
The Angel slayer

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What is The Angel slayer

WebNovel で公開されている、Jobless_geek14 の作者が書いた The Angel slayer の小説を読んでください。Creatures from another world came to invade the earth and they called themselves Angels. When asked why they had come to invade the earth it was discovered that they had come to hunt another race, th...


Creatures from another world came to invade the earth and they called themselves Angels. When asked why they had come to invade the earth it was discovered that they had come to hunt another race, the demons. They used forceful means and wiped out the whole armies until humans and demons joined forces to take then down. in this book I bring a new concept about demons, angels and the likes. Thanks for reading read like and vote. Support me with golden tickets. This is my first book si supporting is a great motivation. I might not update too often but I'll notify you guys when I want to send batches


Running Away From The Villainous Protagonist!

System: -Greetings host, you will now be acting as the protagonist's villainous master, 'Shen Yan' from the novel 'How to become an Immortal god'. If you do not stop the protagonist's blackening in time, you will die! enjoy.- Shen Yan: ... Shen Yan: HUH!!!??? The 24/7 face slapping, harem filled stallion novel that Shen Yan had just finished reading...was sh*t!!!! having wasted a couple of weeks to painfully read through this novel to its completion left Shen Yan feeling disappointed and angry. "Author, I spent my real hard earned money to buy all your chapters but your dog sh*t writing has left me wanting to call the bank for a full refund!!" In a fit of rage, he passed out Infront of the computer with the novel open. To only wake up as a small time cannon fodder villain within that same novel!! Shen Yan: I wanted a refund!!!! not this bullsh*t!!!! Do I need to call customer service to file a complaint?! System: -greetings host, did you call for customer service?- Shen Yan: ... Shen Yan: WTF Somehow the protagonist who's usually cold and distrustful of his master seems to be acting totally OOC!! Zhao Tian: Shizun, where are you going? didn't you say you'd stay the night with me? Shen Yan: huh? stay the night your father! when did this disciple get so cheeky! I never agreed to that! wait...why is this stallion protagonist grabbing my waist....WTF!! calm down my lord! think about your perfect harem of 1000!! don't add me and make it 1001! (⁠;⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠) HELP! HELP!

CrypticVix · 東方

One Night Stand with the Newest Tycoon

ONE NIGHT STAND -COMPLETED- Jero Mitchelle D. Francisco is a prominent young billionaire and eligible bachelor in the country at the age of 26. He is also known as the 'Alpha' amongst his group because of his elegance and charm. Jeniffer Kate P. Llorevo is a half blood British-Filipino girl, at the age of 22, she's entering the medical field as a medical technology student. She has a figure like a supermodel, as to why many companies are inducing her to become one and also because her family is one of the richest families in Europe. - -"You're pregnant?" -"Yes. And you are the father." -"That's impossible. How did that happen?" -"Are you seriously asking me that? Then, let me tell you how. Your penis entered my vagina and you filled it with something all men produce, which are sperm cells and semen,  APPARENTLY, I have actually produced an egg cell so together it became a zygote. I'm two weeks pregnant, you jerk." She sarcastically said. -"No." It turns out that the one night they spent with each other will have her carry a baby in her womb. What are they going to do after knowing that they are becoming parents after the night they thought would just be a really "great night" for them? Starring: Jero Mitchelle D. Francisco Jeniffer Kate P. Llorevo Donna C. Magallanes Ethan Tan F. Lopez Lei Karlos V. Carlos Kaz Carl B. Ocampo Paolo Earl Z. Reyes Jonn Karl P. Llorevo Elizabeth P. Llorevo Francis L. Llorevo ORIGINAL TITLE: ONE NIGHT STAND Disclaimer All of the characters, places and names were all created by the mischievous thought of the author. Any similarities seen to other stories regarding names, characters and places were all coincidence. PLAGIARISM IS A CRIME

Nyeilrad · 現実
1 Chs

Seen Zone Z

(On Hiatus) I love you" doesn't always mean "I'll stay." {February 13, 11:59 pm} Lucas: It's all my fault. I'm so sorry. Remember that I will always love you my moonshine. {Sunday, 6:00 am} Erin: What are you speaking hon? Sorry, I fell asleep. Why didn't you come home? Seen Erin: Hon? Seen Erin: Why are you not replying? Seen Erin: Please say something. Is it due to work? Or something else? Erin: I'll get back. I heard some loud noise outside the house. You better have replied and explained things when I'm back. Seen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- During the night before Valentines', Luke Maygram sent a mysterious message to Erin Beverly. The next day the world turned upside down as a break out of zombies changed everything. Left with the only text she got from her fiance and the mysterious 'seen' in her every message, she decided to look for him. But will she able to make it and see Lucas again? when the world becomes a living hell? Will love still conquers everything on end? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction. All the names and places you might find similar are purely coincidental. All rights reserved. A/N: This story is made by me, Lala_sanara, and my co-author and friend Ysaa. We are still newbies in the world of everything. So every vote, comment, and review would greatly help us. (Notice: This story will go to editing and some revision might occur too.)

