
The Astral world

DaoistsNzReX · Fantasy
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15 Chs

IV. The search

Well well so Arthur tell me about what happened . Arthur started explaining it . After Arthur and Peterson told all of us that they didn't wanna come with us . The next day while Arthur was on his way to do his part time job . He went by an old man who asked him to come with him . Seriously? No way in hell am I gonna go with this old man he thought . He's a total stranger but this man told him not to worry about anything and that he wouldn't do something bad to him . So they both went by and the old man took Arthur to this lake and there he started talking to Arthur and he said that Arthur had to go with Rick. What the hell? How did this man even know Rick . How do you know Rick? And who even are you? . The man replied saying his name was Thomas . The man who worked for CERN years ago and disappeared out of nowhere . He asked him where have you been all these years? The man replied that he cannot say that and that he's forbidden to say it but he did tell him that there is another world out there and Rick needs Arthur's support or else he's gonna die before reaching that place . He even told him about where we were and where we're even gonna get off and provided all the information . After he explained everything he turned into ashes before his eyes . So yes that's how we got to know everything said Arthur.

After Arthur told me this I was definitely sure that something strange is actually going on between this world and the Astral world . There have been strange phenomena going on with all of them . Nobody has an idea about the Astral world . Wait did you say Astral world Seth? Asked frank . Umm yes what about it? Frank told that he remembers his late granddad telling him about how this other world exists and how it's this world which has all of the things which don't exist on earth . Or rather it's a world where creatures which have gone extinct on earth still exist over there . And that there's this emperor who rules over all of them . That man was very wicked and sought more power . There was one element this man needed in order to be the most powerful person in this world . But then he couldn't find it and hence wasn't able to conquer anything . There were four creatures who had powers . They had the powers of the elements of the EARTH , AIR , FIRE and WATER . they all came together and fought this man and finally after years of war managed to seal him away with the help of a certain man . But this is only temporary and it's gonna be broken soon and the emperor will be on the move again. That world is known as the Astral world . It's just an urban legend said Frank .

Very well we got clues about this world . Astral world aih, it sure is mysterious . Earth , air , fire and water . So this emperor has made the move already according to what Aetrix said to me in the dream . *Sighs* man now we gotta seal him off now huh . Well I think it's better if we all get to work and find the ring as soon as possible but anyways let's sleep for now and start the search tomorrow morning . Guys it's gonna get dangerous from now on . Let's all be careful and let's stick together. And end this thing for good alright? Yessir shouted Rick .


Cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo . Oh God not this bloody bird again . I swear every single morning during my childhood this bird used to always chirp just before I used to wake up and had to go to school. My school life was very traumatic . Lol and this bird was always a part of it haha. Stop talking to yourself and get ready Seth said Rick . Ha fine fine I will . Well alright how are we going there guys?? Asked Ember , isn't it obvious that we're gonna go by a car . Umm okay but I think it'd be better if we carried weapons this time said Ember . Oh yea you actually do have a point but we can't afford any of em . we have two guns which Arthur and Peterson bought . I think we need a few knifes, any knifes in fact . Frank how many knifes ya got . Three knifes bruh said frank . Ahh okay cool then let's get going guys . We all reached the place sooner than we expected. Thanks to Frank's driving skills . So now where do we even begin our search . This place is huge .

Well alright listen up people Frank , me and Ember are gonna check the first two floors . Rick , Arthur and Peterson you guys check the last two floors and if there's any trouble . Give us a call immediately. God this place is just half destroyed said ember . Obviously it's the remains of the laboratory . It probably happened because of the explosion which happened years back . I hope no cops come here.


Oh my God my back is aching. Are you an old man or something? Asked Ember . Bitch just shut up you've just been standing there and not doing any work. NOT DOING ANY WORK!!? . If it wasn't for my ideas we wouldn't have been alive . Ugh alright fine . Swear to God better not to argue with her or else I'll be dead . Franky you got any leads there? Nope nothing here at all said Frank . I got a call from Arthur . Arthur any leads? Well uh…I think we found something you need to see . Come up to the fourth floor . Aight on my way there . Guys they found something let's go check it out I said .

