
Chapter 22

When school was over, Charles quickly carried his bag and sneaked out because he doesn't want any girl to follow him home as he plans to spend enough time with his Aunt.

When he got to the gate and the gatekeeper opened it for him, he stepped out and sighed in relief that none of the girls had seen him.

"Hey Charles" he heard as he started walking to board a bus but it wasn't a feminine voice, so definitely it was a man that called him. He turned and saw the man, who's huge dressed in a black suit, black eye glass and bald head.

He almost had the same resemblance with the guys that came to pick Jennifer on her first day of work but how did he know his name? Charles wondered

"What?" Charles asked.

"Would you like to come with me?" the man asked.

"No" Charles replied bluntly and started walking away.

"It's about your sister" The man said and that made Charles stop and turned back to the man almost immediately.

"So would you like to come with me now?" The man repeated and Charles nodded.

Mrs Simon panicked as she glanced at the wall clock for the tenth time as Charles was not yet back and It's several hours past closing time.

He's not someone who stays out late and not now that he knows she's the only one at home he would have been back.

Even if Charles wants to go out, he doesn't go out in his school wears, he'll come home, get changedb and tell everyone of his movement before leaving.

He's wasn't even picking his calls, which made her more worried and he had promised her that he'll be home early, now she's feeling so pressed but she couldn't help herself to the bathroom.

She had tried to but it was so difficult as she couldn't get her wheelchair across the bathroom. She was already at the bathroom entrance but couldn't go in because her wheelchair has to be lifted before it enters the bathroom and she couldn't do it herself.

Tears filled her eyes as she remembered the days she could walk perfectly with both legs. Charles and Jennifer had cried and blamed themselves when the doctor announced that she could no longer walk again and her kidney was starting to fail.


Jennifer vowed to get her surgery money by all cost because  she feels responsible for the incident, that was when she dropped out of the university and started doing what she never wanted to.

"You sacrificed your legs for us so why shouldn't i sacrifice my body just to see you perfect again" Jennifer would tell her whenever she complains about the impure job.

She told Jennifer severally that she doesn't have to do such job just to raise her surgery money and get a kidney donor but she remained adamant as she and her brother felt they caused everything because she had been striving for what they'll eat when the incident happened and they felt indebted to her but she hated to make them feel that way.

They are her children already and she'll do anything for them.

They've been so nice to her and never made her feel she didn't have her own kids. They called her mum the moment their father introduced her to them as their aunt and she has never regretted being on a wheelchair just because of them. They deserve it.

She glanced at the wall clock once more but Charles wasn't forthcoming so she made a decision

"I think I'm going to call Jennifer" She said so worriedly but

 realized her phone was on the bed as she had dropped it there when she tried wheeling herself to the bathroom 

When she was about to wheel herself towards her bed, she heard the front door opened and closed, quickly she turned to the door hoping it was Charles.

The door to her room opened and Charles rushed in. She couldn't help but feel relieved.

"Mum I'm so sorry " He said.

His face wasn't so bright like always.

"It's fine, take me to be bathroom first" Mrs Simon said.

Back to George's house, Jean laughed hard while she was preparing dinner with Jennifer as she explained to her in details what happened at midnight.

"My heart almost left my body when Mr George yanked the curtain open" Jennifer said dicing the onions while 

Jean laughed harder and Jennifer started laughing too.

"Am i missing something?" George asked as he walked into the kitchen interrupting their laughter. He wore a white tee-shirt which didn't do a good job in concealing his abs as they showed effortlessly and Jennifer blushed when her eyes caught  his. 

"He had caught me staring at him now he'll think I'm like those nannies" Jennifer thought as she blinked severally and faced the onions she was dicing but he kept appearing in her head.

He wore blue shorts which revealed his perfectly long legs laced with black curly hair. George is drop dead gorgeous and she wouldn't blame anyone for being attracted to him. Anyone would, but she's here to work not to find anyone attractive.

