
The Bad Ending Creator

I hate stories with a happy ending... A story where a subcharacter swoops in to save the main character from an untimely demise makes me want to pierce a screw into someone's skull. Why can't the main character just die? I just want to see a story where everyone dies a very terrible demise. *Hais* Isn't it too much to ask? . . . Why not i just create a bad ending my self?

IamCurrentlyAlone · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 6

Hearing the student's scream, Kataro become more certain that what happened just moments ago was not a hallucination.

(Did a large screw suddenly fall from the ceiling?, no looking at the direction where screw may had fallen it wouldn't make any sense!) Kataro looked up at the ceiling and saw that it was completely normal.

Seeing the blood coming out of the female students corpse almost made Kataro want to puke, but luckily he was able to resist the urge.

Smelling the iron/copper like aroma permeate into the air, Kataro couldn't look at the scene and longer before suddenly he heard another scream but this time it was a male student who has a purplish hair


"SOMEONE GET THIS GOD DAMN SCREW OFF ME!!" the student screamed in pain, still barely having enough will power to scream for help.

Seeing the male student still being alive from getting a large screw impaled into his stomach, made some of the students shocked.

(Tsk I missed...)

"Come on, everyone call 119!" A male student shouted from outside the shocked crowd before rushing in to check on the male victim


"Shit, this is bad" the male student spoke to himself quietly, while assessing the damaged on the male victims abdomen.

(His entire abdomen has been pierced through he has mild internal bleeding between his spleen, upper and lower intestine luckily the screw was able to act as plug to stop him form loosing more blood and experiencing an hypovolemic shock, give or take he only has about a minute or two before he expires and if he become even more lucky maybe ten minutes, knowing the closest hospital here it would take about 34 minutes for them to get here...) the young male student clenched his fist in frustration.

"So how is it?"


The young man with purple hair asked the young man while coughing some blood.

"To tell you the truth, you only got about 2 minutes to live maybe even less..."

Hearing those words, the young man gritted his teeth in frustration before grabbing the arm of of the other student

"I know this hard to ask, but please delete my search history when i die!" The young man with purple haired requested with tears flowing on his cheeks.


(Is this really going to be your last words?!) the male student with prior medical knowledge thoughtfully ridiculed the man but quickly shrugged it off since it is unlawful to reject a dying man's last wish.


After a minute if silence the young man with purple hair closed his eye while keeping a smile knowing that his secrets will come with him to the grave.







The silence within that cafeteria started to become more loud in every second, while some students whispered among themselves on why two students of Shuchi'in Academy suddenly died in a weird accident in the cafeteria.

"What happened?!"

"Where did the large screw come from?!"

"Is it an assassination attempt?!"

"What kind of family tries to assassinate another student in Shuchi'in Academy?!, Don't they know the daughter of the Kaguya Group studies here?!"

"Maybe it's a plot by the government?!"

"No way, both the girl and man are impure students, I saw there uniforms, they dont have a brooch on them!"

"Then are you saying a pure student staged the accident?!"

"Why would a pure student kill an impure it doesn't make sense..."






Hearing the crowd of students quietly whispering among themselves Kataro, couldn't believe his eyes and quickly excused himself to Kumagawa.

"Ugh, Misogi I'm going to bathroom for a bit can you wait for me just a minute"

Kumagawa who was still quietly eating his hamburgers just nodded and continued eating another hamburger from his tray.

Just a he was going to take a bite of it a pink haired girl wearing a brooch on her uniform suddenly saw him being oblivious of the accident that just happened just moments ago and started walking towards his table.

"CAN'T YOU SEE THAT AN "IMPURE" PERSON HAS JUST DIED WHY ARE YOU STILL EATING?!" The blonde haired girl angrily shouted at Kumagawa for not having such situational awareness.

"I was hungry, why would a guy dying in front of me suddenly spoil my appetite, i don't even know the guy?"

