
The Bad Ending Creator

I hate stories with a happy ending... A story where a subcharacter swoops in to save the main character from an untimely demise makes me want to pierce a screw into someone's skull. Why can't the main character just die? I just want to see a story where everyone dies a very terrible demise. *Hais* Isn't it too much to ask? . . . Why not i just create a bad ending my self?

IamCurrentlyAlone · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Chapter 3


"Utsui-sensei is dead!" Ichika screamed while looking at the now dead teacher with a large screw stuck behind her back.

"Ya Think?" Kumagawa joking said while still keeping his gaze on the emotions the students are showing on their faces, fear, despair, terrified, horror.

Seeing everyone looking at him with fear, Kumagawa looked a one of the girls named Yunaki who was crying from the death of their beloved teacher and called her out


"Eh?!" hearing that voice Yunaki looked at the man who had just murdered they're teacher with a large screw with horror.

Seeing that Yunaki was being picked, Ichika had no choice but to step in and protect her.

"Don't you lay a finger on her!"

Seeing the act of bravery that Ichika was revealing Kumagawa became impressed by this side characters mc syndrome and lack of danger sense.

"Oh, why would i do that?" Kumagawa amusedly asked Ichika a question.

"It's because you murdered Utsui-sensei in cold blood!" Ichika stated the obvious why still shielding Yunaki

"Okay then, how about this, Yunaki-san why not we play a game?" Kumagawa coldly said while suddenly holding a large screw in his right hand.

"The winner gets to leave and the loser gets to die by the courtesy of being impaled by screws, how about it are you willing to play? hmm?" Kumagawa mischievously said while giving their attention to the large screw that just appeared in his hand.

"Yunaki! what ever you do dont play the game, I dont know why but it feels like something is wrong!" Ichika hastely said Yunaki feeling that something is wrong with the game.

"Aaaw come on now this is your chance to leave this place, how about this since I'm being a little generous i will let all of you guys go if you win the game Yunaki" Kumagawa said while eyeing the girl who now fearful of what he was going to do to her.

"YUNAKI DON'T DO IT!" Ichika shouted while shaking up Yunaki to break her up from her stupor.

"Yunaki you have to do it!" Sasaki said with determination while cautiously looking at Kumagawa cold menacing eyes.

"Why would you make her do it Sasaki?!" Ichika feeling betrayed looked at Sasaki with disgusted face.

"I know that you won't like it but please trust me on this one, i think this is the only chance all of us are gonna get out of here alive" Sasaki whispered quietly at Ichika's ear before also whispering something at Yunaki's ear

Seeing the students trying to scheme something, Kumagawa plunged the screw on his hand unto the school floor and then used it as a make shift chair.


"So are you going to play Yunaki?" Kumagawa spoke coldly, while calmly siting on the screw waiting for her reply.

(There goes plan c, he is physically stronger than all of us combined, we can't attack him hastly without any of us getting injured or dying in the process) Sasaki thought to herself before she started whispering something to Yunaki's ear.

Hearing the words of encouragement from Sasaki, Yanuki took up the courage and looked at Kumagawa's intimidating figure.

*Deep Breaths*

"Okay, I will play your game."

Hearing a positive reply, Kumagawa smiled creepily at Yunaki, like a fair maiden who has made a deal with the devil himself.

"Okay the game we will be playing would be Rock Paper Scissors, look the other way" Kumagawa said while holding out his fist in front of him.

"Janken?" Yunaki confusedly looked at Kumagawa's hand before finally agreeing with the game.

"Okay before we start the game i will lay out the rules first, Instead of your typical Janken look the other way, i will make it interesting, just as we are about to point the direction if you won the first part of Janken, you will have to verbally say the direction, the point of your finger is going to be in like for example if you point your finger up you have to say up and if you point down you say down, this will be the best of three, do you get the rules Yunaki-san?" Kumagawa said with excitement in his before finally getting up from his screw chair and walked just ten meters away in front of Yanuki.

"Yes." Yunaki calmly accepted while looking at Kumagawa's facial expressions.

