
The Apex Alpha.

Usual guy dies and gets reincarnated into a tv-show with some wishes and then does whatever he wants. had to create this one while i take a small break from my other fanfic, the other one is not dropped, i am still writing but it will be a bit before i update it.

LonerZN · TV
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7 Chs

Chapter 4: Wolf Moon

"Why are we out here in the woods at this time of the night when we can be home comfortably," Lucy complained as Sam and I walked through the woods a few days before the wolf moon night. Tonight is the night when Stiles and Scott will look for half of Laura's body and also the night when our dear Scott will be bitten and become a werewolf.

"We are out here because there's going to be an interesting show to see, and it is also going to be the beginning of a long line of shit that will happen in this town," I replied without much care as we continued walking for a couple more minutes before I raised my hand to tell them to stop.

"What is it?" Sam asked confusedly.

I didn't speak but just pointed into the distance, where you could see two teenage boys walking with flashlights, looking for something. Seeing the two boys, Lucy and Sam focused their sight and saw who they were.

"What are the two of them doing out here?" Sam asked with a sigh since, after spending a year in this town, we are all used to the shenanigans of the two and the trouble they get in.

"Who are they?" Lucy asked since she'd never met them before.

"They, little Lucy, are going to be the center of a storm that's brewing and the source of our entertainment," I replied with a smirk growing on my face.

We continued to watch as they made their way through the woods to Stiles getting caught by his dad and leaving Scott on his own to find a way back home. Then we saw Scott nearly get crushed by a herd of deer running away from something and losing his inhaler, causing him to pause and try to find it, only to stumble across the top half of Laura Hale and fall in fright. That's when the three of us sensed another wolf approaching Scott from behind, releasing a growl that caught Scott's attention, bringing him a second fright for the night. We watched as Scott tried to run, but the wolf caught his leg and delivered a bite to his side, causing him to scream in pain; once it released him, he ran at the fastest pace he could out of the woods while the wolf just watched and then ran the opposite direction.

"And so it begins," I said softly, with Sam and Lucy just looking at me, probably annoyed with all the cryptic stuff I had been saying.

Once I sensed that Peter had left the area, I walked forward to where everything just took place and came to where Laura's body was lying. I brought my hand to my mouth and gave my wrist a small bite, breaking the skin and causing blood to come out as I got it to her mouth and let it flow inside.

"Z, what are you doing??" Lucy asked, freaked out by the whole thing.

"Well, one of the powers that come with being a primordial werewolf is that I can resurrect other werewolves depending on how long they've been dead," I said, and as if on cue, black smoke started to swirl around Laura's body. Her screams were heard as her limbs began to grow back slowly but painfully. After a few minutes of screaming, the black smoke began to clear away, and the screams died down; in its place stood a beautiful woman with long black hair and hazel brown eyes.

"Well, well, welcome back to the land of the living, Miss Hale," I said with a smile, gaining the confused woman's attention.

"Who are you people, and where am I?" she asked, her body tensing, not trusting the people before her.

"My name is Zade Michaels, the one. who brought you back to life, and these two are Lucy and Sam; where you are, you are in the woods of Beacon Hills, where you were killed by your uncle Peter to steal your alpha spark." I told her about the changes her face and mood were going through without much care.

"Not that I am not grateful, but why did you bring me back to life? I am pretty sure we never met before today," she asked skeptically.

"Hmmm, well, take it as a way to return the favor for everything your mother has done for the community over the years; her children don't deserve to be killed by their relatives because of a power struggle," I said while pinching my chin, spouting bullshit. I just did it to add excitement to the upcoming events.

She still looked at us suspiciously, not believing my reasons for doing what I did, but thanked me nonetheless.

"Now," I said while clapping my hands and getting everyone's attention, "as much as I like a beautiful naked woman to admire, we have school in the morning, and you have a depressed, brooding brother who thinks you dead, you should go see as well as get some clothes." 

Hearing what I said, the rest just remembered that Laura was naked this whole time, causing Laura to try and cover her privates. 

"Alright, we are finished here. Miss Hale, I shall see you later." I said, giving her one last smile before turning away and heading back home with Lucy and Sam following behind, leaving a bewildered Laura trying to wrap her head around everything that happened tonight.