
The Test (The Seventh Hour)

She reluctantly pulled on the door handle, and Charles emerged into the light. * When she didn't see Jasmine, she let out a long, drawn-out sigh.

What happened to your door, exactly...? Charles asked in a direct manner. The bandage that was on his chest attracted her attention.

"I shattered the door. " She said while making her way back to the chair while spinning around.

Charles walked inside, and as he tried to alter the position of his hand, he felt a searing pain in the bullet wound that had previously been treated in his arm.

He paid it no attention and continued to approach her. "Aren't you meant to still be in the hospital? Why were you discharged?" "Aren't you supposed to still be in the hospital?" Nana asked.

Charles responded, "No, I wasn't discharged," as he recalled what the psychic had said to him when he was in the hospital.

" I voluntarily left the hospital, I can no longer remain there." What about the bill...? Nana asked. 

What about the bill...? Nana asked.   “Settled.” Charles resnded and  Nana exhales.

"You have to get some rest; someone shot you..." Only if she is aware of how much he wanted to see her will she understand how scared he is about her.

He pondered what he would have done in that situation, thinking about what he would have done if the bullet had hit her instead of him.

"What is really happening here, you named Jasmine on the phone. Is she okay?" "What's going on, you mentioned Jasmine on the phone. As Nana raced her brain trying to think of any place Jasmine could be, she sighed and let out a sigh.

"I'm not really sure... "She's not picking up when I call her, which is quite unlike her," she remarked.

"Okay calm down..."

Charles remarked that they were becoming closer. "Is this something that she's done before?" "She has not, and that is the reason I am concerned.

"Why isn't she picking up her phone when I called her?" You need to take a deep breath and relax since it's possible that she just misplaced her phone. "Or taken captive." Nana chime in.

Suddenly, her thoughts catch up with her, and she clatters her teeth in panic as she turns her attention back to Charles. ”Mamila..” When Mamila's name was spoken, Charles immediately began to experience a wave of panic.

“Mamila.” He continues to fight the need to panic despite trying to subdue his fears  "Yes," Nana mutters under her breath as she ruminates over the terrible moment Mamila arrived at the hospital. " She was checked in at the clinic."

"You do not know Mamila," He said. "She told me herself she's Mamila, and she is.., what if she has Jasmine?" 

"That's not feasible; what could possibly be the reason...?" "I can't say for sure." She said this while pondering the myriad of reasons that Jasmine and Mamila could be together.

When she arrived to see you, she presented a very frightening appearance. "Did she cause you any harm?" He asked.

His rage began to slowly pinch at his inside organs. "She didn't." "What did she say to you..?" "She requested that I depart immediately." "Did you..?" "I didn't, she left instead," she responded. Charles sniffles as he mulls over what the psychic had told him for the second time in the hospital. Nana expressed her irritation by saying, "She had best not have Jasmine."

I seriously doubt that she will stoop to that level. "It is strongly recommended"


A tear escaped from Jasmine's eye as soon as the clocks reached twelve in the morning, signaling the beginning of a brand new day and a brand new Sunday morning.

a morning that she will be forced to spend in the home of a complete stranger without any knowledge of what will occur in the very next second, and with each passing second, her future becomes more fraught with terror.

Earlier, she had attempted to scream for assistance, but no one had come to her aid.

Mamila assured her that no one would hear her, and she was right; no one did; she is now left all by herself to endure the terrifying horror that is playing out in front of her.

"Dinner is ready to be served." Mamila said as she slid a platter of food onto the table. Jasmine ignored her while maintaining a calm demeanor and diverting her attention to something else, which caused Jasmine's face to become crimson with fury.

"You do not appear to be hungry." Mamila replied as she made her way to sit across from her. "You would rather starve yourself to death.

"Who exactly are you...?" Jasmine's voice can be heard in the background as she returns her furious stare to her and says, "I told you, is not important." "What is it that you require of me?" Jasmine asked again.

"I told you that the test would be here," she said. "Which examination?" You won't know for sure for another eight hours. "Why me?" Jasmine inquires with trepidation.

