
The Astral world

DaoistsNzReX · ファンタジー
15 Chs

III. The Journey to Patrick

Well things have been going on really strange these past few weeks for me . And later I came to a point where in I decided that on May 15th that is a week from now I'll be on my journey to Patrick. I can't go alone because there might be people who will be after me so I decided that I need to take a few people along with me . But I have no idea how to explain to them about all this and then I just remembered where Ember told me about that dream which she got three times and for some reason I felt as tho there was a connection between these dreams . So I thought of approaching her first and wanted to ask her about the dream .

So I messaged her to come to the city Central Park and that I have something important to talk to her about . So we both meet in the park and I start explaining all the things which were happening with me and she started screwing the shit out of me because I didn't tell any of this to her as soon as possible . Remember guys don't hide anything from your girl best friend ( I genuinely wish she is my girlfriend tho) or else you're gonna end up getting screwed like how I did and later I asked her about the dream . Ember told me to make a promise to her that I won't feel bad when I hear about that dream . I was kinda like alright? I won't do anything stupid don't worry about it . So she starts explaining me the whole dream .

So in this dream , Ember, Peterson , Rick , Arthur and myself were in Iceland . And there she told me that she saw this person who was dressed up in black clothing , His eyes resembled that of a demon . And I was fighting this man . She also mentioned that I had superhuman strength. But this man was too powerful for me and he was almost about to kill me . Ember was injured and because of that she couldn't help me out . At that moment Rick came to my rescue and had a fight with this man . Rick wore this armour? It was similar to the armour of a berserker . He was almost about to win but then there was a cost to the huge amount of power he already used and he couldn't move anymore and on the spot the enemy took the advantage and killed Rick . And that's when rage took over me and I got controlled by something which was within me . Almost like I was possessed by some power . And I tried to kill the enemy but I couldn't….he escaped and I couldn't stop myself and I killed…Arthur…,…Peterson….and Ember

When I heard about this dream it broke me and I was devastated….me killing my own friends? That's the worst thing ever . I hated myself even tho it was just a dream about which she explained . I just didn't like myself because of what I heard I'm sorry Ember I can't let myself not feel anything about that . Ember comforted me and told me that there's still time and we spoke for a while and then wait? Something within me took control of me? . Didn't Aetrix tell me that I had the dragon seed within me? . I felt like there was definitely a connection between the two dreams which me and Ember had . But how is it possible? I kept wondering about that . I told her about Aetrix and about the dragon seed . Even she had no idea what a dragon seed is . And yes so I asked her if she can accompany me on my journey to Patrick . She told that she definitely will accompany me till the end . Man having a friend especially a girl who says that? Man that's rare and I'm sure blessed with such a good one . And then now so Ember is gonna be there , now I need to somehow convince my homies . But I was kind of afraid of the prophecy or the dream . So I told Ember that this is a bad idea and that you and the rest of the others need to stay put. But Ember lashed out in front of me and told me that I don't care . I'm coming with you . Sometimes women sure are a pain in the ass I said to myself and I got hit on the head by her . Ugh women sure sometimes do annoy you . Well I was kind of happy that I'll have company on my way to Patrick . And now it's time for me to go and visit my homies and explain all of this to them . So i asked all of them to meet me tomorrow in the park .

After my conversation with Ember I went back home and I just couldn't sleep at all and I just kept thinking about why am I chosen to do all this and why am I the only man Who actually has this dragon seed? . I just had a lotta questions and I wanted to know all the answers . I just hope that I will get to know everything about myself…and I just stayed up all night without a wink of sleep . The next day early in the morning I went to the park because I had to meet all of them . So I began explaining about the dream and how i have this connection with leviathan . After listening to my explanation Arthur asked me if I am alright in the head . Ugh God man of course I am alright. And it's something really important and I need your help . Rick tho was a man who was ready to do anything for my sake . Peterson was hesitant he told that he's not gonna accompany me to Patrick and I..didn't force him to do it . So right now it's just Rick and Ember who's actually gonna accompany me till Patrick . Arthur declined my request . And right now it's May 9th . So now I have to be prepared for whatever I have to face , because this is gonna be a long journey . And I don't even know if I'll even come back alive . I need to at least learn how to unleash my abilities in order to defeat anyone who comes in my way . But I have no idea how to even do it….maybe I'll be able to unleash it when I go to the astral world? . I wonder if that world is filled with magic? Well I just have to wait in order to find out . And I have to become strong enough to destroy that man . So after we go to Patrick we need to go to the BRICK RED which is where the remains are there .And then we need to find this ring…which can take days to find . Man this is gonna be a headache .

