever you know

Damon with sarcasm: are you about to give me a brotherly advice? The guy who daggers his siblings on their first argue?

Klaus: no, I just wanted to annoy you

Damon: that's my jam not yours

Klaus: I mean, he is going to act out trying to prove himself to you, maybe get himself killed in the process

Damon: oh shut up, I know you like him

Klaus: I assume you also know about our little time together

Damon: and because he plotted to kill you twice, stole all of you brothers, and you still didn't kill him back then, you wanted to be his killing buddy

Elijah: I can really use some catch up to do right now

Damon: I was surprised not to see you watching over Klaus from the other side

Klaus: they can see us from there?

Damon: yuuuup

Elijah: I saw him destroying the world, acting recklessly, so I stopped watching him pushing himself over the edge

Damon: he was suffering!

Elijah: I see I've hit a nerve

Klaus: oh, that's because Stefan was killed too, and that's the reason of him travelling in time in the first place

Elijah: I'm curious, in the time you came from, was I dead there too?

Damon: no, I mean we tried, but only managed to kill Kol and Finn, where's Finn by the way? I haven't seen him yet, 900 years in a box aren't enough? The guy is clearly bored

Klaus: naaah, I un daggered him 10 years ago, he wanted to be dropped in a witch's body, I granted it to him as long as he leaves us be

Damon: and what's with killing the witches? What, you were pranking him?

Klaus: no that's because they always saw themselves as the pure creatures who have every right to do whatever the hell they want

Rebecca: I was wondering about the cure, clearly Camille didn't take it, can I have it brother?

Damon: and become weak, if any baby Vampire sucks it out of you you'd die within a month?

Rebecca: I was talking to my brother not you!

Damon: I'm sorry, I just wanted to annoy you, maybe to get back at torturing me

Elijah: Damon has a point, you need to wait sister, at least until things get steady

Rebecca: and why I would torture you?

Klaus: let me guess, you showed her a tiny little love then tossed her away?

Damon: close enough, I used her with Sage's help to get some information out of her

Rebecca: you're a jerk!

Elijah: I didn't find him on the other side

Klaus: who do you mean?

Elijah: Marcel brother

Klaus: I know that he's still alive, I mean I was shocked to see him when I first got in New Orleans 7 years ago I was done hiding from Michael, maybe even deep down wanted him to come for me, I saw Marcel but he had an army of Vampires, he wanted me out of his city, he had the witches terrified, tried to use his army to get me out because I didn't follow his rules, when Rebecca learned he was alive she came running to him, but he was determined to get me out, so I helped the witches complete the harvest to get them to fight back just to get under his skin, and then your ex brought back three angry witches instead of the harvest girls, one of them showed me his and Rebecca's betrayal, I presented our sister with a choice, either me or him, and she chose, and as my switch was off, he knew that I would kill him, so I let him flee, and took over his city

Elijah: Rebecca chose you over Marcel?

Rebecca: Marcel chose himself over me three times so why wouldn't I do the same? First when he left me daggered to become a vampire, second when he let us believe he was dead to take over the city he chose over me, and third when I offered him to let Nik be and spend the rest of his life with me and he wanted to stay in the city to kick Nik out

Damon: we're here

Klaus: about time! Let's go

*They all get out of the car*

Klaus: she is in this church?

Damon: I don't see another building here

Elijah: well then, we should check it out

*They go inside the church, started to search it but there was no sign of anyone until Klaus found a door he couldn't open*

Klaus: my guess she's in here, now how are we going to enter?

*Damon gets his phone out and calls Caroline*

Caroline: what?

Damon: hello to you too Barbie

Caroline: you want something, fess up no need to waste time

Damon: alright, come here with the wonder twin to open a door for us

Caroline: do you really have to ask for them, we have two other witches!

Damon: from what I know, this witch is powerful and so is her spell, Bonnie won't be able to help us here, she's not strong enough

Caroline: she stopped hell fire!

Damon: she had help! And I'm not speaking with her let alone ask favors! I'm still mad at her

Caroline: alright we'll be there soon

Damon: thanks blondie

*Damon walks out and sits on the church stairs and Klaus sits beside him*

Damon: what? Still want to annoy me?

Klaus: no this time I want to give you an advice

Damon: let me guess, I should let Stefan put himself in danger, let him be free to do anything he wants so he doesn't hate me, I mean isn't that what you would do to your brother? I think you should be able to relate

Klaus: no, I don't try to control his actions, I just manipulate him into doing what I want, making him thinks that it's his choice

Damon surprised: classy! Not a bad advice though, thanks for the tip

*At the compound*

Lexi: Bonnie! We're here!

Bonnie: did you kill him?

