
The Bad Ending Creator

I hate stories with a happy ending... A story where a subcharacter swoops in to save the main character from an untimely demise makes me want to pierce a screw into someone's skull. Why can't the main character just die? I just want to see a story where everyone dies a very terrible demise. *Hais* Isn't it too much to ask? . . . Why not i just create a bad ending my self?

IamCurrentlyAlone · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 2

"I'm Misogi Kumagawa, I'm just 17 years old side character and I'm currently studying at Shuchi'in Academy, my hobbies revolve around killing children, teenagers, adults, elderly people and watching/reading anime, my preference for a girl would be that they would be willing to dressed in naked aprons and thats just about it."

"If you ask me about any of my life long goals then it would be simple, I just want to kill everyone in the world and that includes me."

"Well i technically i tried it before, but it was boring as hell, so instead i just hop into other universes and have some fun in my own way kuku."

Walking to his school Kumagawa started to talk to himself without any care for his surroundings, while some passerbys even started eavesdropping on what kind of mentally ill person started talk to themselves so early in the morning.

"Well, not like it matters anyways..."

Kumagawa looked at the gates of the Shuchi'in Academy and whistle in admiration before heading inside the campus building.


With the start of the first period Kumagawa prepared to himself for his introduction to his new side character friends and proceed to go to the classroom that he was a signed too


"Oh, This must be the place."



"Come on in."

Hearing a mature female voice Kumagawa then slide opened the door to be greeted by the students and teacher of Class G-8

"Well are you Misogi Kumagawa?"

"Yes, Ma'am"

"Then take a seat right at the back of the class"

(Tsk the main character seat...)

"Um, Sensei would it be alright if introduce my self first?"

"Do, go a head Mr. Kumagawa"

Making up the fakest smile imaginable that would make people who knows Kumagawa's true nature would puke from disgust, started to introduce himself like a typical side character.

"Hello, My name is Kumagawa Misogi, you may call me Kumagawa, and my hobbies are watching people suffer and listening to their screams when they beg for mercy..."

Hearing the weird introduction the teacher and students with confusion written on their faces synchronizedly asked



"Oh, that was a joke, ha ha" Seeing the confused faces the students that were now currently looking at him like he was mentally ill started to make it a joke and laughed to break the tension.

"Oh Mr. Kumagawa that was a joke i see..., if so would you please be sitted so that we can start our first period?"

"Of course, sensei but before that..."


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All of a sudden the windows and sliding doors of the class room suddenly turned into the same walls that was used to decorate the entire school.

"Nani Kore?!"

In the blink of a eye the once normal class turned into a room with no windows and doors like they never existed in the first place

Seeing their predicament the students started to panic, some even ran towards the direction where the doors were suppose to be but to no veil the door were no longer there.

"Ichika, are we stuck here?" one of the girls in the group asked one of the male students who was currently inspecting the wall where the door disappeared.

Seeing Yunaki's expression Ichika had to clench his fist his and tell the hard truth.

"I don't know Yunaki, how but the doors just disappeared and turned into a wall..." Ichika said with a grim expression.

"Wait! i have my cell phone maybe we can call for help!" a girl shouted from the crowd before revealing her flip phone to the other students.

"It's no use, i tried to call my dad the moment this happened, but all i got was no signal" another male student spoke up before showing to the group that his phone indeed has no single bar of signal.

"THEN WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSE TO DO!" a gyaru girl shouted with fear in her voice, expecting the worst of the situation.

Hearing the shout some students started to have a panic attack, and only a few were composed enough to not panic, but they understand the situation well, that the way of exit has been removed.

Seeing her students beginning to panic the female teacher spoke up with authority in her voice.

"Everyone don't panic! the course of action we have is to stay calm and observe the situation!"

"Samia-sensei is right, nothing good comes if we start panicking now!" Ichika said with confidence and an aura of leadership in his tone.

"Let's collect our thoughts and think about why this happened!" A fat male student started asking the first notable question in the group.

"Hmm, Now that i think about it, this didn't happen until Kumagawa came and introduced himself" a sharp girl noticed something particular and voiced it out to the group

One by one all of the classmates looked at the suspected perpetrator that was currently standing in front of the class room, being oblivious of their current predicament

"Oh my, why did the windows and walls turn into walls?" Kumagawa continued acting oblivious since this would spoil the fun.

However the students didn't buy his acting, like it's their sixth sense that all that has been happening here was purposely the result of the person who was infront of them.

"Why are guys acting like that? even if i was the one who caused this, do you even have any proof to back up your claim?" Kumagawa kept of playing the fool, while keeping his happy go lucky attitude.

"No, we don't but almost all the evidence points towards you!" the fat man of the group pointed his finger at Kumagawa while stating a fact.

"This situation is too random to occur without a reason and with the fact that you are the only key factor for this circumstances to occur..." a girl with glasses with clear logical thinking skills said while accusing him of being the perpetrator.

"Sasaki is correct! but we can't blame Kumagawa-san for everything" Ichika said with confidence making sure that the situation doesn't escalate.

"Why are taking his side Ichika?!" The gyaru girl shouted in disbelief

"I'm not taking his side Kitami! I'm making sure that no one fights!" Ichika immediately rejected his claim so that he won't be thrown under the bus

Seeing that the situation has already been spoiled enough Kumagawa, coughed to get everyone's attention.


"Ehem, Sasaki-san your logical deduction skills are within a doubt great but it seems likes your mistaking something..." Kumagawa looked at everyone's faces with some ranging from, anger, worry, scared, excited, annoyed and indifferent.



A large screw suddenly pierced into the back of the female teacher, making her the first victim of the now closed off classroom of G-8

"And that is, you didn't expect that the one who trapped you here wouldn't just kill you on the spot, ku ku" Kumagawa no longer playing out his facade, made a creepy grin while eyeing everyone on the room with a cruel and menacing glare.