"For the time being, you are the most direct connection."Mamila said and  Jasmine chimes in to get clarified "You mean her closest girlfriend."

"If this is about Charles, then you are welcome to have him." Mamila's lips are curved up into a smile. "That's very thoughtful of you, but I'm afraid we've already moved on from that phrase

If Charles is no longer important to you, then what the hell do you want from me? If you don't want Charles? Indignant, she let out a soft sigh.

"It's not you, it's her" "What is it that you desire from her?" Mamila stood up. "She made a significant error in judgment when she thought that she could defend my husband. I have no intention of murdering you or her; I simply want to test her, and the penalty that she receives will be based on how she responds to the test."

"Have something to eat. You'll need it for tomorrow." Mamila said As she walked away, Jasmine gave her an angry look.

After that, she said a quiet prayer asking God to watch over both her and her her friend Nana.


She was jolted awake from her sleep by the buzzing of the alarm on Nana's phone. She snatched her phone from the nightstand and silenced the alarm as quickly as she could, all the while wondering how she had been able to fall asleep despite being so anxious and praying for such a long time.

She rubs her eyes and then looks over at Charles, who is dozing off in the chair. She checks the clock on her phone and sees that it is 6:15 a.m. She clears her vision and then looks in his direction.

She checked for missed calls, but the only thing that showed up was a list of messages. She promptly walked to her inbox and sighed with concern when she realized that the messages were from Wilson.

She wanted to respond, but she felt that she should give Jasmine's number another try first. When it rang again, but no one answered, she felt a rush of unfiltered panic run down her spine, and she felt the need to pray once again.

The doorbell had just rung and she was about to get up when her phone rang. She didn't give it a second's thought before picking up the phone.

When she realized it was Jasmine calling back, she was overcome with an unexplainable excitement. When she picked up the phone, the first thing she said was, "Jasmine." "Where have you gone, I've been ill with worry because of your absence."

“Really.” the other voice could be  identified as Mamila, she could be the one speaking. A pause was taken by Nana before she realized that Jasmine was not the one speaking.

Who is this, exactly?  She questioned. Charles was still lying on the chair fast asleep. With a shudder on her face. "You are aware of who." Mamila's voice came again.

"After our brief conversation, you must have been thinking about me all through the night." Nana feels a brisk wind blowing down her spines.


"One and only," Mamila remarked, and then there was a small chuckle that followed. Nana's body shook, and her mouth began to tremble uncontrollably as her heart raced erratically with terror; although, she had no reason to be worried.

She was aware that following her interaction with her, something would inevitably follow, but she still had Jasmine, and this caused her to feel worry in her stomach.

"Why are you treating my friend like this...?" "Right now, your companion doesn't seem to be in any danger, but if you don't make it to the place I'm about to describe to you in 35 minutes, she will be."

The words kept playing over and over in Nana's head, causing her to become completely still.

Nana was deep in meditation when she was suddenly interrupted by Mamila's voice saying, "You're silent."

"Are you afraid that the God you worship will not be able to save you from me?" The statements caused Nana to become irate as soon as they reached her ears.

"Please refrain from putting my God to the test; he has never failed before, and he never will. Do you know why?"  Before continuing, she took a moment to look over at Charles and swallow.

"Because at the mention of his name, Jesus, every knee must bow.. give me the location of the place." "Because at the mention of his name, Jesus, every knee must bow." Nana continued

"That's far more in line with who you are."

Mamila answered.

"You are familiar with the towers on your street; we will meet on the rooftop in 35 minutes."

"What games are you playing while the towers are getting renovated...?" Mamila states for the third time, "thirty-five minutes."

"A minute has elapsed, and I will be delivering you the body parts of your closest girlfriend in a trash bag," she said.

Nana groans in anger. "And come alone.." Mamila said.  Before the call was terminated, 

Nana mutters, "God," as her mind starts to race with contrasting ideas just as her head begins to spin. She bowed her head and whispered a prayer before trotting over to Charles. As  tears rolled down her cheek, she planted a kiss on his head before forcing herself away and running out of her home.


