
The autobot's swordsman

Upon his death Oden was offered a chance by Primus to be reborn as a cybertronian. He will not having any devil fruit or power from One piece. He will not be unstoppable at least not for now. He will be an Autobot

celestialshadows1 · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

Chapter 7: Let's get ready to rumble

Cybertron, Kaon: Gladiator pits

Oden was not in the waiting rooms for long, after 5 minutes a bot came and escorted him into the walkout hall. Reaching the end of the hall he saw a bright light, he looked at it for a while then finally stepped out into it. Upon stepping out he was in a huge arena with thousands of bots screaming and cheering. Remembering what Buzzwire told him, Oden made his way to the centre of the arena. Looking around he was able to see everyone cheering him on, deciding to give them a show he did a backflip then landed on the ground in a superhero landing pose. This sent the crowd spiralling.

After he was done showing off the commentators above on a hover platform began to speak.

"Femmes and mechs welcome to the pits of Kaon."

The crowd went up in cheers again. Then they quieted down again to hear what the commentators had to say again.

"Tonight we have a group of new fighters hoping to make their way up the division, but only five bots will be able to make their way to next week's fight. On the left side is a bot coming from the outskirts of Kaon to take the arena by storm and slice up his competition into pieces. Give a round of applause for ODEN!"

The crowd once again cheered for the fighter, then quieted after a while. Once they quieted down a new bot made his way from the right side. He was huge easily towering over Oden, maybe three heads bigger than Showdown, the bot walked to the centre of the arena. Looking at him closer Oden could see a huge battle axe behind him.

"This bot from the right side is coming deep from the mining centre here to break his opponent into bits. Welcome BLACKOUT!"

This time the crowd's applause was even greater than the ones for Oden. He couldn't blame them seeing Blackout; he looked like he could kill Oden in a single swing. This made Oden grin in anticipation. Seeing his grin Blackout was angry.

"What are you grinning about, bug? I'm gonna crush you."

The commentators then finally started the match.

"It is time!"

"Let's get ready to RUMBLE!"

This started the match for the two bots. Immediately Blackout rushed at Oden intending to destroy him in one hit. He punched down at Oden, but Oden quickly moved out of the way and jumped in the air using the immense strength in his feet to reach Blackout and kicked him in the chest, which sent Blackout flying back to the surprise of everyone in the arena. This is when the commentators began to narrate.

"In a shock turn of events Oden was able to send Blackout flying back into the other end of the arena with a single kick."

It took a minute but Blackout was able to get back up, spitting out energon into his hand. Blackout couldn't believe what he was seeing. It was the first time he had been beat down like that. He rushed at Oden this time taking his axe out and swinging at him. Oden just stood there and waited for him to come. As soon as Blackout's axe almost reached him, he tilted his body allowing the axe to pass by his body and embed itself into the ground. Blackout then tried to take his axe out the ground, but before he could Oden did a handstand and kicked him in the face which sent him flying back again.

At this point Oden was getting bored of his opponent. Oden was a warrior who was able to contend with the likes of dark king Rayleigh, this small fry couldn't make Oden sweat. Deciding to end it, Oden ran to the now up Blackout. As soon as he reached him he swept away Blackout legs causing him to fall then took out one of his swords and stabbed Blackout in the chest. There was silence for a while then loud cheers could be heard all over the arena.

"Ohh can you believe it, in the span of four minutes Oden was able to take down Blackout in a turn of events that no one expected. I believe that many people will be going home angry tonight as they made bets on the wrong bot. Oden really represents tonight, bringing in an unforgettable fight for the season."

With that Oden took his sword out of Blackout. Lucky for Blackout the amateur weapons were not sharp enough to reach his spark, but if he doesn't get repaired soon he would die from energon loss. Oden then made his way back into his waiting room and waited for his next fight of the night.

It took another hour to enter the arena again. This time as soon as he entered the crowd was so loud it slightly shook the stadium. And the commentators started again.

"We're back again with the best fighter of the night so far, Oden. His next contender isn't average though make welcome the former elite guard Killer bee."

The crowd exploded Killer bee was a well known elite guard that fought during the first cybertronian war with his infamous sword style he used seven swords to cut down his opponents. He was the most unorthodox fighter ever to grace cybertron's presence, upon his retirement he made his way to live a simple life on the outskirts of Kaon. Though he came here today to get some of his joints loosened up again. He would occasionally fight in the pits for fun and today his opponent was Oden. He had a hollow pad writing something in it seeing Oden he looked up and began to rap.

"Fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee, ooh eeh I'm the rapping Killer bee yeah. Oh you fool you fool I heard your name was Oden, guess what I'm gonna break you open yeah."

Seeing this strange bot Oden got a feeling of danger rolling off of him, but this just made him excited. Without saying a word he took out his two swords from his back. Waiting for his opponent to ready himself he was surprised to see Killer Bee throw seven swords in the air. Catching one in his mouth, another in his armpit, two between his knee, one between his elbow, one balanced on his wrist, then another balanced on his shoulder. Then killer bee was somehow able to rap.

" I said I'm gonna slit your wrist, while I make you hiss, you gonna drop an piss, this is not a diss, I'm gonna make a face that your girl won't kiss, I said it's better if you kill yourself."

With that eccentric rap the entire crowd went up in a roar. Then the commentator started the match off.

"Let's get ready to rumble!"

Hi, it's your friendly author here. I want to say thank you to all my supporters and send a special thanks to my top supporters Big_Daddy_E, Tasha_Williams_0673, Username48399 and Marcus_whatever. I would also like to encourage my readers to leave reviews on the chapters so I can increase the reading experience. Killer bee is not reincarnated. I just put his character in there to give Oden a challenge; you will not see him after the next chapter's fight. Thank you once again everyone celestial shadow out.