"Staring with Rock







(Kumagawa - Rock)




(Yunaki - Scissors)




"Look Down!" With his finger pointing towards his right Kumagawa shouted the direction where it would be unsafe to look.



Just as Yunaki was about to look to her right, a large screw suddenly pierced its self just a one meters right in front of her, making her. unconsciously look down at it and screamed in terror seeing that the screw was just inches away from hitting her.


"One point goes to me, ku ku, would you like to play again Yunaki-senpai?" Kumagawa said playfully before putting clenching his first for the second round.

(. . .)

All of the classmates was flabbergasted by the audacity Kumagawa just committed just seconds prior.

"OI, THAT'S FUCKING CHEATING!!" The fat student shouted in protest while some other student's also joining on the unfairness of the game.


"YUNAKI! ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?" Ichika ran towards Yunaki's and grabbed her shoulder checking if she was hurt in other way.

Feeling Ichika grab her shoulder Yunaki quickly look at Ichika with tears of fear in her eyes.

"i i - ichika, i i i- don't want to play anymore" Yunaki with stuttered while crying her eyes out.

Seeing Yunaki crying in desperation, Ichika clenched his fist and glared at Kumagawa for making her girlfriend experience such a traumatic incident.

"Oho, Yunaki-senpai, If you no longer want to play then that automatically means that you forfeited? you know what that would mean right?" Kumagawa grinned in anticipation, while basking on the expression each student is showing on each of there faces.







With the fact that there very lives were on the very hands of Yunaki, almost all of the students tried to encourage Yunaki with some rewards and compensation if she won the game.



Sasaki coughed to de-escalate the situation and to bring some attention to herself.

"Mr. Kumagawa, I would like to accuse you of cheating!" Sasaki pointed her index finger at Kumagawa, while carefully looking for any way to read his body language.

With the fact Kumagawa was accused two times in a row for a crime that he may or may not had committed, he felt a little bit offended even though it was true.

"Would that be truly called cheating Sasaki-san?" Kumagawa spoke in a nonchalant way making Sasaki infuriated with just how crappy his personality is.

"OF COURSE IT IS! YOU USED YOUR POWER'S TO GRANT YOUR SELF AN ADVANTAGE IN THE GAME!" Sasaki shouted with all her might no longer being calm and collected as she is.

Seeing the how her personal went a full 180 degrees, Kumagawa grinned slightly before making his reply.

"Hmm, what are talking you about? Sasaki-san you must be crazy, you should probably check-in with you psychologist because your just seeing things ku ku" Kumagawa laughed slightly while making eye contact with Sasaki


Just as Sasaki was about to continue berating Kumagawa for his lack of sportsmanship the large screw that was suppose to be embedded unto the class floor and even the cracks suddenly just disappeared, like what happened just moments ago didn't even exist.

"h h-HOW?!" Sasaki did a double on the place where the screw was suppose to be in the first place.

"See that your already hallucinating things you should probably get your self checked-out" Kumagawa jokingly said

"DON'T GIVE ME THAT CRAP!! I KNOW YOU DID SOMETHING!" Sasaki not wanting to be gaslighted denied his claims and pointed her index finger at him even though it was shaking profusely.


Kumagawa sighed tiredly, while still having his cruel and uncaring face and slowly approached Sasaki step by step.

Witnessing that Kumagawa was getting close to her, Sasaki threatened Kumagawa to stay away from her.


Sasaki's words fell of deaf ears, with Kumagawa's not even caring for the silly little threats she was conjuring and continued to walk slowly towards her.











In a blink of an eyes Kumagawa grabbed the Sasaki's throat and lifted her off the ground with some of the students watching in horror not even capable of doing anything like there is something limiting there capability to stop the situation.

"I've grown quite annoyed of your voice..., why don't i just make you shut up forever? Kumagawa glared into the eyes of Sasaki while tightening his grip on her throat.


Feeling her life was on the line, Sasaki tried trashing around, trying to escape from the deathly grip Kumagawa has on her throat, she tried everything from punching, kicking, elbowing his arm and body, she tried everything but with every minute of her struggle, Kumagawa was enjoying every second of it, while grinning menacingly.