What the fuck is this. What is this place…it's giving me the chills . This place has been used for human sacrifice . A demonic ritual. Frank this isn't real right….I really wish I could say that Seth but it's real what we're seeing here are carcasses of many people . Now don't tell me CERN has been taking the help of demons . Rick what do you think? . That actually might be the case . Because if you look at the symbols here clearly . Each and every thing here resembles the devil . The Illuminati symbol , the free masons , the seventh society and the mark of the beast too .All these symbols are here which indicates that this shit is definitely demonic . Oh God how can people even do such things . Why can't they just work for it and get it ugh for Christ's sake . Everyone were scared. But wait a minute guys said frank . What if it's not demons but people from the Astral world . What if they're the ones who told these people to do all this shit in order for them to open up a portal or some shit? , I don't think so frank because in order to open a portal to the Astral world . We need the ring don't we?? . But what if that isn't the only way to get there ? Said Rick . Well we're not gonna be sure unless we actually go there and find out whatever the heck is going on . But this is a sign. A sign that we need to take this more seriously and we need to finish this mess once and for all . Alright I think that's enough for today guys…let's get back home and rest for now .

*A conversation between me and ember*

Hey Ember are you okay?? I'm not . I'm not okay I'm frightened after what I saw there . Seth what if something actually happens to you?…I can't live with that . Ember listen to me nothing is gonna happen to me alright. I've got you , Rick , and the rest of the crew. To be honest everyone feels the same way but we've come this far and we can't back down or else everything we've done till now will be for nothing . I promise you Ember we'll get through this and later on I'll take you on a date if you don't mind . Ember just bursted out laughing of course you Baka let's go on a date after this . Oh man I felt so relieved. Haa it's been years hasn't it Ember Since I've met you lol .

Ember pov : Lol yea..I still remember the first time we spoke to each other . Lol tho we went to the same tutor at such a small age you never spoke to me . I even tried approaching you but you never spoke to me . Haha…the first time you actually spoke to me was when we were in the church and when I mentioned the conspiracy about the Illuminati . You Immediately took interest in talking to me…lol I felt like I finally found someone who's interested in the same shit which I'm interested in . Heh but well I thought I found a good soul but I found a monster .

Oh come on seriously you're just over exaggerating it . You're the monster lol . Whatever said Ember . Anyways let's go sleep guys . We again got a big day tomorrow . I just hope we don't find any more corpses there said Rick , hopefully we won't at least that's what I pray for . Frank did your granddad tell you anything about human sacrifice or demonic rituals anything?? And first off how in the world did your granddad even know about the Astral world? Dude I have no idea about how my granddad even knew about all this shit . But yes he never mentioned about human sacrifice said frank. Ahhh I really hope I get all the answers . And who even am I now is the question which I need an answer for as soon as possible.


No sooner is it the next day and we all got ready hoping to find it Atleast today . Seth I swear I hope we find it this time said Rick . Ayy homie very well we ain't sure if it'll be possible but yeah let's do our best . But didn't we search everywhere?? Yesterday. Let's check everything again . There has to be some clue as to find it . Franky just be ready with the weapons anyone from CERN might appear before us again . Yes yes for sure said frank.


Nope. I'm not able to find anything here . This place is so enigmatic . It's weird we have searched everywhere and ain't able to find even one clue . Wait a minute Seth. We didn't check out the computer system did we? Asked Frank . Ah yes Frank we didn't but what's the point in doing that? . We might get a clue if we check out the main system . And hence we both went to check the system out . But ugh due to all the damage done . Nothing works here . How about we take one of the computers from here and fix it up? And come back tomorrow said frank.

That's actually a good idea I thought to myself and hence we called off the search even today and hence just went back home . We tried to fix this shit ourselves but we couldn't, guys any idea where we can actually just find something else? Something helpful . Everyone just sat there glaring at the computer . Just when I was about to give up on this . Frank told me that there's a friend of his who knew a lot about tech . Maybe she might help us . Wait a girl?? Since when did you move on bruh . Oh God lmao the trauma we all went through because of her . Ah shut the fuck up Seth ugh don't remind me of her said frank , aye sorry mate fine . Anyways she'll prolly be coming here tomorrow. What's her name tho ? Chillax bruv she'll tell it when you meet her . GUYS THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO TALK ABOUT SOME RANDOM ASS WOMAN said Ember . God- fine sorry Ember it won't happen again- . Ah fine anyways Frank can you like just tell her to come right now? I mean it's obviously around 7:30 PM right now but we don't have time to waste do we . Ugh fine I'll tell her to be here now .

