
The ArchAngels

Three hundred years ago four new families were created by the supreme god for his children to be worshipped by. This gift of life made each child in Heaven dance with Glee, upon introducing themselves to the humans and telling them their purpose, they bestowed gifts to their respective families. With this gift each family decided on sacrificing a child from each generation to their god to serve as their angels and this pack would be valid till the end of time. 300 years later it is 1 month to the sacrificial day, Isis Zuberi strongest member among her generation has chosen to be sacrificed as the servant of the Edis god of Strength and war. But upon the day she disappears leaving behind only a note that says "I will become a god"

Britangel_Wise · ファンタジー
4 Chs

The Escape pt 2

After learning her thoughts were her own Isis started to think more, which didn't say a lot, she just usually thought aloud. After coming back she wouldn't talk much or get excited as she usually did at her own mumbling, this made her family wonder especially Edrice, a mother always knows when their child has changed and the change scared her more than parting ways with her only child. waiting for her to finish her training Edrice made her way to her daughter with a basket of food and a gentle smile on her face "Its time for lunch, you have been back for 4 days now and all you have done is train" she took her to a table in a field filled with grass where a single tree stood. A maid following behind them started to set the table whilst they chattered.

"If I cannot bend the earth to my will what is the use, I have a goal mother. I will not let anything get in the way of it" she says sitting down, she had always shown a sensual elegance that people often mistook her for flirting, body language spoke louder than words, after all this wasn't something she was ashamed of, always using whatever means she could to win a fight.

"It has been 3 generations since someone was able to bend the earth to their will, you are a mixed child my love, your chances are even lower. Maybe the gods took your power because of your ridiculous wish to become one of them" her mother jabbed while sipping her warm tea.

Isis scoffed "I will bare no ill regard to you mother and I am not a petty person, so when the time comes I will not say I told you so" she crosses her legs leaning back into her seat "you don't need to believe me, you don't even need to even need to support me, but please, I beg of you, stop trying to knock me down." she continues to eat her words filled with emotion, she already has a status greater than any member of her family the moment she became the chosen disciple, but her mother was still someone she held in high regard and was second only to the gods. The only person on the earth who could hear the words please and I beg come from her proud daughters mouth.

Edrice says nothing, she has never once supported her or thought her dreams anything but dreams, but she would no longer tell her to stop. However she proceeded after this was between her and the gods "Its a wonder how you haven't already been stricken by god Edis."

She lets out a faint laugh "I also wondered, Maybe it is that the gods are entertained. or maybe.... Almighty Edis wants to see how far I can go with this dream." Her thoughts trail of to the night she met the angel, the angel who told her that the god of gods Rimos was the reason she was still alive. She wonders if Edis is angry with her. The god she looks up to the most and she apologies in her heart knowing he wont hear because she will never apologize out loud for her dream.

"If it were me, I would strip you of your strength and damn your family, but it is good that they are more forgiving than I" her mother smiles

She looks up at her mother her face serious "Then Lord Edis would be a coward, afraid of a child who can be easily squashed like an ant."


With only a week left till the day of ascension Isis grew a bit nervous at the lack of communication from said angel, she had fractioned him into her plan because he sad he would help. but she wasn't stupid enough to only have one plan; he was merely a back up plan. In sight was how she would become a god step by step and she was ready for the adventure. Of course she was afraid for her life but what was a challenge without fear, if it was going to be easy she would not enjoy it. She spent everyday training her body and mind so that she could use one of the elements she was blessed with, water or earth. She had sent word to the Wixx family asking for help, she was the only person of the chosen who could not use her gifts, so she sought help from the Wixx who were knowns to be healers. She trained rigorously sitting beneath tremendous water falls, drowning herself in hopes of the water moving to her will, she struck the earth repeatedly punching until her hands were bloody but this only proved her strength. She's tried all the arts her ancestors before her left, even the absurd dance movements that would promise her the movement of the earth. but even the forest laughed at her comical lack of ability. Yet through it all she remained composed on the outside, she had to be logical. There must be a reason why she cannot control her god given powers, maybe Edis had taken them from her, she would not blame him or hold him in contempt.

Her ancestors had all gotten their powers through rigorous training and grand accomplishments, some even life threatening situations, but she has done all of that and more. No on from her lineage has ever saved a dragon; she had to risk her life to do so. No one in her lineage had ever met an angel before ascension, she tamed countless beast and won every battle she ever fought. Humans are still humans, war and battles have been fought and she had seen her share, so why has her right forsaken her.