Saliva started to build up her throat, her breath was staring to get shorter and shorter, her head was filling dazed from the lack of blood circulation into her brain, even her movements started to become more less and less erratic every second.



After a minute, Sasaki's body turned limp with her eyes now devoid of life, and her mouth now no longer in breathing in any air, Kumagawa let go of his grip towards her throat making fall into the cold class room floor and laughed maniacally towards the students who watched one of their smart ally die of very painful manner.

*Maniacal Laughter*

"So Yunaki-san are you sure you want to forfeit our game of Janken?" Kumagawa glared intensely at Yunaki who was currently within the embrace of Ichika.

Sensing the eye piercing glared toward herself Yunaki's felt a shiver run down her entire body making her more fearful and started clinging more unto Ichika's body.

(WHY DID I HAVE TO DO TO DESERVE THIS?!) Yunaki inwardly questioned herself on why she was cursed with bad luck.

"I will take silence as a yes..." Kumagawa grinned menacingly, while summoning a large number of screws just behind him all pointing towards the students that were group together just at the back of the class room.

Seeing that Kumagawa wasn't bluffing one bit the students started to have a look of impending doom written on each of there individual faces..





"WAIT?! HOW ABOUT ME, CAN I PLAY THE GAME INSTEAD OF HER?!" another female student spoke up quickly to save her own life.


All of the students spoke up one by one, trying to convince Yunaki, but Yunaki didn't listen and quietly clinged more harder unto the embrace of Ichika.

(I'm sorry i couldn't protect you Yunaki...) Ichika sadly thought to himself blacking out all of the shouting his fellow friends are currently saying.



With a snap of with finger Kumagawa ordered a single screw to pierce itself unto the skull of Ichika and continued to pierce each individual student one by one with no remorse written on his face.













Looking at the beautiful displaying of carnage of body being pinned unto the wall limbs missing from there original positions Kumagawa looked satisfied with results before looking at the only singular student that he purposely saved for last.

"i i-Ichika, come on now wake up, didn't you say you would protect me no matter what?, h-hey ichika come wake up already you must be playing a prank on me right?!, Ichika?!" Yunaki kept on nudging the corpse who was currently missing a head to wake up.

With her mind now broken from the lose of her boyfriend, Kumagawa walked quietly towards the kneeling Yunaki, who still kept on nudging Ichika's corpse.

"Yu-na-ki SAN!" Kumagawa playfully called out her name but his words fell on deaf ears.

Feeling ignored Kumagawa made a large screw appear on his right hand and quickly pierced in unto her calf.


"AGGHHGGH!!" Yunaki scream in excruciating pain making her finally recognize the reality of her situation and look at the perpetrator who stabbed her calf.

"You finally noticed me Yunaki-san, don't you know i was hurt when you just down right ignored me?" Kumagawa acted like he was emotionally hurt by not getting the attention he wanted.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!!!!" Yunaki made coarse scream towards Yunaki while also holding the screw that was currently stuck on her left leg stopping it from bleeding out more blood.

"It's quite simple Yunaki-san, I just want to get to know you a little more he he" Kumagawa slyly said before making another screw and stabbing it slowly unto her right thigh.





(I HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!) Yunaki inwardly thought and tried to crawl away from Kumagawa but even that was in vain.

Seeing Yunaki's measly attempt to crawl away, Kumagawa stepped on her back to thwart her movements before making another another screw and stabbing it unto her right forearm and lastly stabbing her left arm with another screw making her now incapable of movement.






"Now, Yunaki-san, i want to ask you a question" Kumagawa lifted Yunaki's face from the ground and asked her a question.


"Would you like to wear a naked apron?"




"Oh, she's dead..." Kumagawa looked at the now lifeless eyes of Yunaki and let got of her head making her corpse fall in the puddle of blood that is now staining the once clean class room floor.

"Such a wonderful first day of school i wonder what i should get at the cafeteria? i do hope they have melon bread for sale..." Kumagawa said to himself before returning back to his happy go lucky self not caring that he just massacred a classroom full of students and teacher just a couple minutes ago.