
Willow Town 1

In the old wooden ranch of Willow Town, a middle-aged man sat on a chair, engaged in conversation with a young lady who rested her head on his lap.

The man began reminiscing about a time long ago when the town was inhabited by a diverse community of hybrids, including werewolves, vampires, and witches. However, he mentioned that this harmonious existence was disrupted by the arrival of dark days.

Greed, power, and the desire for dominance consumed the minds of the town's elders, leading to division among the residents. Despite this, the man shared a tale passed down by generation, a story of hope that one day all of humanity would unite to save the world. But for now, he urged his daughter to let him rest.

"Daddy, please tell me one more story," the young lady pleaded. "Make it about my mother, since she passed away after giving birth to me. I'll be turning eighteen in two days, and you promised to tell me everything about what happened and why you've isolated yourself all these years."

Observing the strength and resemblance his daughter held to her late mother, the man took a deep breath and began speaking, his voice filled with warmth and admiration.

"Mia, my little girl, you've grown stronger than I could have ever imagined," he thought, gazing at her affectionately. "You possess resilience, intelligence, and beauty, just like your mother. Every time I look at you, I see her. I am proud of the woman you've become, and I'm certain that if your mom were here, the two of you would have been the best mother and daughter in the world."

A faint smile graced the man's face as he continued, acknowledging his overprotectiveness and the challenges it might have posed for his daughter. She responded with understanding, expressing her appreciation for him as a father and assuring him that she wouldn't trade him for anything. She sealed her words with a tender kiss on his cheek.

Touched by her affection, the man admitted that he owed her an apology for keeping silent about her mother's bravery all these years. With a smile, she forgave him instantly. Overwhelmed with emotion, he invited her to come closer and embrace him tightly, before he began recounting the story of her courageous and graceful mother.

As Mia held her father in a tight hug, he acknowledged her excitement, remarking on how patient she had been throughout the years. He warned her that their conversation would stretch into the night and beyond, but she reassured him of her eagerness, having waited for this moment her entire life.

"Ah, my little wolf, you're hugging me so tightly," he chuckled. "You must be thrilled that I've finally decided to tell you everything about your mom. Well, then, sit down and prepare yourself. It's going to be a long night for both of us."

Before delving into the story, the man emphasized the importance of keeping their conversation confidential. Mia enthusiastically confirmed her understanding and promised to guard their shared secrets within the confines of their home.

With a delightful voice, she replied, "Yes, sir."

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