
Chapter 23

He had left Sam and Mark at the reception and he's glad they were not hurt. Sam just had a slight cut on his cheek where the heat of the bullet had grazed him.

"Doctor Marshal, how's her health?" George asked his private doctor who was seated in front of him. He was worried, guilty and hurt. What if she had gotten killed?

"She's fine, the bullet didn't get to her. The shock only made her pass out" Doc Marshal said and George sighed in complete relief.

"I hope the shock didn't get deep into her" George asked.

"It almost did but we controlled it already. she'll be discharged once she's awake"

"Ohh thanks so much Marshal" George said.

"You're welcome. How's Rosemond?" Doctor Marshal asked.

"She's perfectly fine, I'm glad she didn't get to witness the incidence. You know how sensitive she is" George said breathing out loudly.

"Of course, it's gonna be on her mind for so long and it might affect her" Doc Marshal said.

Sam and Mark walked into the office looking unhappy and worried.

"Sit" Doc Marshal told them, pointing to the empty chairs but Sam shook his head .

"Why? You should relax even if you refused to allow us admit you" Doc Marshal said.

"Really?" George asked.

"Yes, he refused to be admitted. He just insisted we treat his cheek and leave him alone" Doc Marshal said and George nodded thoughtfully because he knew Sam to be that way.

"Should we involve the cops?" Sam asked.

"Of course, how else will i know who shot at my daughter's car" He said.

"Tell me, how did it happen, what really happened?" George asked. That was the first thing he should have asked when he came rushing into the hospital but he had headed to Jennifer's ward instead.

"We were on our way home when i suddenly saw a man pointing his rifle at the car and he looked like, he had been waiting for us." Sam said while Mark contacted the cop.

George sighed and raked unsteady fingers through his hair. He knows someone was after him and that means they'll hurt people close to him as well. He won't forgive himself if any of his workers get hurt or killed just because of him.

"Who the hell is after my life again" George asked himself angrily

"The cops are on their way with two agents" Sam said.

"Good" George replied.

"None of you should spill what happened to Rosemond or anyone" George while Sam and Mark nodded.

"I'm sure you have other patients to attend to, we'll be at the reception" George said, rising to his feet.

"You should stay here, you know you're a public figure. I won't want you causing chaos in the hospital" Doc Marshal said laughing.

"Sam get my sunglass and face cap from my car" George said and Sam left quickly.

"And tell the cops to hold on. We have to get home before discussing" George said to Sam who came to inform him that the cops were around.

"Okay Mr George" Sam said and walked outside.

George was seated in the reception disguised in his face cap and sunglass.

His head was bent and he had told his bodyguards to stay outside but he was still worried even after knowing she's fine.

He can't just wait for her to be awake so she can tell him she's truly fine. He has to be super alert now especially with Rosemond because if things gets worst, then she'll be homeschooling .

"She's awake" George heard when he glanced up, he saw Doc Marshal smiling in front of him.

"Really?" George said and rose to his feet.

"Yeah, come with me" Doc Marshal said.

"Can you recognize the shooter?" one of the cops agent asked Sam.

"Very well, I'd recognize him anywhere" Sam replied

They were now at home and he was discussing with the cops outside where he was narrating the incidence to them and

other workers looked on curiously, not knowing what was going on.

George walked out, after changing his outfit. He had watched Jennifer sleep in her room before coming to join the cops.

She's still weak and Marshal said she needs all the rest she can get. George was glad that she's fine, he had almost embraced her when he saw her awake.

"How is it going?" George asked approaching them.

"We sent the bullet to the lab already" A cop said.

"We'll check out the CCTV footage of the street which the incident happened and we'll get back to you Mr George" A cop agent said.

"Okay, thanks so much" George said.

Charles sat in class, completely lost as what happened yesterday kept replaying in his head.


"So would you like to come with me now?" The man repeated and Charles nodded and he followed the man with his heart beating fast.

"What had happened to Jennifer?" He asked fearfully.

