
The Bad Ending Creator

I hate stories with a happy ending... A story where a subcharacter swoops in to save the main character from an untimely demise makes me want to pierce a screw into someone's skull. Why can't the main character just die? I just want to see a story where everyone dies a very terrible demise. *Hais* Isn't it too much to ask? . . . Why not i just create a bad ending my self?

IamCurrentlyAlone · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Chapter 7

Walking out of the male bathroom, Kataro saw the the screw hell scape infront of him and almost tried to puke again from disgust but was able to hold it in.

(What happened here?) Kataro thought while walking around and looked at all of the students who suffered such a gruel way to die .


Hearing the sound of someone eating Kataro quickly eyed at the person who was covered in blood happily eating a hamburger.

"MISOGI?!" Kataro shouted at Kumagawa


Hearing someone call his name Kumagawa looked at Kataro while still chewing on his hamburger.

"ARE YOU OKAY? WHY ARE YOU COVERED IN BLOOD?" Worriedly asked seeing that his Kumagawa was currently covered head to toe with blood.

"Oh this is not mine's, it's those guys over there" Kumagawa pointed at a group of people who had brooches on there uniform that was currently crucified into a wall of the cafeteria before taking another bite from his hamburger.

"Then do you know what happened?"

"Ah, some bitch tried blamed the impure for killing the other students and she threw my hamburgers on the floor, then all a sudden everything went to hell, you know the usual." Kumagawa said nonchalantly like he wasn't the real reason the cafeteria turned into a mass grave

"Huh?" Kataro was disgusted by how indifferent Kumagawa is to the deaths of so many people around him but quickly shrugged it all as some form of defense mechanism for surviving such a tragedy.

"Okay, we have to get out of here and tell the police what happened" Kataro quickly suggested

"Even so, would they believe you?" Kumagawa smirked in anticipation

"Of course they would! look at this place! the blood on the floor is enough to paint this whole school red!" Kataro answered truthfully.

"What are talking about? Kataro?" Kumagawa questioned Kataro, while still eating his hamburgers



The moment Kataro blinked his eyes, the blood that was currently staining Kumagawa's body suddenly disappeared and the screw hell scape that he saw just moments disappeared but was replaced with many students in there seats, food counters, ledges, or just casually standing, looking at Kumagawa's table with a mixture of fear, horror and confusion written on there faces.

(Huh?) Kataro confusedly thought to himself before blinking again to double check that he wasn't hallucinating.

"Like i said what are you talking about?" Kumagawa said while taking a sip from his soda.

Rubbing his head in confusion, Kataro sat on the table contemplating what he just saw.

"Say Misogi, by any chance were you covered head to toe in blood?"

Making eye contact with Kataro, Kumagawa just compulsively lied before tossing him another hamburger.

"Of course not! and here, it seems like you lost your appetite why don't you eat this and feel better a little"

"Ah thanks, but i think i will eat it later... after i get back home"

"Oh, okay then"



Standing up from his seat, the students around the cafeteria tensed up, thinking that the vision they just witnessed was about to happen all over again.

"I'm gonna go to bathroom, wait for me okay?"

Seeing that Kumagawa left towards the bathroom, Misogi was suddenly bombarded by a crowded by students.










One by one students started warning Kataro about what Kumagawa was capable of, and that Kumagawa is merely playing a facade to lure them into a false sense of security.

Hearing them speaking so ill willed to such a nice and great person, who just gave him the money needed to repay his mom's Medical debts, quickly rejected there claims.

"There's no way Misogi would do such a thing! I don't know what you must be thinking that such a happy go lucky person would kill people with larges screws!"




"Oh my, why is so many people crowding over you Kataro? Do you want me to get rid of them?" Kumagawap smiled with his mouth open then quickly asked Kataro if he should shoo them away.

Hearing the words coming out of the psychopath infront of them, the students quickly scattered while some hastly left the cafeteria with fear in there hearts.

"Oh its seems like i didn't have to do anything..." Kumagawa joked around before regaining his seat and watched Kataro's expression.

(There's no way that what they said was true right, Misogi can't kill anyone heck look at his innocent face does that look like a mad man who kills without reason?) Kataro thought about the thing the other students said to heart and properly excused himself since there lunch break was about to end.

"Ah sorry Misogi, it seems like i have to go back to class now, why don't we exchange contacts so i can pay you back"

Kumagawa happily complied while showing him his smart phone with a small screw key chain accessory.

Seeing such a weirdly coincidental accessory that looked like the screws that were used just before made Kataro almost convinced that all the students said about Kumagawa was indeed true but he can't just confirm it without any evidence.

Putting there emails and phone number on both there phone Kataro then quickly left the cafeteria to go back to his classroom

"Oh okay see ya soon, Kataro"

"Y-yeah see ya soon too Misogi..."

Seeing Kataro leave the cafeteria with a conflict on his eyes, Kumagawa couldn't help but chuckle in annoyance.


"Oh, come on why do you have to tell him? why did you have to spoil the fun? It took me a while to find a decent friend [Toy] around here and you have ruin it for me..." Kumagawa spoke loud enough that almost all of the students/staff in the cafeteria was able to hear it.

". . ."

Silence began permeating the whole cafeteria

"But it doesn't matter now... if you all want to keep your peaceful and miserable lives, you all will all do as i say and if you dont..." Kumagawa's expression shifted to his cold and cruel demeanor and pointed at one of students at random before snapping his finger.


The student that he pointed at disappeared from his position making Kumagawa's point very clear to the students.

"And to those who think that they could just kill me, I'm hear to remind you this..."




All of sudden Kumagawa impaled himself with a handful of screws before continuing with his speech.


