
Could It Be?

After having that thought, he removed the drips that were attached to his body, grabbed his shirt from where it was hanging, and wrapped the bandage around his chest.

He staggered out of the room, mumbling the name of Nana as he made his way to a nearby individual and asked, "Can I have your phone? I need to call someone.." Charles said. Before the other person could respond, a burning sensation spread across his face.

He felt himself being grabbed from behind. Charles swiftly turned around and saw an elderly woman seated in a wheeled chair with two youngsters standing behind her. "It is you," the psychic stated while firmly gripping Charles' hands.

You're the one who's carrying the curse" Charles came dangerously close to removing his hand from hers, but she clung to him tenaciously. "You have to maintain your ground and fight if you want to break free from her hold on you."  the psychic medium stated..

"If you must win the mermaid...you must use salt on her because there's nothing as powerful as salt," the pys. "What is your name and who are you?" Charles asked in a direct manner.

"There's no time," she said. Still holding Charles firmly in her grip . It is almost the seventh hour, and the only way for you to save her is to get rid of her - I mean the goddess.

"I don't comprehend." Charles stated. To save who, exactly? "You have a difficult fight in front of you..." the psychic continued. "And to win this battle, you must locate the strength within yourself, as it is the only weapon that can bring her down.

"From the depths of hell she comes." The psychic began to cough seriously as soon as she  uttered those words, and it felt as like someone was trying to suffocate her and she desperately needed to breathe.

Tunde moved the wheelchair out of the path as quickly as he could and Charles said, "I don't understand, I need to know more.." Charles attempted going after her but Daniel, Tunde's elder brother prevented him..

"There is no need for further comment." Daniel said while pushing Charles in the opposite direction.

"All you need to do is take her advice." "I require further information." Charles was adamant about it. "You can't." Daniel provided a rebuttal. ”

They're keeping an eye out... Who exactly are they...? "The individuals who are trying to take a part of your life, the spirit beings. Take a glance at your surroundings; what do you see?" Charles turned his head and peered about. When he saw nothing more than regular folks going about their business, he turned his attention back to Daniel.

"I need to talk to her, since she's making sense," Charles said with every seriousness. "Look again" Daniel remarked.. Charles sighs and casts another cautious glance around the area. Since he had seen nothing new, he was ready to move away his eyes when he spotted two birds flying on the opposite side of the hospital.

He removed his focus and then noticed something else: a headless human wandering among the other humans, and then, from that vantage point, he noticed three figures dressed in black cloaks.

The feeling of fear overcame him, and he hurriedly looked down at Daniel. Fear gripped him after Daniel warned him not to look for her and then left him in silence. Charles took another look around, but this time he noticed nothing unusual but the everyday activities of people going about their lives.

"Jesus," he mutters as he is unable to provide a satisfactory explanation for what has just taken place.


To compare with the angel of doom 


Nana's anxiety level increased as the daylight continued to fade away. She is sure that Jasmine would have responded to her call by this time if everything were fine, but she has a sinking sensation that something is wrong.

She rapped on Jasmine's door before screaming out her name, worried to the point that it felt like a tumor was growing inside of her.

She started to freak out when there was no answer, so she tried unlocking the door, but it was locked. At that moment, she realized that she had forgotten to bring the house key with her.

As she looked about and considered all of the different ways that the lock could be broken, she let out a long, panicked sigh through her teeth.

When her phone started vibrating in her bag at that very moment, she eagerly took it out, thinking it might be Jasmine calling. However, it was from an unknown number, and she answered the call without any hesitation.

“Hello, are you Jasmine?..” she remarked suddenly.  The fact that there was silence on the other end caused her heart to leap into her throat, and her mind immediately began to race with the most horrific scenarios that could possibly be imagined.

Before continuing, she kept her mouth shut and prayed in her head that the ideas that were running through her head would stop.

"Jasmine, do you recognize yourself...?" She inquired with trepidation, "Is it Charles?" Charles gave her a terse response from the other end. The news brought a great sigh of relief from Nana.

