
The Astral world

DaoistsNzReX · Fantasy
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15 Chs

I. The man who calls himself the S.O.D

It was an early morning and my mom started yelling at me as it was time for me to leave for high school . Man high school sucked for me But the only reason as to why I go to high school is so that I can meet my friends and so that I can see the girl with whom I'm in love with . Oh man she is a beauty . Her eyes are gorgeous and her smile oh man I fell for that smile . Her name is Ember . Surprisingly she is my best friend but unfortunately I can't even ask her out because she already loves someone else and I can't do anything about it and I just gotta move on from that which is the difficult part in life for anyone! And yes how can I forget about my homies especially Rick Astley , Peterson and Arthur . These guys are a crazy bunch of people . And lastly I am Seth robins! The S.O.D the son of the dragon , I am a man who admires and loves dragons and hence I gave myself the name S.O.D . I am a man who has been interested in these ancient creatures which are told to never have been there in this world at all . Most of the people in high school made fun of me because of what I used to call myself and they used to call me delusional because I believed that the dragons did exist even till now but they're just somewhere else and will one day again return .

So the beginning of my day itself was a very bad start . I was late to high school and I had to stay back and stand in the scorching sun for an hour . The minute I entered the class room Mr.Lawrence was ready to screw the shit out of me because I was late , this man teaches our class physics . This subject is the 8th wonder of my life . I have no idea why this man chose this job but that's definitely a curse for most of the students out there. Well he started it " why do you come to school young man , if you're not interested in academics , stay at home don't come to school" .His favourite dialogue of this year . I sucked in my academics as well as sports. The only good thing I could do was day dream and think about me flying in the sky . So the physics class was there for an hour and finally it was done . Oh what a relief I thought to myself . And so the day went by and soon it was the time for lunch . Oh hell yea I love lunch breaks because I can go to the hideout with the gang . It's a peaceful place as no one ever comes there and interrupts us So we go and have our lunch there . So as I was eating lunch . Rick suddenly asked me " Dude since when did you love dragons? " . Very well the answer to that question is that it's been years . Around five to six years ago there was this show I watched . it was based on dragons and the dragon slayers . I used to wonder everyday about dragons since then tho that's kinda childish for others . I did a lotta research on various types of dragons . But well wherever I go on the Internet. The information I get is that it's just fictional and not real at all . Which was the answer I hated the most . But well I always told myself that these creatures do exist . Unlike other people Rick was a man who always had my back . Whenever I got into fights . He's the first one to step up for me and fight for me . Hence I have a lotta respect for my man .

Time passed by and it was the end of the day . As I was leaving high school Ember approached me and told me in a hurry to talk to her about something really important. So i ask her what's the matter and she begins the story and tells me that she's been having these nightmares of me being a monster . A monster? I laughed at that . Me being a monster is the funniest thing I've ever heard . But she told me that she was serious about it and I asked her to explain me the whole dream . But she was hesitant to tell it . She just told me that she got this nightmare three times as of yesterday . I just told her that I'll be fine and told her not to worry about anything

Oh boy the one thing I do as soon as I come back home is take a good nap . I usually take a three hour nap . As I was sleeping I got this unusual dream and I was in this deep blue ocean . I was at the bottom of this ocean and there I could only see darkness . There was only darkness around me as I went further and further . Then I heard a faint voice . And I was about to ask who it was but the dream unfortunately ended . Unlike most of them i can remember each and every dream I've ever had . That's something I'm proud of and I have no idea why . The dreams I get I feel like most of them have a meaning . For me dreams are like another dimension or rather it's another world . One of my favourite dreams until now is the dream where in I met this girl and she was so erotic oh God we both had quite a lotta fun and that was the best feeling I have ever had . But then i heard my alarm clock ringing in the dream and I woke up devastated because that was such a good dream .

Now it was time for the prayer and my mom called me to read this particular chapter . And as I was reading this chapter . I found an interesting part where it said a man saw a creature which was huge , monstrous and had wings . I asked my mom what she thought that creature was . Mom told me that it might have been a dragon . Apart from me my mom believed in these creatures as it mentioned them in this ancient book quiet a few times And the Bible was one of the few books which had a few things based on the dragons . It even says that the dragon is the symbol of the devil . There have been conspiracy theories that the dragons first originated in China and Europe but during the time of mass extinction they disappeared and were not be found anywhere . Few people say that they all died but there were no fossils found regarding the dragons and hence they call them fictional creatures . There's another theory that the dragons disappeared from the planet Earth and now are somewhere else safe and sound and that they will return . And it's going to be a disaster when they do because they are going to reign over the planet Earth . Oh well that's one theory which I always believe and I think that it's gonna happen soon.

* A note to all the readers , new chapters will be published every Wednesday and Saturday . May this be a good adventure for all of you!! , thank you very much! *