
The angel who conquered the world

What can I say, he was killed trying to protect the children from the orphanage. Then I thought my whole life was over, but it seems fate had other plans for me. So I was reborn, so also in my favorite book, but here's the catch, I turned out to be not quite human...

Filormony · 書籍·文学
20 Chs

The Dungeon. Part 1

I'm sorry that I couldn't post the chapters as promised, I didn't have access to computers on the weekend. Therefore, there will be a bigger chapter today. And I'll try to post another one tonight. And now let's get started!


«What happened to you, why are you stuck?» I asked them with interest. 

«Yes, nothing, it's just that you seem to have become even more attractive, so we were surprised,» said the aunt, who had recovered from the shock after a while, and Aurora just nodded.

Strange how could this happen? Do you know what happened?

«Diniel, this is due to the acceptance of the legacy from Merlin, as well as due to the fact that your true race has begun to awaken! Also, most likely this is not the last change in your appearance and physique related to the same!» said the system

Then I decided to go to the nearest mirror, where I saw that I really had changed, my eyes had become brighter and more mesmerizing. While all the baby's swelling disappeared from the face, and all the facial features became more vivid. My hair grew to my shoulder blades and their color became more magical, or something, as my snow-white hair began to barely shine. Now it's clear why they had such a reaction!

«Auntie, let's go celebrate, otherwise it's getting late and we'll have to go to bed soon!» I decided to quickly change the subject!

«Yes, you're right, what am I doing, it's already so late, and we're standing in the hallway! That's it, Daniel, come into the kitchen!» My aunt said quickly as she went into the kitchen.

The rest of the day passed quite simply. We sat in the kitchen and talked about all kinds of topics. I ate a small cake and then I was presented with gifts that were wonderful! Aurora gave me a small beaded pendant that she made herself, it was in the shape of a pair of snow-white wings! And Aunt May gave me the first pocket money in my life with the words:

«I wasn't sure what to give you, so here's 10 pounds, which I'm sure you can do wisely!»

That was the end of my 9th birthday and we all went to our rooms to sleep!

 Skipping time

A whole year has passed since my visit to the castle, and a lot of things have happened during this time, but I think it's worth starting everything in order!

Well, from the simplest, I decided to grow my hair and it already descended in soft strands below my shoulder blades! I also grew up a bit and started playing sports!

If we talk about something more complicated, then almost every day I try to practice fencing, because I think it can ever save my life. I practice without a sword, but only with a branch from a tree, since no one would buy me a normal sword. But even so, after a week of trying, I got the fencing skill:

[You acquired the skill: Fencing 1/10

You are a beginner in fencing who does not even know the basics, but thanks to your efforts you were able to learn a couple of simple movements]

And this year I was able to upgrade the skill to level 3, thanks to which I'm already pretty good with a stick. So I think I can handle a sword too! Also at this time, I will be able to raise meditation to level 4, thanks to which I was able to feel a huge vessel of magic inside me, well, at least in my opinion. And there was also a strange white mist around him, which very slowly merged with the vessel, giving it a strange aura and increasing in size! When I asked the system what it was, she said that it was most likely the power or magic of my race that fused with my mana!

As for race, everything is much more complicated here! Recently, I began to notice changes, as my hair began to grow much faster, and at night I often feel very sharp and severe pain in the area of the shoulder blades! Moreover, this area of the skin often flakes, hurts and becomes inflamed! After asking the system about it, she said very mysteriously:

«Don't worry, that's how it should be, it means that your race has started a full awakening, but it may take quite a long time!»

To be honest, I wasn't happy at all, why doesn't she want to tell me what's going on anyway! My system still helps a lot and often gives good advice, but sometimes you want to nail it!

During this year, I also tried to learn how to use magic from books from the castle. Yes, I move there quite often to practice fencing or study books. But there was a problem with the books, almost all the books are written in a very old language, which is why I can't read them! One hope is for the system, so how can I get a translation device as a reward for some task?

During this year, I did not go to any dungeons, and the system did not give me any tasks. She herself advised me not to go to the dungeons yet, but to practice, because even taking into account the fact that I am stronger than a simple person, I don't know much. But now that I have trained, I decided to go to the very first dungeon that I found in the forest of "Forest of Life"!

