
Episode eight

Lexi: happy birthday Stefan!

Stefan surprised: Lexi?!

*Lexi runs towards Stefan and jump-hugging him*

Damon: whoa! Eaaasy there tiger, he still feeds on bunnies

*Lexi looks at Damon angerly*

Lexi: well I didn't beat the crap out of you for killing me in the other side, short time and all, but I have my chance now, so...

*Lexi runs at Damon pins him against the wall*

Damon: well, I brought you back, doesn't that count for anything?!! A little help here brother!

Stefan: I can't blame her, you were the one who killed her

Damon: and your pissed ass was going to stay dead if it wasn't for me!

Lexi: I won't be dead in the first place if it wasn't for you!

Klaus: can anyone fetch me the pop corn, this is much more fun

Rebecca: it's like watching a crappy tv reality show

Lexi: hooooolly shit are these the originals Vampires!

Damon: you might want to release me now, they may not like me but we still have a deal!

*Lexi releases Damon*

Damon: uh, much better!

Stefan: I guess it's my turn then

*Stefan pins Damon against the wall*

Damon: really?

*Stefan punches Damon*

Stefan: that's for trying to control my freedom

*Stefan punches Damon again*

Stefan: and that's for killing yourself without telling me first!

*Stefan releases Damon*

Damon: if there's anyone else who wants to pin me against this wall come now it's your chance! I'll even hang a nail here in case anyone wants to pin me on a short notice!

Elijah: we haven't met before, I'm Elijah

Damon: we didn't save your ass because we didn't know you in case that wasn't clear already

Elijah: I might take my chance now to pin you against that particular wall

*They all laugh except for Damon*

Damon annoyed: haha very funny, anyway I need to shower, we'll be up against a great witch

Amara: hey! Not so fast! I was promised the cure

Stefan: oh we're sorry, here you are

*Stefan gives her the cure and she drinks it*

*Damon gets a knife and a glass and cuts her hand*

Amara: this wound won't kill me, just snap my neck please!

Damon: that was for us, now if anyone wants the cure, here's your chance but there's no turning back

*Damon looks at Camille and then hands her the glass*

Stefan: is it just me or Damon just did his version of something nice?

Bonnie: oh no it's not you, he's acting nice in a crappy way

Rebecca: I, I don't understand! I thought it was a one shot

Damon: it cures Vampires and when it's sucked out of them they age till they die within a month or so, depends on their actual age, and vampire blood can't cure them, if you hate that witch mother so much you can make her the anchor, she might come in handy if anyone died and she'll go through much much pain every time a supernatural creature dies, we have three doppelgangers over here to do the spell, she won't be able to practice magic I might add

Klaus: I'm in treat, do it! that would be fitting for her crimes against us

Damon: wonderful! now if you excuse me, Alaric you can explain it, while you Bennett witch do the spell, and by the way you're not forgiven!

*Damon heads to the bathroom while Bonnie and her Gramz does the spell*

*After finishing the spell*

Elena: welcome back Lexi

Klaus: so I guess this family reunion requires a celebration

Rebecca: not until we get our older sister too

Klaus: you haven't even met her and you already are eager to hangout with her

Elijah: Freya is alive?

Klaus: it turns out that our beloved mother made a deal with her sister and Freya was the price for that deal

Ester: how do you know about that!?

Klaus: we have a bunch of future folks over here as guests, it turns out they're telling the truth after all

Kol: where should we keep our beloved mother?

Klaus: in the dungeon of course where else

*Elijah walks towards Ester and speaks to her in a sad angry voice*

Elijah: when I first learned that Klaus killed you, I did something awful to him, but I regret it horribly, you don't deserve us to call you mother, and I'll kill you for what you did to me!

Rebecca: Klaus was the one who killed our mother?!

Klaus: you know?

Elijah: I've known for a very long time now

Klaus: yes I did! That was the second time, the first was for my sake

*Rebecca looks at Ester crying*

Rebecca: maybe if I have known about this before you came after us and did kill Elijah, I would have been mad at Nik, I would have defended you! But I guess he did the right thing

Klaus: I may just kill her a third time

Elijah: no I want this honor to be mine this time brother

Ester: please, you have to understand, I just wanted to undo my evil magic, I can give you a new life, in a new body, a wolf body, a witch body, whatever you choose

Kol: naaah I like this one come now

Bonnie: give me first her blood in case something went wrong or she escaped

Klaus: there will be no such a thing, but I like nothing more than hurting her

*Klaus grabs a knife and stabs Ester in her arm twice*

Ester: ugh!