"Did something happene to my sister?" Charles asked again but the man didn't respond and he was almost forced to go back but this was about his sister, the only one he loves most in the world .

The creepy man turned into a street and Charles followed asking himself if he was doing the right thing, following a stranger because he mentioned his sister and he didn't even mention Jennifer's name.

Charles suddenly stopped walking and the man noticed that immediately and he turned to him.

"Why did you stop?" The man asked.

"What's my sister's name?" Charles aaked preparing to run if he mentions the wrong name.

"Jennifer Williams working as a nanny for George Agia's daughter" The man said and Charles confirmed that it was really his sister.

"Can we go now?" The man asked.

"What happened to her?" Charles asked again but the man ignored him so he had no choice but to keep following him and he was surprised he was taken to Kingsley Marcus's building.

This will be the first time he'll be seeing him face to face but he doesn't look nice Charles noticed.

"I offered your sister to sponsor your education and pay for your aunt's surgery bills but she refused" Kingsley Marcus said, toying with his glass cup of wine.

"So?" Charles asked.

"She chose that nanny job over my great offer" Kingsley said. Although Charles was only seeing him for the first time, he could see that cruel look on his face.

"Why did you make such offer out of the blue?" Charles asked as the bodyguards surrounding them was almost choking him.

"Because i want her to leave George's house" Kingsley said puffing out smoke from his cigarette.

"Why?" Charles asked.

"Quit the foolish questions boy and have your drink" Kingsley said.

"I'm fine, why do you want me here? " Charles asked.

"To convince your sister of course. I found out you guys are quite close" Kingsley grinned.

"Well, i can't" Charles said.

"What do you mean you can't? Just convince her to leave that job and you'll get something in return too" Kingsley winked.

 "I can't convince Jennifer because she can't be forced to do what she doesn't want to" Charles said.


Kingsley responded with his face becoming angry.

"Yes" Charles said.

"That means you can't convince her!" 


"Then you should accept the fact that she'll be in danger starting from now" Kingsley threatened and Charles looked lost.

He had cried on his way home knowing he caused all these.

If only he didn't force her to accept the nanny job, then she wouldn't be involved in this.

"It's quite obvious there's a feud between them as Kingsley had looked like a desperate person who will do anything.

He had sent Charles out of his house and Charles trekking thought of his sister and knowing she is in danger really made him sick because he feels he caused it all because she never wanted to go for that nanny job.

********End of flashback*************

"Charles, you haven't answered the question i posed to you" Mrs Varol, the English teacher said.

"What?" Charles asked wondering if she asked him anything

untill one of the girls crushing on him whispered the answer to him.

"After what happened today, i  realised that just one bodyguard is not enough, your safety matters a lot.  Because not what happened, another bodyguard will be joining you Sam" George said.

He was in the living room with Jennifer, Sam and Mark while Dominic and one other bodyguard stood behind him.

"Dominic, you'll be the one to join Sam" George announced.

Do you mean Dominic, will be the one to join Sam" Jennifer exclaimed. 

"What?" Jennifer darted her eyes to George and everyone turned to her.

"What is it?" George asked.

"Uhm nothing" Jennifer said.

"Are you sure you're fine or will you go back to rest?" George asked.

"I think i will go back" Jennifer said as her heart suddenly began to beat fast especially when she saw the stern look Dominic gave her.

She has been right all along, there's something about him.

"I can go by myself" Jennifer said when George offered to help her.

"Are you sure?" 

"Yeah" Jennifer said and started walking towards the stairs.

"What's with this lady looking suspiciously at him every time, does she knows he's a spy or what?"

Dominic wondered as Jennifer walked to her room and she had appeared unhappy when Mr George announced that he's going to be the back up bodyguard.

Seems she's beginning to suspect him but he has not been acting suspicious. He has been very careful over the years and no one have ever suspected him.

Even George trusts him so much but this little thing suddenly comes from nowhere and changed everything.

What if George notices her behavior towards him, he'll definitely start watching him too. He must start watching her every move from now on because he doesn't like the look of things.

Maybe they should eliminate her before George because she might blow his cover.

