
The Apex Alpha.

Usual guy dies and gets reincarnated into a tv-show with some wishes and then does whatever he wants. had to create this one while i take a small break from my other fanfic, the other one is not dropped, i am still writing but it will be a bit before i update it.

LonerZN · テレビ
7 Chs

Chapter 5: Wolf Moon II

The morning after the eventful night was slow and tiring as usual since we had to go back to school with Lucy joining us this time, which did not go well because she was so used to sleeping in a while, and I went. Although reluctant, we got ready and had breakfast before heading to the garage and entering the designated drive-to-school vehicle, the dark blue Corvette.

Arriving at school, we got out of the car and noticed we were late as the bell had already rung, and everyone went off to their classes. We didn't pay much attention to it since I was already ahead on our schoolwork, and we still had to drop Lucy off with the Vice Principal. Walking towards the entrance, we caught sight of a girl sitting on one of the benches, conversing on the phone while searching through her bag for something.

Knowing who she was, I decided to introduce myself to her. Reaching where she was sitting, I extended my hand out in greeting and taught us, "Hello, I'm Zade, and these are Sam and Lucy; nice to meet you, Miss?" 

Looking up from her, searching to meet my eyes, she paused momentarily before catching herself and taking my hand with a slight blush on her face. "Hi, nice to meet you guys; my name is Allison," she said with a smile.

Deciding to tease her a bit, I brought her hand upwards and placed a kiss on her knuckles. "Pleasure." which caused a more visible blush from her and a snort from Lucy behind me, and I'm sure she's also pouting.

The Vice-principal came out of the building as if on cue, walking towards us. "Should you two not be in class, Mr. Michaels and Mr. Evans?"

"Ah yes, sir, we just came to drop off our dear little Lucy here since it's her first day," I replied, gesturing to Lucy standing behind me.

"Alright, you two head to class, and we will get these two young ladies situated." 

"Yes sir." x2

We replied and headed for our classes, but just before we could turn to leave, I heard Allison call out to me. 

"Hey, Zade, do you mind if I borrow a pen? I seem to have forgotten mine at home," she asked, a little embarrassed to say this in front of everyone.

I just smiled and reached into my back, taking out one of my many pens and handing it to her. "Keep it in your bag, and it can be your spare in case you ever forget your pens again," I said, earning a small smile from her. After that, Sam and I headed to our classes, with mine coincidentally being history, which should be the class that Allison will be brought to.

As I thought, everything followed the plot, and Allison was brought and introduced to the class, except that this time, she did not interact with Scott because she needed a pen. Time passed, and class ended as we started filing out of the room where I linked back up with Allison when walking to our lockers that were close to each other.

We talked for a bit before Lydia showed up, and then Jackson as they spoke of the party Friday and Allison giving the same excuse she used in canon to turn it down. 

"That sucks; everyone will be there after the scrimmage Friday."

"Skrimage as in football?"

"Ha, football is a joke here; the sport here is Lacrosse."

"Jackson here is one of the starters for the team as well as captain of the swim team." Lydia said, trying to brag. "you should come to tryouts later and see what it's about." 

Allison thought about it for a bit before looking over at me. "Are you going to there?"

"Well, I would think so since I'm the team captain," I said to her with a smile, which got a snort from Lydia.

"Captain, huh, then I'll be there later," she replied, smiling back at me.

Afterward, we headed to our next class, and the school day passed like that. In the locker room, the other guys and I got into our gear and ran to the field where the coach was waiting. When I got there, I saw Allison and Lydia arriving and taking a seat on the bleachers along with Lucy, who had been there since we both played.

Tryouts went as they did in the show, with Scott in goal and taking a ball to the face before showing off using his wolf powers, 'again idiot.' The difference this time was that I still scored off of him, which wasn't unusual as I was always the best on the team. During the process, I got cheers from both girls on the bleachers, although I'm sure that Lydias was to piss off Jackson for losing to me. I also noticed that the three girls hit it off and found common ground with each other for a budding friendship.

After tryouts were finished and the first line was set with McCall cutting, we headed back to take showers and change to head home. When we were done in the locker room, Sam and I made our way out of the building, where we saw the girls waiting for us to come out. Well, Lucy, I get it since she couldn't leave without Sam and me; Lydia was probably waiting on Jackson, so that goes for Allison.

"Ladies," I greeted them while Sam gave them a nod. "Allison, how come you haven't left yet?" I asked curiously.

"Well, I was driven to school this morning, so I don't have my car and don't want to go home yet."

Looking at her with a raised brow, I think before saying, "Well, I am hungry, and I'm sure Sam and Lucy are too, so why don't you join us for something to eat?"

She smiled and said, "Sure."

Seeing that she agreed, we made our way to the Corvette, where she got in the back with Lucy, and they started their girl talk again as I started the car and began to drive off, heading towards a diner that we came to like over the past year. Getting there, we found a table for ourselves and ordered some food while chatting.

"So, is it a family night on Friday?" I asked Allison to see if she'd tell me the truth. She did, saying she didn't want to go since she did not know anyone and did not want to be alone.

"Then how about going with me?" 

This caught her by surprise, "Seriously?"

"yep, pick you up at 8"



The week went by fairly quickly, and Friday came; we all went through a typical school day and won the scrimmage at the end of it. Once the day was done, we headed back home to shower and get ready for the party, with all of us deciding to go and have some fun. When we were prepared, we got into the car and headed toward Allison's house with the directions that she sent me. Pulling up to the house, I called her to let her know we arrived, and a few moments later, she came out of the house in a short black dress, jacket, and boots.

We then headed to the party, which was already packed with people drinking, dancing, and talking with each other. We got out of the car and ran inside, where we came across Lydia handing out drinks. We each grabbed one, and then Allison pulled us towards the dancefloor, where we danced with each other, getting into synch with the other's vibe and tuning out the rest.

Eventually, that led to our hands roaming around each other, exploring the other's body until we made eye contact and just gave in to the mood and kissed, which turned into both our tongues fighting for dominance over the other.

When this was happening, I heard a low growl. I knew that Scott was letting his anger and jealousy affect him, causing him to run out of the party and into the woods, where he met Derek and a now-alive again Laura, who subdued him quickly before the hunters arrived. 

Not paying attention to the happenings of the idiot, I continued to stay in my bubble with Allison as time trickled by, and it was time to take her home. When we arrived, I walked her to the door and gave her another deep kiss before the door opened, revealing her mother, who looked at me with cold eyes. "Allison, get inside," she said before closing the door behind them.

After that, we went home to start a hopefully relaxing weekend, which began on the right note with tonight's events.