Hearing such audacious claim, the blonde haired girl quickly grabbed Kumagawa's tray full of hamburgers and chucked it at the floor then spitted at it.

"You dare ridicule the death of one of the students of Shuchi'in Academy?! don't you know if this get to the headlines, the credibility of Shuchi'in Academy will plummet!?"

"if so, why are you blaming me?" Kumagawa pointed at himself, while keeping his innocent nature.

Pointing her finger at Kumagawa before making her conclusion of why she was blaming him.

"Isn't obvious?, it wasn't for you impure bastards none of this wouldn't happened!"

"Are you saying that the Impure students caused the accident?"

"Of course! why would we pure students would be so uncivilized enough to kill one of our own, only you impure leaching losers have spine to commit such an act!"

Listening to the blonde haired students twisted logical remarks some pure students from the crowd shouted in agreement.

"Yeah! why would you we try to hurt you impure's, we have nothing to gain from killing anyone of you!"

"Impure's only kills impure isn't that the correct, we are emotionally superior why would we commit such an act?"




Like a spark in a dry hay stack, the small argument between Kumagawa and a blonde haired girl started to become a war of predujice between students who were wearing a brooch and students who didn't have the privilege of having one.


(Even in this school, some people have a superiority complex...) Kumagawa inwardly thought before looking at the packet of hamburgers that were now currently on the floor of the cafeteria.

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(If it wasn't for the blondy, this wouldn't had happened, I got to give her a reward or something for contribution of helping me find the main character) Kumagawa thought with a smirk on his face summoning a swarm of screws in the floating in air all pointing towards each individual student throughout the cafeteria.

"Everyone what is that!!" A male student pointed out to the ceiling where the screws were currently hovering making a menacing picture within the cafeteria.



After the male student spoke out on a weird occurrence one of the screws suddenly moved in speed that was near invisible to the naked eyes and impaled it self to his chest.











"GUYS I NOTICED A PATTERN! WHAT EVER YOU DON'T SPEAK OR EVEN MAKE A SOUND WITH YOUR MOUTH OR THE SCREWS WILL BE TRIGGERED!!" A male student with brown short hair with and black eyes quickly noticed a pattern on how the screws are operating and quickly informed the other students even if his life was also at risk.

The moment the students heard such valuable information, immediately all of the students followed his decision and quickly covered or shut there mouth.



But after the moment he stopped speaking a screw suddenly pierced his chest, making the other students believe that the theory was correct and was also saddened that brown haired individual sacrificed himself to save other.


(It wasn't him either... why does everyone here have a shounen main character complex, and hear i thought the one who monologues the most is always the main character?!) Kumagawa annoyingly thought to himself, while thinking about the time he searched for 121 years and 3 months to find a main character in a universe where people were using swords as a flying airplane.


Standing up from his chair, Kumagawa crouched down to grab a hamburger from the floor before looking all of the students who were currently not making any verbal noise.

The once bustling cafeteria turned eerily silent with blood, intestine, hearts, brains and limbs scattered around the surroundings, making a beautiful picture of pure carnage.


However Kumagawa couldn't care less for the masterpiece of a massacre he has caused and moved a table making everyone in the cafeteria focus on his position waiting for the screws to suddenly attack him.

But to some of there dismay the screws didn't seem to attack him for making a noise, further confirming that the theory that the brown haired student introduced was indeed correct.


Hearing the sound of someone coughing all of sudden the students quickly looked in horror at a blue haired girl wearing a scarf who accidentally coughed because she forgot to get a puff of her inhaler after the screws started impaling people one by one.

"Oh no..." realizing that her asthma had caused her to make a verbal noise her widened eyes of horror knowing that was about to die.




Seeing such a gruesome display the students couldn't bare to make a sound and closed there eyes to no longer see death of another one of there class mates.


With the sound the table creaking being heard again, some students again focused there attention to the idiot who was currently moving a table in the sea of corpses.

(Is this guy an idiot?!) All of the students synchronizedly thought to themselves by how absurd Kumagawa is to the environment they're currently in.