When I came to that old hut, a notification popped up in front of me:

[Do you want to enter the Forest of Life dungeon]

«Yes!» I said, and then a majestic and mysterious blue portal opened, which I entered.

When I came out of it, I found myself in a magnificent forest filled with life! I was surrounded by giant trees, the tops of which were very difficult to see! And bright and warm rays of the sun made their way through the foliage. At that time, somewhere far away, beautiful bird songs and the murmur of the river could be heard!

[You entered your first dungeon, you were given a gift set!

1. The Healing Light Skill Book 1/3

The skill allows you to use the staff to summon the pure light of your soul and heal simple wounds! (warning: consumes a lot of mana)

2. The Fireball Skill Book

You can summon a ball of fire and hit your enemy with it, the power depends on the amount of mana invested in it

3.1 Skill point

It can be used to increase the level of any of your skills]

Unbelievable, this is a gift! Maybe I can finally understand how magic works! When I was excited about my thoughts, I didn't notice something sneaking up on me from behind!

«Master, I advise you to be more careful, something is sneaking up behind you» the system has sobered me up!

This sobered me up and I remembered that I was not in a park or somewhere else, but in a dungeon! I took the staff in my hands, and with all my might I hit something that was behind me! When I looked at what I hit, I saw what looked like an ordinary rabbit, but it had scarlet eyes, as if bloodshot, fangs and a horn on its head! Then I noticed that sometimes different shadows and red eyes flashed from my left side!

I decided to try shooting a fireball there! Taking the staff in both hands, I closed my eyes and imagined a bright ball of fire forming near it, at that moment I felt that from my vessel with mana, through some invisible channel, mana began to flow into the staff! When I opened my eyes, I saw a small sphere filled with fire hanging in front of the crystal, but it was the size of my little finger. Then I decided to try to put more mana through this channel and I succeeded! The ball gradually began to increase in size until it became quite large, probably like a volleyball!

It was at this moment that a flock of rabbits jumped out of the bushes and I launched a ball of fire right at them! He hit right in the middle, but he was only able to partially damage them, as they all remained alive. So I decided to finish them off with a staff, even though I felt very sorry for the staff!

And at the same pace, moving in the forest towards the north, I went destroying rabbits and some other creatures that attacked me all the time while I was walking! During this time, I was able to raise my level as much as two times and with each increase I felt like quite a bit, but I was getting stronger and my mana was increasing.

At some point, somewhere ahead, I noticed a faint moving light! I decided to run after him, as it could be something very important! When I reached the light, I saw a small flying creature that looked like the fairy Tinker Bell from the cartoon about Peter Pan. When the fairy saw me, she did not attack me, but on the contrary was scared and hid in the nearest bushes.

«Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you!» I said soothingly, after which I asked «What happened to you, why are you alone?»

Very slowly, she began to fly out of the bush, but at the same time trembling violently! When she had completely flown out, she said very quietly and slowly:

«Wanderer, who are you? Can you help me?»

«I'm Daniel, I came here for training! Yes, I will help you in any way I can!» I said confidently.

Looking at how she is trembling and almost crying, I decided to help her no matter what it takes!

«My name is Lienna! I am a fairy of nature and I am responsible for the water! My people have lived in this area for centuries and cared about life in the "Great Forest", but not so long ago, bloody rabbits and other predators came to this forest, which should never have been here! They destroyed everything in their path, which is why the forest began to die. My people tried to save this forest, but we don't know how to fight. Therefore, many of my people died, and the rest were taken captive to be eaten by the new offspring of rabbits, which the Bloody Mother is supposed to give birth to today! Can you save our people and this world from destruction?» after telling me about herself and this place, Lienna asked!

[You were given a task by the nature fairy Lienna!

Save the "Great Forest" and the people of the natural fairies from destruction!


1. Destroy as many bloody rabbits as possible

2. Destroy the bloody mother before she gives birth

3. Save the fairies of nature


1. The Sword of the Elves

2.1000 points of deeds


«Lianna, I will help you and try to save all your people and get rid of uninvited guests» I told Lianna!