
The Ancient Prophecy

In a world where a prophecy has endured for a millennium, a vampire girl finds herself crossing paths with a wizard, ultimately leading to a love that defies their inherent differences. Unknown to her, he is the long-awaited savior mentioned in the prophecy, destined to protect humanity from an impending cataclysmic war that threatens to destroy the Earth. She carries the weight of preserving her kind's existence and safeguarding them from the encroaching threat of werewolves. Little does she realize that the man she has fallen deeply in love with holds the key to fulfilling the ancient prophecy, a secret that vampires before her have tirelessly sought. However, complications arise as the wizard's closest companion happens to be the last surviving descendant of a dangerous werewolf bloodline. The intricate dynamics between the vampire girl, the wizard, and his werewolf friend intertwine, forcing unlikely alliances and igniting an urgent need for cooperation among vampires, werewolves, and witches. In a race against time, these supernatural factions must set aside their ancient rivalries and work together harmoniously to prevent power-hungry werewolves and vampires from obliterating the Earth in their insatiable quest for dominance. Together, the vampire girl, the wizard, the werewolf, and the witches unite their forces, defying the odds to ensure the survival of their world, thereby exemplifying the strength of unity in the face of greed and imminent destruction.

Austin_Fidelis · ファンタジー
91 Chs

Battle of Echelon 1

In the mystical city of New Orleans, a long time ago, reigned a powerful vampire King and Queen, Athan and Thana. They governed over two prominent vampire clans, the Volkihar and Tremer. Blessed with two beautiful daughters, Nimoes and Lilith, the royal couple held great hopes for their family's legacy.

Nimoes, the eldest daughter, was destined to become the first female heir to the throne. However, Athan's younger brother, Raul, held reservations about her ability to lead and raised concerns about potential attacks from rival clans, witches, and werewolves.

One day, Raul approached his elder brother, Athan, as he strolled through the castle, expressing the rumors circulating about Lilith, their youngest daughter. Whispers claimed that Lilith was a cursed child, possessing mysterious powers beyond that of a typical vampire. Raul proposed that Athan consider taking a second wife from one of the rival clans to bear him a son, as a potential successor.

Athan, taken aback by his brother's suggestion, understood that even if he were to follow Raul's advice, there would be no guarantee of a strong and capable vampire child. He believed that leadership was a gift bestowed upon a select few, and his daughters had him and Raul as their mentors. The King urged Raul to focus on his responsibilities as their uncle and guide rather than being swayed by rumors.

Raul, still concerned for the safety of their family and clan, stressed the importance of protecting their lineage. But Athan, unwavering, reminded Raul that danger and threats were ever-present, and it was their duty as leaders to keep the order safe.

Unable to persuade Athan, Raul fell silent as the King's authoritative voice reverberated through the room, commanding attention. The chief guard and Raul himself bowed their heads, both unsettled by the forcefulness in Athan's voice. The King then ordered Marcus, the chief guard, to summon all thirteen elders of the vampire order, indicating his intention to address them directly.

While Athan departed, seeking solace with his wife, Thana, who was overseeing the blood bank, she couldn't help but overhear the conversation. Fear gripped Athan's heart, as his vulnerability increased day by day. He had issued a decree that no vampire, except for Lilith, was allowed to feed on human blood. This decree had made him susceptible, and rumors regarding Lilith's mysterious nature had intensified. She possessed unmatched strength, ten times that of a hybrid yet didn't resemble a vampire, witch, or werewolf.

Lilith, confined within a hidden portal deep within the castle, had never stepped foot outside. Her presence was kept secret, and powerful magic spells bound her to the depths of the castle. Only her parents, her sister Nimoes, Marcus, and a few trusted maids were permitted to see her occasionally. Her incredible speed and strength evoked both awe and fear among the vampire clan, leading to her isolation for their protection.

Lilith, a breathtakingly beautiful young princess, possessed an ethereal charm that radiated in the moonlight. Her fair white skin seemed to glow, and her cascading white hair was so long that she could wrap it around her and rest her head on it. Her nails, like sharp steel, added an air of danger to her delicate appearance. Unlike her father, her hazel eyes shone with a captivating allure, captivating anyone who gazed into them. Although she had never received a formal education, her sharp intellect and natural intelligence shone through.

"My queen," Athan called, and without a trace of resentment in her gaze, she calmly replied, "Yes, my lord," her voice soothing enough to lull him to sleep.

"I know you heard everything," he said, his face filled with frustration.