I can't believe that I am actually gonna go and fight dragons . I was in fact happy that what I believed was right but I love dragons and I never even wanna fight with em . But what if I kill the emperor? . Everything will turn out good ? And nobody has to fight and it'll be peaceful again . And I hope I will see leviathan there . Then there must definitely be druk . Oh boy this dragon is known to be the one of the strongest and it's attack power can be ten times more than leviathan the king of the sea .Druk is known to be a ferocious creature and it is one of the creatures which has the longest life span among the dragons . This dragon is known as the king of thunder . It's the one and only dragon which has the power of thunder .


Time is clicking by really fast and I have to start packing up things . I called Ember and Rick and told them to be ready and that they have to prepare themselves for whatever is coming. I told them one thing . That is not to have any expectations…because I have no idea if any one of us is even gonna be alive . Rick is strong and he can fight. He in fact is stronger than me but yeah..the ones we are going up against are not humans . Something far dangerous than them . I told them that our first motive after we go to the next world is to find out how to get stronger and how to end things. I even told them that we can be gone for years and that we should be prepared for that .

I've done packing up things and now I started to prepare myself mentally for whatever is to come . Wait my chest..it's burning..I can't breathe..the hell is even happening I couldn't do anything , the pain was unbearable and I just fainted…and this time I was in this white room? Or rather it was filled with bright light . And I heard a voice calling out to me . I thought it was leviathan but it was a girl She told me that her name is Rebecca , and that I have to hurry to Astral world because CERN has already got the information that I have the dragon seed and that I need to start moving quick because they'll start hunting me down and try to take it out from me , I asked her what the dragon seed was . She told me the same answer as Aetrix told . That she cannot tell me everything right away and that it'll take me some time for me to get to know about everything .


Well well it's time for my journey . Guys when is the bus gonna arrive asked Ember . Telling me that she can't stand anymore and ugh again women are a pain in the ass sometimes aren't they ? . BONK . Ugh fine Ember I'm sorry about that . Never gonna mess with a girl ever in my life again man . Rick was just chilling with his headset on , just wondering in his own world . For fuck sake we ain't going for a fricking PICNIC here man . God dammit . Both of you take it seriously will you I yelled at them . The more I yelled at them the more they laughed , sigh forget it . The bus was supposed to come at 5:30 AM and now it's already 7:00 AM . Oh man today's not my day . Rick suddenly tells me to talk to him in private . I asked him what happened . Rick told me that we were being observed by two people in the car opposite to the bus stop . Well Rick I think it's better if we are ready to fight. And make sure that Ember doesn't get to know that we're being followed because that'll create a panic . But Rick insisted that it's better for her to know because she's a part of our group. Uh..well okay fine Rick we'll tell her . And well to my surprise she didn't panic . Damn she's mentally strong well her name is Ember for a reason lol , wait I didn't tell both of them about the dream did I? .

And so I explained to them about how this girl Rebecca warned me about people hunting us down especially me . Ah man I have no idea what to even do right now . Just gotta pray that we have to be safe for now . And by the time I was done . The bus arrived and we got onto it quickly and as we expected the car started following the route of the bus . The journey is about 12 hours from Rocky roads . So until then we have time to think about how to deal with these guys . Ahh Rick you got any ideas?? Man when it comes to knowledge I'm dumb. Like a lot . Rick tho is a wise man . And he's more experienced in fighting too which makes him an unstoppable beast. Rick just told me this . Well buddy we know what to do don't we Seth? . Do what bruh?? , Let's kick their ass buddy . Oh boy I loved this bwahahahaha . Ember just gave this death stare at us and was like y'all need to chill for sometime . Ember advised us not to fight because we don't know what we are up against…

Very well she actually does have a point . And they will of course be armed . And on the other side we don't even have a single gun. I changed my mind and told Rick that we will make a run for it . Or hide for a day or two somewhere . So that they will prolly give up on finding us . And thankfully I know a friend of mine who stays there . Haha his name is franky . This man is an old friend of mine , man cried a lot once for this girl who just ditched him for someone else . And that destroyed his mental health . But well he moved on finally but yes there are at times where he gets triggered . But he's a good man tho . I messaged him to bring his car to the bus stop . So one problem has been solved , so I guess we can take a day off or two . And then go to the BRICK RED And try finding the ring as soon as possible before anyone comes and tried to attack us .