When Ameera Wixx arrived she had learnt the reason, Isis annoyed by something so simple, yet so difficult.

It was the day after that Ameera arrived and gave her a full diagnosis, it was already past noon and they were situated in the herb gardens where Ameera felt most comfortable. Ameera is the chosen disciple for this generation of the Wixx family, Her hair covered by a headdress and her sparkling green eyes were what distinguished her as a member of the Wixx family. She had shown signs of spiritual powers from an early age making her one of the strongest of the Wixx family and she was also the closest to Isis, it had just never crossed either of their minds to do this. "Why can't you very call me for something normal" she nuzzles her face in Isis's bosoms as she hugged her body. Ameera was obsessed with Isis and her family, The Wixx people focused greatly on medicine so they had done all sorts of research on every family, but Isis had a body she could not comprehend. The Zubari naturally were stronger and healthier but they were people surrounded by the sand and sea, Askin didn't have as much natural resources as Eswor did but they still had a lot of things Eswor coveted. However Isis had a body that was stronger and healthier than than even the Zubari, yet it was soft to hold, even through her muscles her heart beat strong and steady. Everything about her made Ameera want to dissect her just so she could figure out her anatomy directly. This was something she could only dream of however as both Isis and her would never know the pleasures of death and even if they were not chosen, Isis would have surely outlived her. She would not fight her friend to the death just because she coveted her body, no matter how badly she wanted it.

Of course Isis knew nothing of Ameera's twisted desire to see her innards and even if she did, she could only deny her, If they weren't disciples and she did not want to be a god. she would have challenged Ameera to outlive her if she so badly wanted her body.

She gently tugged her off "because you always cling to me like this" she says while keeping Ameera away from her body with one hand, sitting down of the floor clearing her mind.

With a tinge of disappointment of her face Ameera began to chant, a ray of green light left her hand shining on Isis' back, Ameera was examining her body which unknown to Isis was fighting Ameera. Sweat ran down her face as she began to use both hands, spiritual energy draining from her. Pain also flooded her body but she pushed through refusing to be beaten, she didn't stop even when she became numb.

Meanwhile Isis sat there feeling warm and safe, that was the power of Ameera possessed it could make a person feel safe even in excruciating pain. "Ameera are you done?"

Ameera grunted stopping what she was doing "I've finished" she says taking a seat, her body numb and eyes so weak she could barely keep them open. she pulled out a potion drinking it to revive her energy. She had healed and saved countless of lives, examined multiple bodies for training but none had ever proven this difficult. A smile grew on her face and she began to covet her body even more. She wanted nothing more in the moment than to understand Isis and her body.

When Isis didn't receive a detailed explanation she turned to see the pale and slumping Ameera and gasped "Dear Edis! are you okay?" she moved towards her, her face was drained of normal colors replaced with blotches of blue and purple. her body numb, blood coming out of her eyes and mouth. If she had continued to try and inspect Isis's body she have may died, and this would have been a very pitiful death indeed.

"I am okay" she smile sitting up, when she regained sight she was surprised to see the look of worry painted on Isis's face. "Odar! What is that look for" she sits up and then looks down at herself noticing the blood stains, grabbing her handkerchief she wipes her face examining the cloth. "Well I really am fine" she says trying to placate her worries "Your body it, it's just it was resisting me. I am unsure why"

She nods "So does this mean you were unable to ascertain the problem with my powers?"

She scoffs "I said it was resisting not that I couldn't do it" though said proudly she hand now understood if she had gone longer she would have died, she wonders if this is the power of a mixed blood. "Well we all have meridians in our body. the average human has 6. which are all closed; people from the four families all have the same amount 32 but at most they'll have10 open and gifted people like me 16. do you know how many of yours are open?"

Isis shook her head no as she was never told.

"Well firstly, something that shocked me and made me continue to probe your body is that you have more than A thousand Meridians in your body" she almost drooled "as far as my knowledge of meridians go. dragons have the most meridians of all living beings. 120 if I'm not mistaken and even then they don't have all open. But you Isis" She stands grasping her hand "How are you still this strong ad capable without a single Meridian open?" she looks at her, her eyes glistening more than normal "I almost died trying to discover closed meridians." she laughs with joy.