Now that the noise was starting to annoy them some of the student almost tried to shout at Kumagawa to stop making noise but was able to stop themselves in time before having endure the annoyance in silence.


*Dusting of metaphorical dust from hands*

Kumagawa jumped into the table while the students just watched him do his weird antics silently.


Now currently standing on top of the table, Kumagawa, quietly eyed his second audience for today before uttering a word

"Umm, Why is everyone so quiet all of a sudden?"

Hearing the idiot standing on top of the table spoke up, the crowd just couldn't believe there eyes on just how dumb Kumagawa for not keeping his mouth shut even thought it's been perfectly clear that you would die if you made any verbal noise




Seeing that the idiot become impaled and falling of the table the crowd of students was a little bit happy and cheerful that Kumagawa got what he deserved.

(Now that the idiot is dead we can finally move towards the exit) some of the students thought of escaping towards one of the exit of the cafeteria but was quickly interrupted by a sound.


Standing up like he was never impaled in the first place, Kumagawa acted like he was tired before jumping up into the table once again.

"I know what you guy's must be wondering, how did all of a sudden you see me get impaled but on the next scene i wasn't impaled, do you wanna know why?" Kumagawa playfully said while spreading his arms.


Witnessing that Kumagawa was indeed still alive, some of students even questioned there sanity but continued to quietly observe the person who suddenly just came back from the dead.

"Of course it's magic! like for example see that door over there i can make it disappear with a snap of my finger!" Kumagawa spoke like a typical magician would be and made them observe one of the exits doors of the cafeteria.


In a blink of an eye the one of the doors that was suppose to lead there way out suddenly vanished and was replaced by walls.


Another door suddenly vanished...

Seeing that there only way of escaping was about to be erased some students had the rational to quickly run towards one of the exit doors closets to them.









Seeing so many countless people trying to run away from the situation, Kumagawa was angered by there lack of common etiquette and quickly barricaded all of the doors with large screws.

"What kind of person tries to leaves before even the main show begin? just because of that, i will kill anyone who dares moves a single step!" Kumagawa shouted with a tint of malice on his voice.

Hearing the person who just made a door disappear suddenly shout that if they move a single step they will be killed, made some students quickly comply and follow Kumagawa's order then stayed completely still in what ever position they were in last time.

Now that everyone in the cafeteria is now within his grasp, Kumagawa no longer had to keep up his happy go lucky self then made a cold and cruel glare towards all of the students and smirked.

Feeling that the man infront of them suddenly had weird shift of expression the atmosphere around the cafeteria started to drop making them shiver uncontrollably.

"I hate it when my meal gets thrown into the ground... and luckily for you all, I'm quite in a good mood today so i will kill only half you..." Kumagawa coldly said while pointed finger down.











With the screws coming in waves upon waves, what was once considered the cafeteria became nothing than rumble with screws with varying sizes stickout on the ground with some corpses stuck to them.

"W-w-Why?" A blonde haired girl wearing a brooch painfully spoke to Kumagawa while currently crucified into a wall.

"Don't worry about it, you won't even remember a single thing..." Kumagawa spoke jokingly before summoning a screw from thin air and jammed it into her abdomen and twisted it so that she could feel more pain.








"It's not you..."

With half of the students currently seeing the massacre around them, they couldn't believe they're eyes that someone on this earth could be so cruel without any prior reason.

"I should probably kill the other half too, can't be too sure..."

Hearing Kumagawa speak to himself, the other half of the students cried in despair while some tried to follow there instincts of running away, but all they could do was stand and watch as one by one all of them got impaled with comically large screws.

"P-please don't kill m-me" a female student requested for Kumagawa to spare her.

"Sure why not?" Kumagawa spoke nonchalant while holding a bloody screw on his hand.






Somewhere in the male bathroom Kataro is currently puking his lunch out on one of the toilet stalls not knowing that he was the only sole survivor of the Kumagawa massacre.