She's just going to be crushing on him and work till her mum's surgery bill is completed and then leave!

"Really? Jennifer" her mind taunted her.

"Jennifer was telling me what happened in the midnight" Jean laughed.

"Ohh it was such a funny incidence but Jennifer, did you tell her the part we met her asleep in the kitchen?" George teased and Jennifer started laughing while Jean sent him a playful glare.

"Silly you, now leave or I'll hit you with this spatula" Jean threatened playfully.

"Okay I'll leave, I'm just here to grab my wine" George chuckled.

"What's for desert?" He asked opening the freezer.

"Strawberry shortcake" Jennifer replied.

"Ohh that's going to make Rosemond so happy" He smiled.

"Is she still there watching movie?" Jennifer asked.

"Yeah she's still at it." George replied as he carried his favorite wine and glass cup.

Jennifer wondered why he came to pick it himself when he could have easily sent a maid.

"My patience is actually running out" Jean said, wearing a look that's mean and funny at the same time, she slowly grabbed a spatula which made George laugh and quickly went to the door. "Chill, I'm leaving already but I hope dinner is going to be ready soon, sleeper Jean" George teased and quickly ran off laughing before Jean would pounce on him which made Jennifer smile 

"Are billionaires always this playful?" she asked

"Come on Jenny, they are also humans like you and they have blood flowing through their veins. But if only I'd hit him with this spatula the last time, he wouldn't have teased me again" Jean sighed and rolled her eyes.

"He allow you hit him?" Jennifer asked.

"Why not, are you surprised?" Jean laughed.

"Yes I am"

"You don't think a millionaire can be this playful? well not George because he plays a lot but when he doesn't feel like it, you'd think he's the most boring person being on earth " 

"Ohh but you're the only one he can be that playful with" Jennifer said.

"Not really, he plays with every of his workers but there's a kind of limit to it" Jean said.

"But certainly, there's no limit to yours" Jennifer said.

"I guess so" Jean smiled.

"I'm jealous" Jennifer admitted playfully and Jean laughed.

"Com'on, you know I've been with George for years" 

"Yeah i do and you both are virtually families now" Jennifer replied.

"My daughter will be coming home soon, i can't wait for you both to meet each other" Jean said happily

"I can't wait too" Jennifer smiled.

"I can tell she's really going to like you" Jean said.

"Really?" Jennifer asked.

"Yeah although she was always quarreling with Rosemond's previous nannies but you're not like them" Jean said.

"I'm glad" Jennifer grinned.

"I'll continue with the onions, you need to start preparing the desert" Jean said.

"Ohh okay" Jennifer noded and set out to make desert

George smiled to himself as he sipped his wine. Was she really staring at him or was he mistaken.

No, he wasn't mistaken. she was indeed staring at him but he's not surprised about that. Which lady wouldn't stare at him?

He's George Agia .

But why was he so happy that he had caught her staring at him moreover it wasn't the first time ladies would stare at him but he never get excited over it.

"What's she doing to me? George asked himself

Jennifer left Rosemond's room after reading her bedtime stories then she picked George's robe and wore it over her nightwear. She knew she was supposed to return his robe but she loves the feel on her skin. She smiled as she wore her footwear.

She was going to the library to read beside the fireplace because she wasn't feeling sleepy yet.

She walked into the library and headed straight for the fireplace and she arranged logs of woods into it and then lit it.

While the logs were burning up, she went to the novel section and started searching for a romantic genre.

She found one and then walked back to the fireplace by then the fire had circulated and it made the library brighter so she settled down and began to read.

George walked into the library and was surprised to see the fireplace lit up, he saw Jennifer seated beside it, with a novel in hand and then sighed in relief.

He smiled noticing she was putting on his robe but why does she look that amazing even in a robe with her hair glowing brightly and her lashes moving slowly.

She was obviously enjoying the novel and he's definitely going to get more for her.

