

There was something I wanted to sell. I didn't want it connected to me yet. It was time for me to sell some more of my venom. I had something new to sell now as well. I switched forms, and started walking toward Calen's office. There was something I wanted to discuss with him while he was here, and I didn't think he was going to like it.

I pressed the buzzer to his office. Letting him know I was there. The electric door locks clicked the door open, and I stepped in. Calen sighed as soon as he saw me.

"What do you want?" he rubbed his aching head.

"I want to sell something," I made sure the door was closed before I sat on the chair across from him, "Something I don't care for people to know I have."

He narrowed his eyes at me. Causing me to raise my hands in a placating manner.

"Relax," I smiled, "I didn't steal anything."

"Then what is it?" he shrugged.

"Basilisk venom, and basilisk anti venom," I smiled at him.

"There's no such thing as a basilisk anti venom," Calen nearly dropped the pen he was holding.

"There is," I leaned back in my chair, "I make it."

"You make basilisk venom?" his confusion was obvious in his voice as well as his skepticism, "How could you possibly make anti venom? It's not like you've got some sort of mobile lab on you somewhere."

I grabbed the glass off his desk, and hooked one of my canines over the edge of the glass. Spraying venom from a single tooth was difficult, but not impossible. I sprayed a good amount of basilisk venom into the bottom of the glass before setting it down on the table. The black liquid looked menacing even if it was just sitting there doing nothing. Calen stood up.

A stunned expression painted on his face.

"You've been hiding a lethal weapon in your mouth this whole time, and you didn't say anything," Calen frowned deeply at me.

"A weapon is only lethal once its used," I shrugged, "I haven't really used any of my venom since I got here. I've only used some on the spider queen."

"What about the anti venom you mentioned?" he carefully pushed the glass closer to me.

"I make it the same way I do the venom," I shrugged.

"You can counter your own venom?" he looked confused.

"Yes," I shrugged again, "And I'd like to sell both the venom, and the anti venom. I'd rather they only get the anti venom, but unless they get both they won't be able to test the anti venom. They'll never believe that it works. They won't try to synthesize it."

"You want them to make more of the anti venom," he sat down.

"Exactly," I tapped the desk for no reason in particular, "I can absorb, and produce any kind of venom I come into contact with. It makes sense for me to make the anti venom for them as well. Basilisk venom is by far the most lethal venom humanity has come into contact with so far. The anti venom will be incredibly valuable once people realize it works." I smiled, "I can give you half of whatever I make. We both make money that way."

"Sell the venom, and the anti venom together so they can prove its authenticity," he nodded along to my plan, "What do you plan to do with the money?"

"Aurora," I smiled, "Won't be the only hatchling for very much longer. If you think I eat big then you haven't seen a hatchlings appetite. I will be hatching more dragon eggs."

"Where are you getting all these eggs from?" Calen frowned at me.

"A hidden stash," I sighed, "Most of them are long dead, but some of them have survived."

"Why would you tell me all of this?" he frowned.

"Because I want dragons to come back," I shrugged, "People will find out sooner rather then later as I continue to hatch more dragons. It's not a good feeling being the last of your kind. Knowing that one strong enemy could wipe out your entire race."

"I find that hard to believe considering how strong you are," Calen's brow creased as he looked at me.

"That's the problem Calen," I smiled angrily, "I'm painfully weak. We're all painfully weak. The only reason the elves, and the dwarves haven't wiped us out yet is because taking the planet would be a waste if the planet is still poisoning them."

"How weak could we possibly be?" he looked genuinely concerned, and worried.

"There are beings out there that could wipe out this entire settlement in the blink of an eye," I gritted my teeth, "And they're still not the biggest ones we have to worry about. Those are still considered lackies. The ones we really need to worry about could wipe out entire continents." I rubbed my head, "If I die then earth will follow me into the grave in a hundred years or so." I paused, "Each, and every planet needs it's origin species to survive. Once earth dies then the elves can take the planet, and make it their own. I doubt that will end any better for humans then it does for dragons."

Calen laced his fingers together slowly. Up until now he probably thought I was the most dangerous creature that his guild had to worry about. I'd just dropped an even bigger bombshell then the last time I'd done a big reveal. Admitting I was weak was something I had a hard time doing. I laughed nervously.

I'd never felt like this before. I was both vulnerable, and strong at the same time. Calen wasn't weak for a human. He was strong enough to hold his own against the average magic beasts, but he wasn't strong enough to handle the monsters out there.

"I can't wait for you humans to realize that you need monsters to handle monsters," I stood up slowly, "Ethan has a supplier for the vials we need. If you're interested in helping me sell the vails then let me know anytime."