
The Astral world

DaoistsNzReX · ファンタジー
15 Chs

II. The dream

It was the next day and the same usual routine in my life . But I kept wondering about the dream which I had yesterday . I never had any dream as mysterious as that . The deep blue ocean..and the faint voice….but oh well time for my high school now . Gotta go and listen to the dumb lectures they tell me there . Pew I was right on time for school . Was really glad that I didn't stand in the scorching sun again .

Oh my God the first hour is physics and now I just wish I didn't go to high school on time . But well we can't change the past . You just got to focus on the present and know how to handle it . So today as usual he asked me questions and I didn't answer anything . So today Mr.Lawrence taught us about something which caught my eye. He was explaining about this conspiracy theory which stated that there are places in this world which open up a portal to a completely different world . And that there's only one man who went there and came back . His name was Thomas and he used to work with an organisation known as CERN which no longer exists at the present age . 15 years ago CERN was working on a project and it was to find out if there were any other dimensions out there but then it got shut down because of an explosion . And everyone died because of it but Thomas was not found anywhere .

Today was the first time this man taught us something other than physics and I listened to it very carefully. After hearing this conspiracy I felt like there actually is another world out there and that it's a fact . And not a conspiracy. I even feel like the government is hiding something from all of us . I always had this feeling that everything around us is just a lie . The way the world works , the social media platforms . I feel like everything is just incomplete and that there's something more to it … it's as though there's a higher power under which the government works for . And people are brainwashed by whatever they see around them . I was curious about who this man was and how did he even find a portal to another world . So I decided that I would ask Mr.Lawrence about it after high school ends .

I decided that if that place actually exists . I'm gonna do research on that but the only way I can get the right information is if I can access the dark web . Which is a very difficult task and a dangerous one for known reasons . So I think that is a really bad idea . The only thing I can depend on are books which might've been based on that incident .

Time passed by quickly and the high school ended so I went to meet Mr.Lawrence and enquired about the conspiracy theory . I asked him if he knew where to get more information based on that incident . But he told me that he himself didn't know much about this . He just knew a small part of that incident which he shared it to the class . But he told me one thing . He told that there might be books based on this incident in the Boston's library . The Boston's library is almost a hundred years old and has a lot of informative books . So I tried to look for books but unfortunately I didn't find any useful ones….so I just went back home

It's night right now and I didn't stay awake for too long because I didn't sleep in the evening . So I just slept…and I got the same dream again…I was in the deep blue ocean and a faint voice was calling out to me . This time I knew that I was in the dream I asked what it's name was and it told me that it's name was Aetrix . I couldn't see it's face but it told me that I'm the chosen one and that I had something in me which nobody did . I tried asking it what it was but again the dream unfortunately ended…I don't even know if that's the voice of a human or if it was something else . I had this dream two times as of now . So I decided that I would do a lil bit of research on dream psychology and it said that dreams don't mean anything most of the time and that it's just based on something which you think about a lot . I kind of felt like maybe that was right and just thought to myself that it's better if I get some rest and take a break from all this research I've been doing . The following day I went for a walk to just relax myself and had a cup of coffee . Oh the smell of fresh coffee early in the morning is the best ! I hung out with my homies the entire day and just relaxed . That's the best time of anyone's life . Hanging out with the boys is one of the best things you can ever do whenever you feel sad or you wanna relax . It was evening and as I was walking back home I saw this lake and I just couldn't resist looking at it for a while because it triggered me and startled me . And after a few minutes everything around me turned dark . I couldn't see anything and I just fainted . When I woke up I found myself again in the ocean and this time I could clearly hear the voice . It told me that it needs my help and I asked that voice to reveal who it is . And it said to me that it cannot cuz I would be afraid but he did tell me that he was a dragon ..and he just revealed his eyes to me . it's eyes were glowing with bluish light , aye yo this is a fucking leviathan for God's sake if I'm not mistaken cuz leviathan's are known to have a bluish glow in their eyes , He told me that his name was Aetrix .It was amazing as well as frightening as it's the king of the sea even tho it's in a dream. And now he told me that it's time to start my journey to the astral world . I asked him why I have to go there . He told me that the emperor is gonna soon head to the Earth and destroy it and that the organisation CERN is working with this man . Wait CERN? Wasn't that organisation shut down years ago due to an explosion? . Aetrix told me that it is true but there are a few people out there who worked secretly for it and are still on the way to open up a portal so that the emperor and the army of the dragons will come back to destroy the Earth . I asked Aetrix what even is this Astral world and how did it even come into existence. Aetrix told me that he cannot reveal the information to me and that with time I'll get to know about it . So he told me that I have something known as the dragon seed within me and that it'll reveal it's powers to me soon . He told me to go to a town known as Patrick . The town where CERN used to be there and he told me that I'll find this particular ring at the remains of the CERN laboratory research centre and with this ring I'll be able to open a portal to the Astral world . And then he told me that his time is up and that he won't be able to meet me anymore . He told me to go there as soon as possible and the dream ended .

Someone just splashed water on my face and asked me if I was fine cuz I passed out . I just woke up and went to my house and locked myself up in my room . I was confused if everything with me is alright or am I just still stuck in a dream.