"Hey" He said making his presence known and she glanced up from the novel and saw him.

"Hi Mr George. I know i should have returned your robe earlier but I didn't I'm sorry" Jennifer said.

"No, it's fine. You can keep it" George said.


"Yeah, keep it I have dozens of them and you don't have any, it'll be selfish of me to collect it back from you" George said.

"Ohh thanks so much Mr George" Jennifer smiled gladly as she would finally keep it for herself because she loves the robe.

George picked out one of his mystery novels and went to sit beside Jennifer. Their gazes were glued to their novels but their minds were glued to each other. 

The next Morning when they were returning home after dropping Rosemond in school a conversation ensured amongst them

"You scared me too the first time i saw you" Jennifer said laughing.

Before they left Rosemond's school, a little girl had cried at the sight of Sam because he's so huge.

"My height actually scares bad people away" Sam boasted.

"You think so?" Mark asked.

"Of course" Sam was saying when he suddenly saw someone who lifted a high-powered rifle to his shoulder aiming at their car.

"Heads down" He shouted but it was too late.

Gunshots echoed in the car and Sam felt the heat of a bullet graze his cheek while Jennifer screamed in pain and he knew she had been shot.

"Oh no" Sam exclaimed.......

"The other firm is as competent as we are, so we have to put in all our best. The contract worth lots of money and you all know you'll get so many tips off it" George said addressing his staffs in the meeting room.

They sat in a circle corporately dressed and George was seated on a high chair, facing them all. They listened as he spoke professionally and most of  the female employees gushed over him as usual.

George managed to avoid their gazes all the time because they do nothing than cast seductive glances towards him.

"So i hope we all work very hard for this upcoming project" George said.

"We will Mr George" They chorused.

"Have a great day, I'll fill you in on more informations later" George said dismissing them. They all left for their offices and George sighed as he loosened the top of his shirt and pulled the knot of his silver-grey tie away from his collar.

He picked the bottle of water on the table and then went to the door. He was still going to drop by at his construction company later in the afternoon as there was another contract there also.

He exchanged smiles with May his secretary as he walked past her. She has been working with him for the past five years and she's one of the females he's sure of that doesn't have eyes on him.

Maybe because she was in her early forties or because she's happily married with three kids. Asides not having eyes on him, she has been a great secretary, so diligent and always ready to work.

The glass door opened automatically and George walked into his massively furnished office. He dropped the bottle of water on the table and then went to the bathroom where he rinsed his face in the sink and sighed calmly as the water refreshed him.

He wiped his hands off a clean napkin before walking back into his office and sat on his soft leather couch. He opened his laptop and powered it then scrolled to his files.

He clicked on it and resumed working from where he stopped.

"Coffee" May announced, walking in and George turned to her and salivated at the sight of the steaming coffee and buger.

She had made it a habit to bring coffee to him whenever he's working and he enjoys it so much.

"Thank you" George said as she placed it right in front of him.

"You're welcome" She smiled. "How's Rosemy?" She asked.

"She's good" George replied smiling.

"My regards to her" May said.


He was still on his Burger and coffee when the intercom buzzed.

He scowled and pressed the answering button.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"You've got a call Mr George" May said.

"From who?" He asked


'Sam?' George wondered because Sam has never called during on working hours.

"Put him on" He said.

"Yes Mr George" May said and the line went dead for a moment and then a voice said 

"Hello Mr George" It's truly Sam's voice. 

"Sam" George called.

"Our car was shot at" He said.

"What" George exclaimed getting up from the couch then his legs hit the table in the process and the whole coffee spilled but he was less concerned about it as his mind rose over what Sam just told him.

"I hope no one's hurt?" George finally asked.

"Jennifer is in the hospital" Sam said.

"Oh my God" George exclaimed slamming the receiver before rushing out.

When George arrived the hospital, he sat in Doc Marshal's office as he just checked on Jennifer who was asleep.