”Charles..” She continued speaking while her mind was racing with thoughts of Jasmine. "Oh my God, you're awake." "I was really going to be coming back to the hospital when I finish up here at home.

how are you..?" Nana blew her nose and turned her attention to the entrance, at which point she noticed that one of the windows was open. She made a beeline for it in a hurry.

"I had every intention of returning to the hospital. It was necessary for me to return home in order to check on Jasmine. “Jasmine.!” Charles restates this from the other end of the conversation. "Is she feeling okay..?"

The instant Mamila arrived at the medical facility, Nana's mind raced with the question, "Is Jasmine okay?," which caused her heart to race. She worried about Jasmine constantly since Mamila's arrival. The mere thought of it sent shivers down her spine.

Is it possible that she kidnapped Jasmine? "I'm not really sure.." She stated this while we were on the phone. It's been four hours since she was meant to come see me at the hospital, but she hasn't shown up yet, and she isn't at her house either.

"Are you currently at the house.?" Charles said. Before responding, Nana let out a long sigh and said, "Yes, she isn't here, and she isn't returning her calls."

Could something have taken place that led to her disappearance? "All right, just don't move from where you are, all right? I will be coming over." No, Charles, you aren't as strong as you think you are; you need to take a break. As she stated.

"I will be there." "Charles don't." Her sentence was cut off by the beep of the phone.

She was still experiencing palpitations when she dropped the phone to her side, after which she looked at it once more and dialed Jasmine's number once more.


Skylar's face is covered in a stoic expression as she firmly holds the rifle, but the fact that the girl she is aiming the gun at seems unfazed is what takes her by surprise.

Anyone would quake at the sight of a pistol, so why isn't she scared? She doesn't appear to be afraid, and the fact that she isn't bothered by it at all is surprising.

"Look over here, you little brat.. "

Skylar continued, "I am going to ask the questions, and you are going to give me the answers. This is how our little conversation will go." Mamila scowls but remains silent during the entire exchange.

"What exactly happened to Charles and where can I find him?" Skylar queried.. Fear caused Jasmine to glance at them while her mind began to shake. She had another fleeting thought about Nana, and then her mind went to the test that Mamila had been talking about.

Even though she has no idea what it is or how it works, just the sound of it terrifies her. She felt a fluttering of panic in her stomach as she considered the various ways she could flee.

Mamila replied, "Look sweetie," as she took a step forward, but Skylar pulled her back with the rifle, and Mamila grunted before continuing.

"I genuinely don't have time for this right now, so I suggest you leave while I'm still in a good mood," she said. Skylar's lips were curved into an unmistakable smile.

"E be like you dey craze?" In pidgin, she reprimanded him. "What do you think I'm holding, a toy?" "What do you think I'm holding?" She continued to speak while brandishing the firearm in front of her face.

Mamila let out a sigh.

" That's Cool. What Do You Want..?" Skylar reminded the other two females that she was the one with the pistol, and as such, she was in control of the situation. She then nibbled and nodded.

"Get it moving.." She said, pointing her in the direction of the seat. Mamila, with some reluctance, rolled her eyes as she shuffled her way towards the bed. As Mamila moved closer to Jasmine, she felt a chill run down her spine.

The unfolding of events in front of her eyes all felt bizarre to her; first, she was in an accident; then, she was abducted and brought to the house of her friend's boyfriend; and now, someone hunting for Charles is holding a pistol to their heads and demanding to know where he is.

who truly is Charles..., she is aware that she must escape; she must find a way; she must notify Nana and tell her about Charles; she must find a means to communicate with Charles.

Charles is not the right guy for her to be with. While sitting on the bed, Mamila positioned herself so that her legs were crossed. while she waited for Skylar to speak, her brows furrowed together.

“So.” Skylar stated that she would drop the gun to her side, but that she would lift it whenever the opportunity presented itself to remind her that she is the one in command.

