
Mass Destruction

⁷It felt unreal for the occupants of the earth the day that it happened. That day, people wept, screamed in horror, and ran.The day that the creatures from another world had come to invade their planet. No power, no force, or country could stop them. #########

"General!", said a man dressed in green army uniform. His face showed great distress as he rushed into a room which looked like a lab.

A logo on his pocket signified that he came from the American army, and in his hands he held an Ak-47.

"what is it sergeant?", The general replied.

"I don't know what's going on but you should take a look at your satellites." The Sergeant said.

The general who was currently standing in front of a holographic display notified the other people who had seemed to be workers.

Suddenly a few buttons were clicked and the hologram switched to the earth's atmosphere.

"Damn it! I can see it. Something is wrong and I'm seeing large spatial fluctuations." Another man dressed in white lab coat who seemed to be an expert said.

"Prepare our forces. This cant be good. Also, notify the president and have him contact the other countries."

"Yes sir!" The sergeant replied, rushing out of the base.


Was it only America? No. All over the world different countries and forces were astonished at the large spatial fluctuations they were seeing everywhere. In fact they were being live streamed all over the internet.

Until on a particular day it had become large in a particular place.

The whole world's military forces gathered there. In the sky, they had tracked it with satellites until suddenly blue-like portals began to open.

They opened to a particular point until what they saw baffled them.

lStrange mysterious creatures, fair and glowing with mystical radiance stepped flew from the portals.

Their bodies exuded strange energy that the humans had never sensed before.

All of them possessed a pair of wings, and in their hands they held various weapons like swords axes, and spears.

A particular one stood out among the few and he seemed to be the leader. A golden halo floated over his hea d, and he had two pairs of wings unlike the rest.

They hovered in the sky currently surrounded by all the military forces of the world. Over a billion tanks, with thousands of nuclear weapons, artillery were currently armed.

The commander of the American Army, held a loudspeaker.

"I welcome you all creatures from another. I stand here representing the entire earth.May I know why you have invaded our world".

He asked, hoping that they would understand English.

There was no response at first until they heard a loud voice."why we have invaded you ask