
The Escape part 1

"They are who we turn to in our most desperate times and even when we are happy, because they are always watching."

300 years has passed since the new gods were created and and the history was taught to my family in great details, of course details written by the Aguilarians. My ancestors weren't the wisest and so they themselves took much longer to document the events of their time; we only have faith that the Aguilarians would not desecrate their god' words.

"96, 97...98, 99...…100" came the fatigued voice of Isis who had just finished her last push, it was the dead of night with the moon overhead as her only source of light, without taking a break she moved on the her sword practice slashing her sword towards the practice dummy. Sweat trickled down her light chocolate skin, her curly hair a tangled mess, with eyes mixed with gold and silver she was easily identified as a child mixed with Aguilar and Zubari blood, this alone would make her ineligible for angels candidacy, but there was no doubt her mixed race prove to be beneficial. She was born with the blessing from two gods, which made her weaker as a Zubari and Aguilar but stronger as a whole new breed.

Blisters begin to form and she lets out a curse, her body tumbling to the floor, as the practice dummy's defense kicked in sendinf her body flying 10 feet back. A normal person would have hurt themselves or sprained a limb but the Zubari people were blessed with a solid body. Since the Zubari had immeasurable strength when honed the practice dummies were created with magic from the Eswor continent this was a place that had the largest number of magic and magical items, of the 4 continents the Zubari who resided in Askin and the Wixx from Eswor had the closest of relationships.

Cursing herself she got up ready to try again when a voice called out to her from behind "Child, give it a rest" it was a commanding yet gentle voice.

Isis needed not to turn around as she was all too familiar with the voice "I'll rest when I'm a god" she charges at the practice dummy only to be yanked by her blouse gravity betraying her as she fell back first to the concrete training grounds. A small yelp leaves her body and she looks up at the dark chocolate skinned lady standing above her "you truly are too cruel to your eldest child mother"

her mother sighs and lifts her by the arms "my only daughter who is about to become an angel, keeps saying ridiculous things that are close to blasphemy" she pinches her ear causing Isis to let out a screech more pain filled than her fall.

Trying to tug herself away to no avail she pleads "if i am able to become and angel. why can't i be a god? do not think to hard on the matter mother. just be in Haven or alive to brag about giving birth to a god" she say with conviction, however how she was going to attain such feats was still beyond her. something she never told her family was she had dreams, and in those dreams she was a god, it felt good and right to her. Since the moment she gazed at her plaque in haven her destiny began to unfold for her. she wasn't born to serve she was born to lead and to lead as a god.

Her mother ignored her statements at first but then finally said. "when you become a god, i will no longer see you, or talk to you. but if you become an angel you can still visit me. Nothing brings me greater joy and pain than to see you leave to become an angel Isis, please stop with your nonsense." she releases her ear turning her back to her "go and have a bath, I'll alert a maid that you will need one drawn and something to eat." With that she leaves Isis to her thoughts.

However unlike what her mother was hoping for this only made Isis more determined, but following her mothers advise, she sheathed her sword and went to pre for the night. bathing and eating before calling it a night.

The next day the count down for ascension bean, with her days numbered Isis journeyed to the Earth dragon mountains to train her mind, the earth dragon mountains was different from the other four. The dragons here were much kinder to humans than the other ad even offered them guidance, this was all thanks to their ancestors and that the dragons had respect for the Zubari people who possessed bodies similar to their own. Isis was an even more special case as she had managed to befriend the dragons who were always fond of her no matter what mountain she went to, however she had never stepped foot in the celestial mountains guarded by the children of Rimos.

"My child, I see you have come again" came the voice of Azkok, the dragon who was no more than 6 years old in human age. her siblings peek through their sleeping eyes to glance at Isis before closing them again.

Isis pouts looking over at the dragon "i am your mother, so how am I your child?" she asked placing her hands on her hips, her belly laid bare while she sported the clothes of the Askinite's Unlike the Aguilar who would wear clothes covering their whole body. The people of Askin were somewhat considered nudist, embracing the warm sun on their skin, the more popular clothes had no sleeves and often were made into two pieces for the women.

Azkok laugh making the mountain itself shake "I like you a Isis, but you are my care taker not my mother. You may have saved my egg from its doom, but I Azkok will repay this favor some day. A dragon always pays it's debt" she stands stretching her wing.

Isis smiles, a smile of mischief and joy "i will hold you to your word Az, The day where you can repay me is near. however i never saved you thinking i would benefit, I am a worrier and so are my people... when we chose to help others it is only with the best of intentions, I would do what I did for you 10 times over if it means that we get to be friend like this again" she approaches Azkok with her arms open hugging the dragon.


Night came again and she made camp halfway back to Askin, sitting across from the blazing fire she stared into it positive she could see her future as a god even if she had no idea how to get there. "Dumb bastard, why couldn't he have blessed us with Knowledge and strength. I'd be i deep cow shit if it weren't for my mixed blood" she falls back to the floor "I need immortality first, I wonder if Lord Edis can hear me; if he can this would be extremely awkward."

"It would be wouldn't it?" came a gentle but deep voice, a voice so charming it took her panic and fear away.

she sits up to look at him uncomfortable by how relaxed she feels and reaches for her weapon, stunned by the man floating in the air "Who are you? what are you?" her question's bring a sudden pang of pain to her head and he reaches out to touch her but of course she retreats.

He sighs and retracts his hands "someone who will help you when the time comes, we are protected right now so the gods cannot hear us. I have a message for you from the my master' he smiles retracting his wings stepping gently onto the floor opening his mouth a different voice came out. one that hasn't been heard by human ear in 200 years. "you've done well for the last 18 years, don't stop now. I am very entertained" he closes his mouth and smiles.

cold sweat breaks out on her body as she had never heard someone sound so gentle yet so terrifying in her life and she knew then that it was an existence she could only dream of beating and maybe even then she would still lose. Silence over came then for a while before the mysterious person spoke again.

"You asked who i was and what I am. I will tell you the who upon our next meeting. As for the what. I am you're savior" he chuckles "Actually I'm an angel" he walks towards her taking her hand placing a gentle kiss on it "who will protect you with my life."

Still frozen from shock the kiss brings her back and she pulls her hand away, feeling that she shouldn't easily trust him. she stares at him, his long white hair flowing over his shoulder and his eyes red and clear, she could find no other word but clear but they were also deep. as if they had seen a million thing and could see through anything. after a long while of observing she finally opened her mouth "Why? Why should I trust you? Why would you help me? you say the gods can't hear us right now? Does that mean they could hear me before? Does that mean Edis.... Lord Edis heard me before? heard me curse at him?" her face grew pale "How about my thoughts? cam they hear that?"

Stopping her before she could ask anymore, the angel concealed her mouth "My apologies lady Isis but I would like to ask you to refrain from asking questions right now. I only came as a messenger, however i promise that when we meet again, I will answer everything" he spreads his wings again "however. for you're thoughts. they are yours and Supreme Lord Rimos's, and Supreme Lord Rimos does not meddle in the affairs of humans too much so you needn't worry." and with that he disappeared into the night sky,

She looked up lost in her own thoughts.

the dragons in the Zubari mountains are earth dragons. which are historicallyknow for being the gentliest and wisest of all the dragons.

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