Lexi: yes, Enzo compelled a guy to do it, not to get ourselves killed as you said!

Enzo: here's the ashes gorgeous

Bonnie: alright, we have Ester blood, the ashes, we still don't have the soil!

Caroline: I'm headed with the kids to Damon, there's a sealed door he wants to open

Bonnie: wait until Stefan is here

Caroline: why?

Bonnie: so I can bind the three elements into a knife, your twins syphon Freya's sleeping spell and unlink her from that witch and we can kill her instantly, no need for witch fight

Caroline: that's actually a pretty good idea!

Enzo: I like your way of thinking love

Stefan: I got the soil!

Bonnie: great! Lets do this!

*Bonnie does the spell*

Bonnie: Enzo, can you stay here in case anything happens? Caroline is going with us and Lexi wanted to go see her boyfriend

Enzo: anything for you gorgeous

Bonnie: thank you! I love you!

*Bonnie feels awkward*

Bonnie: I'm sorry old habits

Enzo: I don't mind it, I like you too you know

*Bonnie blushes*

Caroline: come on let's go

*At the church*

Damon: what took you so long? And why did you bring her and Stefan? Why don't you just listen?!

Stefan mocking Damon: I don't know mom, please don't punish me

Caroline: Bonnie has a great plan, just hear her out

Klaus: this is not a bloody trip how many people do you have to take to complete a task?!

Damon: that's my point! It's not a school trip to gather everyone and go together!

Caroline: oh I'm sorry you both don't like to see all of us but we all are going to help here!

Bonnie: here's the knife you can kill the witch with after the twins syphon the magic out of the door, then syphon both the linking spell and the sleeping spell

Klaus: not a bad plan, alright we've wasted enough time

Lizzy: I'll go syphon the door!

Gosey: not if I do it first!

*They both run into the church*

*After the twins opened the door*

Caroline: alright girls, can you syphon the spell off of this blond beautiful woman?

Lizzy and Gosey: okay mommy

Caroline: good girls! I'm proud of both of you!

*The girls syphon the linking spell then the sleeping spell of Freya and Freya wakes up*

Freya: huuuuh!

Bonnie: kill her now!

*Klaus uses the knife and put it into Dahlia's heart*

Damon: that was... Creepy!

Freya: what? What's going on! Rebecca? Niklaus? Elijah? What are you doing here? And how did you find me? How..

Damon: again with the 10 questions game, grab your witch and you both can talk on the road

Stefan: so...? That's it?

Damon mocking Stefan: see Damon nothing happened to me I can take care of myself you should give me more credit

Elijah: come on sister, come home with us and they will explain everything

*Freya nods her head in confusion and takes one last look at Dahlia gloating*

*Freya, Rebecca, Elijah, and Klaus get into a car and take off, while Caroline, the twins, Bonnie, and Stefan gets into the other car*

Stefan: get in the car let's go

Damon: nah, you go home, I have one more mission to accomplish

Stefan: what mission?

Damon: I don't want these originals to be able to compel us whenever they want, so I'll go get some vervain

Stefan: do you need help?

Damon: it's not a dangerous mission, but if you want to stick with me while I'm mad at you you're free to join

*Stefan senses the humor in Damon's tone so he smiles annoyed and then drives back to the compound*

*In the car Klaus in*

Freya: I still don't understand how did you know about me? How did you wake me up? When I last visited you,none of you had any clue about who I was

Klaus: that would be because of the time traveling company we have

Freya: time traveling? Are you making fun of me?

Elijah: this is hard to swallow I know, but I'm the guy who was brought from the dead after 15 years of being killed by our beloved mother

Freya: Ester! That bitch who sold me to Dahlia!

Rebecca: it's okay sister, Dahlia is dead now, and Ester is no longer able to do magic

Freya: wait a minute, you died and came back and Ester is alive?

Klaus: this surprised face is never going to get old is it? Well, what can I say? We have some catching up to do sister

Freya: why would these people help you to save me?

Klaus: actually it was us who helped them to save you

Freya: what do you mean?

Rebecca: they wanted you to do a location spell on some magic used on a compass

Freya: of course they would choose a complicated spell

Elijah: why do they want that compass so bad to go through all of this trouble?

Klaus: they want to jump back into their time

Freya: then why did they time travelled in the first place?

Rebecca: to see all their dead relatives, our house is crawling with dead people they had, can you believe that they came into a school bus?

*Elijah laughs*

Elijah: really? Why didn't you tell me?

Rebecca: it's hilarious I know

*Rebecca laughs too*

*Klaus thinks the whole situation over, trying to figure out what they would do with the compass until he realizes something*

Klaus angerly: I think I might know what did they want with the compass!

*Klaus steps on the gas and drives with an insane speed*

End of episode nine