Rick :

Ah guys I'm just gonna head out to the balcony and just breathe in some fresh air . Ay that's fine mate go ahead and take your time said Seth . Man it's so tiring all this shit. . I really hope we can do something about all this…..I just hope that we can haa somehow escape this fate . I wish I could at least go and read a book . Wait a minute…..a book…?

Seth :

Ah God y'all stop arguing with each other Ember and Frank . Such dumb fucks . Oh see who's saying that said Ember . Oh shut up bitch . Ugh man I feel so hopeless at this point . Guys I think I might have an idea about the history of CERN said Rick . Wait what do you mean history of CERN? Rick. Don't you guys remember the book which was banned years ago because it was against the Roman Catholic Church? Wait you mean Angels and demons the book which was written by Dan Keller . Yes said Rick it actually has information on the organisation CERN too . No wonder they have banned this book , if we can get a hold of this book somehow we can find something about the ring . I eventually read that book a long time back but I can't seem to remember everything said Rick and I have no idea if I even have that book with me right now . We either meet with this Author or we find this book somehow , but wait a minute didn't he die because of an accident? . So yeah we need the book. But where do we find this? Do you have any idea where it might be located?? I asked

The archives…said frank. Umm yes I know what an archive is but which one are you referring to?

Well well guess we have to head to Rome guys and have an adventure over there said Frank . Nah no no way in hell , I ain't doing shit . I'm not going there and dying before even the real thing starts . Seth you have to take up this mess and go ahead or else we ain't going anywhere said Ember . Ahh but wait what about your friend frank? Is she coming here right now??

Frank replied to me with a yes . Alright before we take any other decisions let's wait for the girl to appear and try fixing the computer and if things don't work my way then obviously I'll let y'all choose the way you guys wanna do it . I really hope she fixes up that mess ..

Ahh don't worry Seth she's one of the best people you can ever find for these kinda problems and I think she sure will fix it up most probably , Well I hope that's the case said frank . Alright until then can we all like just have a talk with how things are gonna be from now on?

Rick : Well I think it's better to do your best while battling the enemies and it's better not to be alone anywhere as there might be many people who are targeting us , it's better to just be together and of course obviously we have to take all this seriously and make sure that no one here gets hurt .

Well I guess Rick covered up everything I wanted to say lol . We're gonna have our ups and downs but then where there's a will there will always be a way . Damn since when did I grow so wise lol .


Hey there!! Frank and uhh wait the others here are umm no clue who they are . Well anyways guys My name is Jude!! . Nice to meet y'all!!

Well guys there you have your computer expert said frank . Damn she's cool but well unfortunately I love someone who doesn't love me back lol . Can't help it :/ . Well Hello there!! Jude . Myself Seth and well these are my friends . Hope y'all can get along well with each other .

Jude was so friendly that everyone around her got used to her very quickly . But well this excitement needs to end right now . Well Jude do you think you can somehow fix that computer? Or should we just give up on it? Asked Peterson

Well to be honest the computer is in a very bad condition but if you can give me around two days maybe . I'll try fixing this and if not well I'm sorry about that but anyways why do you need all this?? She asked And hence Franky began explaining whatever crap was going on around here and well as expected she thought all of it was a joke but then later came to a realisation that this shit we are dealing with is real and that the dragons and their powers are enormously powerful and also in fact that they do exist. In the Astral world . Ah man when do I get to use whatever powers I have . Well guys it's getting late now soo I think it's better if we all rest for now . We gotta prepare ourselves for tomorrow .


Well things are getting weirder and weirder day by day . I don't know what today is gonna be like but I hope that there will be some progress as to finding this ring . Good morning bitches!!! Said Ember enthusiastically . Damn this woman is more excited than me today . Who knows why lol .

Alright then Ahhh Franky , Peterson and Ember y'all stay back with Jude , the rest of em we shall go to the laboratory and check it out for anything useful I said . Hey guys just be armed so that y'all are safe said Ember . Well yes for sure we will definetly be armed . And hence we went our way to search for anything which we might find useful .