I have no idea who you girls are, but one of you is going to spill the beans to me about something that's really important. "Can you tell me where Charles is..?" Jasmine gazed at Mamila.

she sat down with such assurance as if she wasn't terrified, and while she was still at gun point, her glance moved to Skylar, and she caught her looking at her. there's something about her that she didn't comprehend; there was something she didn't understand about her.

Her body stiffened, and the sudden tension caused her to fall into a panic. "Aren't you meant to know that...?" Mamila retorted. "Are you deaf?" Skylar queried.

"What did I say., I ask the questions, and you answer?" "I answered your blasted question," Mamila corrected. "What did I say., I ask the questions, and you answer?" Her voice carried a hint of the annoyance she was feeling.

"With a question?" Skylar glared at the person. "That's not how this game is played; I asked the dang questions, and you're supposed to give me the answers I want."


Mamila dragged between her teeth" You must watch your estrogen. .."

Skylar responded, "I see," while shrugging his shoulders. She lowered her gaze and focused on Mamila's legs. Her attractive face and the fact that she is fearless even when confronted with a pistol made her stomach flutter.

"The sole reason you are still alive is because I find you beautiful the way you look," she said. Mamila's lips were encircled by a smile that flashed across her face but was gone almost as quickly as it appeared. "But believe me when I say that if you try to be smart with me, I will kill you." 

When Mamila gazed in Jasmine's direction, she caused her to tremble.

She chuckles before turning her attention back to Skylar and asking, "Who encouraged you to act like this?" Sharply, Mamila asked the question.

When Jasmine looked in Skylar's direction, she noticed that lines of frowning were beginning to appear on her face. 

Skylar gives a loud grunt, as if to put her through her paces and see how patient she can be. She took a step forward and then yanked Mamila's head backwards with some effort before placing the gun underneath her jaw.

"What did I say huh.."

Skylar gave a snarl and pressed the muzzle against her skin.

"If you do this just once more, I swear to the Blessed Virgin Mary that I will blow your brilliant brains out."

Mamila's expression became more angry, and in her rage, she shoved Skylar's hand away from her. The intensity of Mamila's push caused Skylar to stagger backwards, and she came dangerously close to losing her equilibrium.

"You ditzy little whore.."

Skylar scowled, furrowed her forehead, and then pulled the trigger on the gun while pointing it at Mamila's knee.

Shock swept over her as she looked up at Mamila and pressed the trigger once again. Her face went pale as she watched as the gun failed to fire.

When Mamila stood up from the bed, the look of surprise on Skylar could be seen on her face, and she took a few steps backwards swiftly.

Mamila's mouth curled into a sneer, and she didn't flinch when she slapped Skylar across the face. Stars exploded in Skylar's vision as she lost her footing and fell to the ground.

her vision began to fade, and little by little, she began to lose strength and lose touch with everything until the booming slap Mamila gave her took her into an unconscious oblivion.

When Jasmine saw what had just occurred to Skylar, she immediately stood up. She did not require an explanation or a seer to inform her that she was in imminent danger because she was already aware of it.

She leapt to her feet and hurried out of the room before sprinting towards the parlor door. Just as she was ready to exit the parlor, the door to the parlor shut behind her.

She swiftly turned around and stared behind her as a look of terror spread across her face. "Where do you intend to go?" Mamila asked.


Nana, who was anxious, paced the floor while keeping herself busy and looking out the window at every sound she heard coming from outside.

The idea that Jasmine might be at their mutual friend's residence occasionally crossed her mind, and whenever it did, she had to force herself to swallow, willing her eyes not to well up and keeping her mind on the task at hand, despite the fact that she was well aware that she had called almost everyone she knows, but nobody seems to know where Jasmine is.

She phones Jasmine's number multiple times in the hopes that it will connect, but when it doesn't, she sobs into the chair and begins whispering prayers for divine intervention.

She was in the middle of praying when she heard a knock at the door, and she hastily stood up, hoping that Jasmine was there to greet her.

Earlier, she had sought assistance from a neighbor, who eventually assisted her in breaking her lock and making it easier for her to access the door.