Klaus: I'm sorry, did that hurt?

*Klaus fills a glass of his mother's blood then force her to drink his blood*

Klaus: just understand that if you try to flee I'll turn you into one of the compellable creatures you hate most...

*Klaus says in a whisper tone gloating*

Klaus: a vampiaaaaaaaah

*Kol leads Ester to the dungeon*

Camille: so am I really going to drink this blood?

Klaus: you can just get pour it in the sink and enjoy being a vampire, the speed..

*Klaus vamp running in the room*

Camille: that seems nice! It looks amazing!

Klaus: and feels more amazing, try it love

*Camille tries to run as fast as she can but she pumped in the wall*

Camille: ow! That hurts!

Klaus: second amazing thing about being a vampire is that you can heal fast

*Klaus cuts her hand with a knife*

Camille: no! What are you doing this...

*Her face expressions change from being mad to being surprised and impressed of her healing ability*

Klaus: for that particular reason love, and more importantly, we cannot be killed

Camille: but but! That man from the bar last night died when he stabbed himself!

Klaus: you mean Damon? Yes yes all vampires except for us the originals can be killed by a wood stake, their heads cut off, heart ripped out or being burned either by sun or by normal fire

Camille: so fire doesn't affect you?

*Klaus goes into the fire place and he starts burning silently*

Camille: oh my god! No no no no!

*Camille tries to put the fire down*

Enzo: quit showing off already! Enjoying her attention much?

*Klaus uses a blanket to pit down the fire then heads towards Enzo*

Klaus: you know, I can easily do something like this..

*Klaus pushes his hand into Enzo's chest but Enzo doesn't react*

Enzo bored: and?

Klaus impressed: that doesn't hurt you?

Enzo: there's nothing you can do to me that hasn't been done to me already everyday of the last 85 years, so if you're done, you can let me go to change this shirt, you know, because it's stained with blood and have a big hole in it

Klaus: this group keeps surprising me every minute, maybe you people aren't so lame after all

*Enzo walks out of the room to change his shirt*

Klaus: alright love, I don't want this particular cure to be used on me so you need to make up your mind about it, then when you do you can ask me for it

*Klaus takes the glass of the cure*

Klaus: I'll put it somewhere safe, but keep in your mind that being a vampire makes you stronger, you can defend yourself amongst another creatures, to stand a chance, humans are just food

Camille: I remember you know!

Klaus: remember what love?

Camille: the first day I saw you, I knew you were wanted, I was about to call the cops when you looked straight into my eyes and told me to forget that you're wanted and get you a beer, and so I did

Klaus: oh yes yes I've been doing that thing for a long time, the last 15 years to be more specific right after Elijah died, why do you think there's wars everywhere? I've been killing the politicians I don't like, let the cameras get me, sending their soldiers and agents after me, then enjoy a good chase

*Camille slaps Klaus*

Camille: so you caused the death of half of the humanity! Started a war just for fun!

Kol whispers to Elijah: she's dead now, I wonder what method he'll choose this time

Klaus calmly: and I can do it all over again, so careful where you lay your hand love, I would hate for you to lose such a pretty hand

*Camille gets scared and runs off to Damon's room*

*Damon was in a towel picking a shirt to wear*

Damon: I didn't know that I had guests, not that I mind, but there's a door over there you know, you can just knock with those pretty hands on it

Camille: I'm sorry, I didn't know that someone was here, I'll leave

Damon: see you

Camille: while I'm here, I want to thank you, I appreciate what you did today, that you convinced that original to un mind control me to kill myself, I was freaking out

Damon: I didn't do it for you, but you're welcome anyway

Camille: you are desperately trying to make your brother happy, trying to protect him, you feel that you owe it to him and you're hiding all of your fear under the tough guy act

*Damon thinking about her words concerned then looks at her with a smirk on his face*

Damon: I'm about to loose the towel , are you staying for the show?

*Camille runs out of the room blushing*

Lexi: well that sounds like the Damon we know

Stefan: what do you mean?

*Lexi refers at Camille running out of Damon's room*

Stefan: I think we probably go to rest, it's the boss fight stage tomorrow

Lexi: alright tough boy

*The next morning*

Bonnie: I've got the location of your sister, me and my Gramz have been awake all night going through the witches books Kol gave us and I've got the spell to wake her up

Klaus: good work witch, now let's go fetch our beloved dear older sister shall we? *He said smirking*

End of episode eight