God this is so boring guys have y'all found anything interesting, nope nothing at all Seth said Rick , ah man I guess it's just gonna be a waste of time if we search here , I think that computer is our only hope now isn't it? , and hence we all just went back tired and hopeless , just when we went back there were shouts of joy when we were at the door , well as I expected it , Jude was successful in fixing the computer , ah man thank God she did fix it before tomorrow , now there ain't another day which is gonna be wasted .

We didn't waste any time and just turned on the system and well everything appeared normal at first but later on there was this file which was named "The concert" , this was a weird file and Jude clicked on it , well to our surprise this was a video , and this was..a video of an actual concert , and to my surprise it was a concert of Aaron j famer who was told to be a legend who died years ago due to an accident and this video was about the "AWD CONCERT" , yea that concert was a disaster where in every person there died. But why is it here? I don't get it? , but Ember just told me to stay quiet and just see the video , now we were at the part where people started dying all of a sudden , but the weird thing was…a portal opened up. A ring….don't fricking tell me that this is the ring Leviathan was talking about ah God…shush..said Jude the video still has around 3 minutes more , to my surprise the portal started to reduce itself and it just turned into a ring….damn…

The video ended abruptly, leaving us in a shock because now we know what we thought was true…the Astral world is sure something dangerous , far more dangerous. Later on after we checked out this , there was another video . And this time there was a man who wore this black Jacket and he had blonde hair , this is how the video went

" Hello my name is Martin , if you're seeing this video it means that CERN killed me , to begin with I was always against CERN because of the wicked things they've done and I tried to stop it but later realised I couldn't as I didn't have the power to destroy them... , well if you're watching this I need you to know that you have to stop the Emperor…from the other world , I cannot give you many details about it as I am forbidden to talk about it…but there are two rings in order to go there , one of them is hidden inside this computer itself. Please open up the CPU and you will find it , that is the way to go to the astral World…please be careful when you go there because you will be facing a lot of dangerous foes…especially CP zero . But more than that the emperor He's someone even the CERN hasn't seen , He's never ever made an appearance, no one except for one man has seen him who is from the Astral world , He's his right hand man known by the name Melchizedek . There was one group of people who wanted to fight CERN and the enemies from Astral world and they go by the name Society seven . Yes you heard it right . The Society seven weren't a satanic cult as whatever the history says ,everything that history says about it was a lie. They tried to stop this but unfortunately not one of the members of this organisation came out alive , I just hope that whoever is the next group of people who are gonna go there will succeed in saving the world. Thank you very….much …signing off…Martin "

After the video ended all of us were in a state of shock not only because of the video but by how we even got the right computer, Guys…the first thing we need to do immediately after we go to the Astral world is making sure that we find allies who can help us said Ember , I agree to it said Peterson well everyone including me agreed to it . Jude why haven't you found a ring in the computer when you were trying to fix it? Or rather did you even check out the CPU , uh well nope said Jude , then well whatchu waiting for , let's take the ring. Ahh alright alright gimme a few minutes , after around half an hour of searching the CPU , we found a small thin metal tin kind of a box , we took it and opened it up , and well there was the ring , it was bluish in colour , damn so cool eh? . Well I think that marks the end of the search for the ring then…already a lot has happened in a few days guys said Rick , well yes and thanks to y'all we made it here . Pew….till now all this is such a huge adventure, I really wonder what kind of circumstances we are gonna face in the Astral World .

Guys there's something shocking tho and it was about the society seven. Which was known to be a satanic cult said Rick, yes that was shocking for everyone of us because we were taught in history that this was a satanic cult , so everything was a lie from the start wasn't it? The society seven were good people. Ugh all this is so weird and creepy said Ember , I agree to that Ember , it really is messed up isn't it said Jude . So guys When do we begin our journey then? Asked Arthur , well I think we can start day after tomorrow and not tomorrow cuz…I think we all deserve a day rest and there will be someone else who's gonna come here tomorrow , wait what someone else!? Who is it asked Ember , well well it's my sister for God's sake , ya know uh the annoying little one , Hazel. But wait why are you calling her Seth asked Jude , well cuz I tell her everything and uhhh I told her this too soo yea..she's coming Tom , told her not to but she told she'll end my life if I go without her , sad life for you bahahaha isn't it said Ember , God this woman is a psycho , WHAT DID U SAY? ah nothing nothing said I for God's sake better to just let it be cool .