He's going to inform Kingsley about it but he's glad he's now going to join Sam because It's going to make everything much more easier and the informations will flow freely.

Although he dislike Sam because the guy do behave like he's better than anyone else and it hurts to see George cherished him too and even Rosemond who rarely likes anyone.

There are so many people on his death list and of course Sam is one of them. 

"So Dominic, beginning from tomorrow you'll be joining Sam. Please ensure you and Sam protect everyone." George said.

"I'll do my best sir" Dominic said.

"I trust you both to do a good job." George smiled not noticing the look exchange between Sam and Dominic.

Sam hated the fact that Dominic will be joining him and they both know they don't like each other as Sam has always had a bad feeling about him.

He wanted to tell Mr George several times about it, but he had no proof.

Joining him wouldn't be bad, after all he'll finally get to study him and confirm if his thoughts about Dominic is true.

"You can all leave now, i have to go fill Rosemond in " George said.

"Okay Mr George" they all responded and left while George sighed and walked towards the stairs.

Jennifer breathed out loudly as she tossed on her bed.

She was yet to fully recover from the shock.

"Why Dominic, does Mr George trust him that much?" Jennifer thought because she found it so difficult to trust him.

Why's she so bothered even when there's no proof that the guy is actually bad like she thought, but the look he had given her before she left the living room almost confirmed her thoughts about him but that's still no proof.

 Her mind do seem unsettled whenever he's around and that happens to her whenever someone has a bad aura but

Dominic sure does but she doesn't think George noticed.

Should I go ask Sam what he feels about Dominic? No I  shouldn't do that i resumed just few days ago so i shouldn't go about prodding" Jennifer said to herself as her mind trailed back to the incident.

She had been so shocked to the bone when gunshot echoed in the car and didn't even know when she passed out.

Whatever it is, someone is obviously after them George had said he's the one they are after and that means everyone around him is not safe but she's just so glad Rosemond wasn't in the car then.

Why are all these suddenly happening few days she got here.

It's sincerely making her feel bad even after George had assured her that she's not responsible for it.

Charles and her mum mustn't hear this or else it'll be the end of her work here especially Charles, if he hears that she was nearly shot, he'll do everything to get her out of here and her mum's surgery bill isn't even complete yet.

Everything was going fine and this incident just spoilt everything and now they're not safe anymore.

Knowing herself, she's going to start panicking at every little thing but she hoped the gunshot thing had been a mistake and it wasn't really aimed at their car. But who was she deceiving?

It was aimed at their car.

"No no Dad" Rosemond shook her head.

"Com'on princess" George said as he sat beside her on the bed.

"I don't want Dominic to join Sam. I'm okay with Sam alone" Rosemond said.

"Dominic needs to. Just allow him please" George pleaded

"Why does he need to join Sam, what's wrong?" Rosemond asked dropping her candy.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing. I just feel like tightening your security"

"Why? You were satisfied with just Sam alone" Rosemond said.

"I was but now I'm not" George said.

"Is there anything you're hiding from me again?" Rosemond asked furrowing her brows.

"Well, there's nothing but having two bodyguards is not bad . So many kidnappers are all over the city now" George said.

"Okay but not Dominic" Rosemond said frowning.

"Why?" George asked in surprise because

Rosemond never had issue with Dominic nor has she ever complained about him.

"I do see him with Stella back then. They were always together" Rosemond said.


"Yes dad" Rosemond said.

"Is that why you don't want him?" George asked.

"Yes you know Stella is a bad person and anyone who associates with her is one also"  Rosemond scoffed.

"Come-on baby they might be spending time with each other cause they were bored. That doesn't make Dominic a bad person too. He's a very good guy and you know how much i trust him" George said and Rosey shrugged.

"So...?" George asked.

"Fine, he can be my second bodyguard" Rosemond said rolling her eyes to picked her candy.

"That's my baby girl, I'm sure you will really enjoy his presence" George smiled.

"I can't, i only said yes to obey you." Rosemond said plainly.

"Thank you" George sighed.