"Your brother dared to enter our home and demand that you marry another woman, and yet, you did nothing. I wish he had spoken such words in my presence," she continued, frowning.

The king collapsed to the floor, struggling for breath. In shock, Thana rushed to his side, her own strength matching his, and lifted him from the ground.

"What troubles you, my lord? You are the very essence of existence in the vampire order. How would it look if anyone found you on the floor? Remember, you told me never to show weakness to our enemies," she said, tears streaming down her face.

"My queen, my strength is failing me. My brother is conspiring with the elders to become the next king if I should pass away, and you know what that means. For the first time, I am confused about what decision to make. My enemy is my own blood, and I cannot face him with death," the king whispered to his queen, his voice feeble, as if his last breath was imminent.

"I will not allow such a thing to happen, my Lord. I will make them burn in eternity if they dare to take my daughters' birthright. Drink of my blood, my beloved. The elders you summoned are waiting for you in the royal court," she commanded, offering him her blood. When he drank, it boiled like hot charcoal spilled upon the floor.

With courage, King Athan swiftly regained his composure and rushed to the chamber where the elders were seated, their voices murmuring in curiosity. None of them had noticed the presence of the king until Marcus, the chief guard, announced him.

"Silence!" Marcus shouted at the top of his voice.

The chamber was filled with Lord Raul, Lord Silas, Lord Drake, Lord Lazarus, Lord Ravana, Lord Azazel, Lord Cassius, Lord Morana, Lord Vikra, and Lord Amelia. They all bowed in the presence of the king, and a moment of silence lingered before one of the elders mustered the courage to speak.

"My lord, we are troubled by how urgently we were summoned. Is something troubling you? Should we be worried?" Lord Vikra asked, his voice laced with concern.

"Who is absent among us, and why?" King Athan inquired, turning to Marcus.

"My lord, he embarked on a journey this morning and will return in a week," Marcus replied.

"I have heard rumors circulating that my daughters are deemed unfit to lead the vampire order. Today, I have gathered you, the elders, to nominate one of my daughters who will be worthy of becoming the next empress of the vampire order," the king declared, standing from his royal seat, which was adorned with blood-clothed wool and golden metal blades.

"My lord, isn't it too early to make such a decision? It has never been heard of that a woman would ascend to rule over all vampires. Besides, none of your daughters are married yet, and one of them is..." Lord Drake's words were cut off in anger as the king drew his sword and severed Lord Drake's left hand.

The chamber filled with tension as the repercussions of the king's violent act echoed through the air, leaving the elders and Marcus in a state of shock and tension.

"How dare you! How dare you call my children names!" King Athan's voice rumbled through the chamber, his eyes turning a fiery red as his voice thundered. His royal robe fell from his body, revealing his fangs as he braced for attack. The elders trembled in their seats, fully aware that none of them could stand against him in battle. He was a force of immense power, but his strength was fading.

"I demand the head of anyone who speaks ill of my family! I will unleash my wrath upon anyone who dares to stand between my household and this throne. With a snap of my finger, I can draw life from any human or vampire. My wrath is death!" Queen Thana emerged from the dark corners of the chamber, making her way to stand beside her husband. As she stepped into the light, the elders instinctively bowed to her presence.

"My king, there is no need for such an aggressive display of anger among your chiefs. It is understandable to defend those who have supported and protected us in times of trouble. However, it would be a grave mistake to let this man continue to live. There shall be no more blood spilled in this chamber. It is prophesied that a female ruler will bring peace and order back to Earth, and that ruler is our daughter, Princess Nimose," Queen Thana addressed the elders in the council.

"My queen, the prophecy is an age-old belief passed down to us by our ancestors. It states that the queen will be the wife of a warlord possessing magical powers..." Lord Vikra began before King Athan interjected.

"Then so be it! I shall arrange for my daughter to be married and, even before my passing, she will be crowned as the next leader of the vampire order. These are my final words. Now leave my presence, all of you," the king commanded.

The elders left the chamber and returned to their respective castles, contemplating the weight of the king's decision. Meanwhile, Queen Thana approached her husband, calming him with a tender kiss. Although he was upset that none of the elders supported his daughter's ascension to the throne, the queen proposed a solution.

"My beloved, there is no need for anger. We should select a husband for our daughter, someone strong and willing to lay down their life for her well-being. We can choose from a noble and wealthy family, perhaps even from one of the sons of the Lords," the queen suggested to King Athan.