Aeipathy_02 · SF
145 Chs

Fragrance of Words

"Fragrance of Words" is a captivating poetry collection penned by the gifted poet Zaynaah Kaur. Within the pages of this collection, Kaur's verses serve as a vessel for profound emotions, inviting readers on a poetic journey through the intricate tapestry of human experience. The poetry in "Fragrance of Words" delves deep into the themes of love, longing, loss, and self-discovery. With lyrical precision and evocative imagery, Kaur's verses resonate with readers, evoking a range of emotions that mirror the complexities of the heart. The collection begins with a celebration of love in its many forms. Kaur's words paint vivid portraits of passion, devotion, and the intoxicating beauty of romantic connection. Her verses capture the essence of those moments when love blooms and blossoms, inviting readers to relive the euphoria of such experiences. As the collection unfolds, it explores the intricacies of longing and desire. Kaur's poems touch upon the yearning for a distant beloved, the ache of separation, and the bittersweetness of unfulfilled dreams. Each poem serves as a mirror to the reader's own experiences of longing, forging a deep emotional connection. "Fragrance of Words" also delves into the theme of loss and resilience. Through elegiac verses, the poet navigates the labyrinth of grief and healing, illuminating the human capacity to endure and find strength in vulnerability. These poems offer solace and comfort to those who have grappled with the profound impact of loss. In the latter part of the collection, Kaur turns her gaze inward, exploring the terrain of self-discovery and empowerment. Her verses inspire introspection, encouraging readers to embrace their uniqueness and find solace in their inner worlds. These poems serve as a guiding light for those on a journey of self-acceptance and personal growth. Philosophical insights within the collection are provided by Feng Qi Yuin Yong, adding depth and contemplation to Kaur's poetic narratives. Feng's wisdom offers readers a philosophical lens through which to view the emotional landscapes painted by Kaur's verses. The combination of poetry and philosophy creates a harmonious fusion of art and introspection. In "Fragrance of Words," Zaynaah Kaur's poetic voice resonates as a testament to authenticity and vulnerability. Her words have the power to elicit a spectrum of emotions, from tears to laughter to profound contemplation. This collection is an ode to the enduring beauty of poetry as a means of connecting with the human experience and finding solace in the written word. In the end, "Fragrance of Words" is a poetry collection that invites readers to embark on an emotional odyssey, to explore the depths of the human heart, and to find solace and inspiration in the profound beauty of language and emotion. It is a collection that lingers in the mind and heart, leaving an indelible mark on those who have the privilege of reading it.

FengQiYuinYong0_0 · ファンタジー
12 Chs


Olivia, a young most dangerous Mafia Queen in the entire world and got tangled up with the most feared Mafia Boss in the whole world in a contract relationship. She is the daughter of a self made billionaire parents. No one knew who she was cause she was always wearing a mask and she was named Mask girl. "little girl, wake up" an old man said whispering into three years old Olivia's ear.  Olivia woke up blink slowly and rubbed her eyes countless time and saw the old man.                She was frightened but had a little courage and asked" Who are you ?" Olivia said as she stares at the old man blue eyes. He wore tattered cloth and was sitting next to her bed and his walking stick laying on the wall.                His white hair was as long as Olivia's brown hair and he looks like is young but people could tell his old due to his character.  " I am your  old friend and am here to teach you on how to become a Mafia queen and I see the potential" when the old man spoke, little Olivia gasp. she never knew there were mafia queens cause she has only heared of mafia bosses but not mafia  queens .                " How can I become one , Old friend ? " Olivia said with a bright smile.  she was already interested to be a mafia queen no matter what it takes. " We will be going to tour garden every night for practice and very soon you will be great " The old man replied ro her question and she was at all smiles and since that day on , as been trainied to be a mafia queen but was first an assassin.                   The old man thought her  marchial art and thought her how to aim and kill with no soft feeling but hard. At first she was scared and afraid of guns but after some month she became a natural.         " You need to aim harder and don't be afraid.  no soft feeling but hard "the old man said with coldness. Olivia was asked to shoot two robbers who were caught entring into Olivia house.      She killed them with a  bullet after the old man said she should think of what makes  her angry and she thought of her little kitten who was killed by a car and she hates that person and the car that the driver drove.         She always wear a black mask that as a snake tattoo  on het right neck side , a black or white crop top . Skinny jeans which curved her liitle hip well and a black boit to go with it. Her hair is always packed into a ponytail. Her signature clothes         She became a certified mafia queen who everyone feared and has her own group called "SNAKE EMPIRE" . Everyone in the group has a snake tattoo on their right  side of their neck . She was known as mask girl because she always had a mask on. When she was thirteen years she told her parents to change her room all to all  black. Even her toilet and and bathroom was black. she only wears colourful cloth on occasion but wears black and white cloth when she going for business or to kill.         She behaves like a snake, devices like a snake to those working for her except her group , she trust no body except from her fifteen company  which her parents doesn't know about.          She is a god when it comes to bussiness and her account her always filled with high money . From each company  fifty billion dollars is brought up to her account and she shares her workers salary who were being paid every three weeks or everyday.              The group had lasted for four years and anyone who lives the group would would either die or get their memory erased.  Axcel, a feared Mafia Boss who everyone had feared since after the death of his sister. He was Ruthless and his bad side never showed but his good side was only for Olivia and no one else. He always cared for his little sister until but after her death, he became more heartless, Ruthless and never have any friend except his best friend who is a  doctor. He fell inlove with Olivia during high school and never had any feelings for any girl except Oliva.

Wasiu_Bello · アクション
13 Chs


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Not bad a book, pls update. i wanna read some more


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