Some of female students screamed for seeing a brutal act happening again.

"It doesn't matter if you drop me into a black hole, drop a nuke on me, send me to hell or even use magic on me, none of it will kill me"

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With the screws no longer impaling his body Kumagawa continued.

"So my first rule of the day is quite simple, don't you dare talk about what happened here to anyone outside the school and if you do... i will make sure that not even your souls can make it to heaven or hell."

Kumagawa coldly glared at everyone before all of a sudden the school bell ringed, meaning that lunch was currently over and that students must go back to there class rooms.



"Saved by the bell, just so you all guys know i can also read your minds, so you better watch yourself..." Kumagawa lied while grinning menacingly before finally leaving the students in the cafeteria a breather from how chaotic the day was.

*Door being shut*


(Now that i have made some great slaves for my cause, finding the main character should become more easier...) Kumagawa tiredly thought to himself before going back to his classroom G-8.

"Okay, I'm Shisui Kotobi your quantum physics teacher and todays topic will be talking about is quarks!"






Three hour later, the school day was finished and with the sun now starting to set, Kumagawa was pleased with himself and was about to leave and go read some manga back home a mature woman's voice was heard behind him.

"Are you Misogi Kumagawa?"

Hearing someone call his name, Kumagawa looked at the person who has the confidence to even talk to him when rumors started circling around that the person named Kumagawa Misogi shouldn't be messed or even interact with under any circumstances.

"Yes, I'm Misogi Kumagawa"



The moment the Kumagawa confirmed the woman question, the woman quickly drew her hand gun and shot at Kumagawa's chest.

Seeing that her job was done, the mature grabbed a cigarette pack for her pocket and lit one up for herself before pitying the kid for messing with a powerful family.





"Thats what you get for making the daughter of the Straunelief family cry you asshole..."


Widening her eyes in shock that the kid she just shot perfectly at the heart was currently chuckling and still alive.

"How are you not dead, I shot you in your heart!"

"I don't know maybe you used blanks instead..." Kumagawa tried gaslighting the mature woman but it didn't work since, she knew damn well that she is using lethal round for this job.

"If you won't die from getting shot in the heart then shooting your head would!" the mature lady quickly aimed her hand gun at Kumagawa's indifferent face.

But just as she was able to pull the trigger, Kumagawa quickly disarmed her by making the hand gun disappear from her hands.


"Now that i finally got your attention, who was it again who sent you?"

"Tch, You gotta do more that to stop me kid"

The lady took out a knife from her thigh and quickly dashed towards Kumagawa intending to stab him to death.


In a blink of an eye, Kumagawa moved in a speed so fast that the lady couldn't see anything but a blur, sensing her battle instincts go hay wire, the lady quickly deduced that something was very wrong.



Feeling the pain from her left shoulder the lady quickly checked her arm and to her horror her arm was currently missing all the way up to her shoulder.

"agh! Fuck, fuck, shit aggh!"

The lady fell to her knees and started grasping her shoulder trying to stop it from bleeding any further.

"Now that i finally got your attention, oh yeah here's your arm back" Kumagawa tossed over her left arm infront of the female assassin before crouching down to her eye level and asked a menacing question.

"Looking at you Ms. Assassin, you look like your in your 20s but actually your in your 40s and seeing that your hips are wide, does it mean you actually have children Ms. Assassin?"


"Didn't your mother tell you to not tell a women's age?" Spitting at Kumagawa's face, the female assassin nagged at him for insulting her own age.

"Oh, I'm sorry for offending you, Assassin-san but i was actually complementing you, I like adult women who look younger than they truly are." Kumagawa smiled largely before summoning a large screw on to his hand.


"Kid if your thinking of hitting on me, grow some facial hair first" The female quickly rejected Kumagawa's romantic advances, and focused on her still bleed shoulder.

"Aww such a shame, so Assassin-san if you mind could you tell me which student sent you?"

"Kid, you already know that I won't tell you that" The female assassin took out another cigarette from her pocket and lit up


"If your gonna kill me do it quick, i don't got all day."

The female assassin asked Kumagawa to execute her but Kumagawa just stood there and watched with a grin that makes anyone think that he is up to something.

"Then what about your children Assassin-san wouldn't they be sad that there mother will be gone?"

"I knew the dangers of this job, and to think that a highschool kid in japan would be one to kill me is quite tragic..." The female assassin jokingly laughed before continuing.

"My children are not your problem to deal with, kid, just go on with it"


Stabbing the large screw unto the floor, Kumagawa looked at the female assassin who accepted her death since it was a part of her profession quickly smiled largely.

"Assassin-san you are by far one of the most interesting people I had met today"

"Is that another one of your compliments, kid?"

Kumagawa Ignored her and continued

"Assassin-san, how about i make a proposition?"

"I don't get what your getting at kid but sure why not... I'm bleeding out anyways"

With smile than can charm even the coldest hearts melt, Kumagawa handed the female assasin a negative small screw and a positive small screw like it was symbolizing something important to her.

"Assassin-san can you help me find the student who hired you?"

Looking at the small screws on her right hand and at the cold gaze Kumagawa is currently exhibiting towards her entire being, the female had no choice but listen.


"Kid, you better not touch em...".

"Of course Assassin-san, that is if you just tell me right now..." Kumagawa coldly asked while holding the hand pistol that he just erased just moments ago and also tossed it infront of the female assassin.

Seeing her handgun suddenly appear on Kumagawa's hands and is now Infront of her the female assassin can't help but curiously ask him a question

"Are a magician or something?"

"No, I'm not a magician"

"Then can you fix my arm?"

"No, that's your fault."