Jasmine rose to her feet from her knees and turned to face Mamila with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"It's time" Mamila said. Jasmine heaves a sigh as she wipes away the further tears that have formed in her eyes. She had entertained the idea of engaging in combat with Mamila, but a quick flashback to what Mamila had done to Skylar, as well as the fact that the door had shut behind her and would not budge no matter how much force she used, caused her to abandon the idea.

She is able to recall what Charles had shared with Nana. She understands much better now that he required spiritual assistance. It was because of Mamila that he felt he required the assistance of a supernatural being.

The night was filled with a never-ending stream of horrifying ideas, and now she is there, completely dressed in black as if she had come for her spirit in the guise of the gory angel of death.

It's time for what?

The seventh hour had arrived, and Jasmine questioned, "The test must now begin." "It is Sunday today," Jasmine murmured. "Be afraid of God."

"Only your friend has the power to decide whether we shall refer to today as a happy Sunday or a bloody Sunday..."

"What kinds of games do you like to play?" I don't want to be a part of it, and I urge you to let me go." "I don't want to be a part of it." “ In order for that to occur, a decision must first be made.

If she is successful at the game, then you will be allowed to proceed; but, if she fails, then you will not. Your future is entirely dependent on her performance. "A smart person is your friend," so just relax. Mamila stated.

I have a lot of respect for her, and I'm confident that she'll make the best decision. What are the repercussions that could result from her failure to complete the task? Jasmine quickly asked and she replied, "A soul will transition into eternal realm"

Jasmine felt fear rise up inside of her, so she averted her sight and concentrated it on the television.

At that location, she witnessed a young child reciting the Lord's prayer.

Our Father,

Who art in Heaven

*sanctified by virtue of thine Name,

I pray that thy kingdom come,

*let it be done as thy will,

*just as it is in heaven, but on earth.

Give us today the bread we need to get through the day.

*And forgive us our trespasses,

*just as we forgive those who have wronged us* trespassers

And do not put us in the position of temptation,

*but deliver us from evil.

Because the kingdom belongs to thee,

*and the power, and the glory, and the honor that

*for ever and ever. Amen.

Jasmine was hit with a wave of terror, but she snapped out of it almost immediately as she ruminated on what Nana had said. Confront the devil without fear, and he will run away from you.

"I rebuke you," she said, her voice filled with fear as she uttered the words.

"Your body is trembling." Mamila stated as she approached her in a more intimate manner. No one, not even the feeblest among us, can be disciplined in such a manner. Your anxiety is too much to bear."

"Please don't get any closer to me."  Jasmine shouted it out

 "Very well,"  Mamila said, and once she said it,  Mamial then snapped her finger. Jasmine was struck in the head by a great force, which caused her eyesight to blur, her feet to become weak, and she soon fell backwards onto the chair before slipping into a state of unconsciousness.


One last thing, dear brothers: have courage in the Lord and trust in the strength of His power. Put on all of the armor that God has provided for you so that you can withstand the schemes that the adversary will throw at you. (Ephesians 6:10–11)

On a Sunday, there were errors (PART A)

Skylar's eyes opened wide like two flashlight beams, the new temporal inserts providing sufficient light to illuminate whatever it was that she stared at, and she immediately realized that she had been asleep for far too long.

The sounds of the day were in full flow, and the traffic was heavy; it wasn't until then that her thoughts began to catch up with her actions; she was attempting to shoot her because she was playing silly games with her.

She moved in closer and gave her a punch; after that, the events that followed are a total blank, and there is no logical explanation for what took place.

Even though her eyes are open, she is unable to determine why she is slumped like that or what she was struck with that caused the injury. It felt like someone had inserted a hypodermic needle full of adrenaline into her carotid artery, as her heart was racing and her mind was blank.

She searched the house for the gun and eventually located it under the bed. The house was eerily still, exactly as it had been the very first time she stepped foot inside.