Uh guys? Where is that car? . Wasn't it behind us till now . Damn it just vanished all of a sudden but anyways still gotta check out for ourselves . But well guess we can take some time off and just have some fun . Oh boy the joy in the face of Rick . Well we just played on our phones and Ember was reading a book. Yes! I won AGAIN BROTHA. said Rick . Oh come on fam I will beat you up one day . I've been saying this for ages. And nothing has changed . Damn that hits different lol . Very well I think that not everyone can be good at games but they'll be good at something else , they can have a unique skill in something which others don't. We all have been made unique .

The bus stopped moving all of a sudden in the middle of the road . And the driver wondered what happened and went out to check what's wrong with the engine . The moment he stepped out, someone shot him. What the actual hell , I thought that we weren't being followed anymore . Tsk we let our guard down . There are already innocent people in the bus and ugh I can't do anything to help them . The whole bus was on attack . Those two men as expected were from CERN . I was afraid what was gonna happen to all of us. I thought that this was the end . These two guys asked the people to give us up . And that they will let them live . As expected Everyone were against us . So we had to get off the bus and walk with them . Guys..I'm really sorry I shouldn't have called you guys…in the first place to come with me . I'm regretting everything i did. Rick just told me to shut up and just let's go wherever they'll take us , they took us to the woods . And then these two men told their names .

One of them was Ryan and the other was Snart . Well well hello Seth robins the chosen one . Guess we came here before you got your powers , It's gonna be the end for you. The dragon seed is finally gonna belong to our master. The one and only person who's gonna reign over everything said Ryan .

I told them I'll do anything for them and I just requested one thing that is to let Ember and Rick get out of here safely. Ember just yelled at me and asked me if I was alright in the head . " no wonder people call you a dumb head." Hey asshole I changed my mind you need to fight . Come on you can do something about it can't you Seth , Unlock whatever that power of yours said Ember But Rick told me not to. Huh? Ember was pissed and asked what why? We're in danger right now and the only thing which can save us is his powers isn't it . Ember listen to me I'm not sure if He'll even be able to control these powers of his , And this is better . Remember the dream you told us about? . So yea it's dangerous said Rick …. Snart had a weapon which was something I've never seen before . I guess this is the end . Any last words young man? Asked Snart . Lmao the last words I told were to delete my browsing history. They just got more annoyed at me and just when I closed my eyes and prepared for it . Someone shot Snart and killed him . Guess who it was? IT WAS ARTHUR. Why the hell are you here Arthur? Asked Rick . It's not only me buddy , Peterson also is here he's just hiding in the bushes . I asked them how did they even get to know we were here and from where the hell did they even get the guns? For Christ's sake someone explain whatever is going on . Anyways we gotta take care of Ryan first oh wait he's gone . Ugh just when things started getting better for us . Thanks to both of you for coming here!

Well Arthur told me that he had a long story to tell me but first let's get out of here and go to Frank's place shall we . Ahh but the driver is dead and the people there are not gonna allow us to enter the bus ….

Oh don't worry about that said Peterson because they have a car ready. For fuck's sake since when do you guys have a license !! . No license boy we're the bad guys . Let's go ! Ah man things just started to get more interesting, gotta tell franky that there's no need for a car from the bus stop.

Finally we're safe hopefully. But am I sure about it? Asked Rick . Very well I think that they won't be attacking us right away now will they? I think it'll take some time for them to even come here . So it's better to find the ring before anyone gets here . But first we need a good night's rest . We'll be reaching Franky's place soon . In about thirty minutes . Ah man we had a history. We went to the same school , my man reminds me of how I used to be in the past . He's kinda like a brother to me . Anyways he's annoying as hell sometimes lol . But well can't do anything about it cuz even I am lol .


Finally we're here . we all reached safely and that's a good thing . Franky just came running towards me and we punched each other . Lol that's our way of saying hi . Haha it's been two years since I've met him. Well franky asked me what was even happening. And who are all these people who are with me . Very well frank they're my friends and yep we have something really important going on I said ,I even explained everything from the start whatever happened . Franky was just numb , he was in a shock . What the hell? Dragons , CERN , DRAGON SEED!?…are you kidding me fam? , dragons don't exist they're just fictional beings . They're not here anymore. Stop assuming things he said . But well believe it or not buddy they're still there and soon something big is gonna happen . We have to stop all that . And I need your help in order to go get the ring. Uh fine but I just need to process all this told frank . Ahh man we don't have much time but Atleast for now let's take rest for a day . And then start searching for the ring .

Well anyways Arthur you still haven't Told me about what happened? And how you found out where we were.