
The Ametrines of Allurion

Synopsis: Upon coincidental encounters and already established friendships, a group of 6 friends and their own friends are unified by a force of opposition. The story follows the Ametrines gang around along on their goofy but sometimes serious adventures that they go through together. It’s never known what they’ll get themselves into, and often times the issues they get into are accidentally provoked while others have hidden reasons. Follow them and see what’s in store for The Ametrines of Allurion. join in my discord to see whats going on also https://discord.gg/3B9xaA6KZN

_Sesame_ · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Unprecedented Danger

San and Molly make it safely onto the earth. Ironically they come out where the legions gate to go through would usually be too. "So now what?" Molly asked. "We wait now. He will feel our presence soon." San responded. "But how long is it going to take? Are we even sure that it's going to work" "it has to your powers are just as great as his he has the feel it." Immediately after San stopped talking, the sun seemed to have disappeared, leaving earth in a state of pure darkness. There was no light around, and the place began to gather a sense of despair. "Get back, San!" Molly yelled out as she pushed San out of the way, "He's here already," San said in a confident tone. "Yea, he IS here, but he's HERE defensively; he thinks there's a threat!" Molly said in a troubled voice "ohhhhh," San responded, "what do we do? There was no other way to come here; how would I know he was going to think this was a threat!?!?" San began to panic, "the more you panic, the more you render yourself powerless to him. San, pull it together and be on the lookout for potential danger. Do not let your guard down at all! Got it?" San nodded and began to look around, waiting in anticipation for a strike of any sort. "WATCH OUT!" Molly yelled to San as she created a shield behind San. "UNHOLY SHIT, WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!?!" San cried out, looking at a pitch-black tentacle-like thing that was headed to him but stopped by Molly's shield. "That right there was David who's trying to end us. San, be ready to go through your shadows if strikes get too intense" "I'll try my be-" San cut short by a silhouette with the same power as his who dragged him into a shadow on the ground. "San? Where are you? HELLO!?" "I'm over here, Molly something with the same power just tried pulling me down. I escaped its grasp and came back out," San yelled out of breath "we can't run any movement will trigger more strikes" "what do we-" the figure jumped out of a shadow and lunged towards San. San quickly sank into a shadow and popped back out behind. "I don't want to fight; I here to look for someone," San said, trying to reason with the figure. "I was ordered to protect, and if that means vanquishing you, then so be it don't resist! I've wanted to kill for so long," the figure replied. "I don't want to fight, but I'm not one to submit to no one, so if it's a fight you want, then it's a fight you're going to get" "you poor fool," said the figure. The figure jumped into a shadow and came from behind and kicked San to the ground; before landing another kick, San fell through a portal and jumped back out with a look of fear in his eyes and began to run away "scared already? What a fool. I suppose I'll go easy on him seeing as I have already won" the figure thought in his head then went back into the shadows and came out right in front of San ready to deliver a crushing blow. Still, almost immediately as the figure came out in front of San, San fell into a shadow and came back out from the sky over the figure pinning him down to the ground. "What the hell," the figure said in confusion. San laughed "you immediately thought that you won by my reaction and let your guard down because you thought this was easy, always works" the figure dragged San into a shadow so that he could get loose, but San grabbed on to his leg as he was trying to jump out. San noticed that the figure began to freak out and saw that the portal was closing. Little by little, he smirked and let go of the figure's leg and hopped out too. The two went in and out of portals delivering hits to one another for a few minutes.

Meanwhile, Molly was still standing in place, trying to get ahold of David. "David, it's me, Molly. We aren't here to fight. We came to look for you please. If you are around, come out" no answer was given, but Molly did notice that a bunch of black cracks was making their way towards her. Molly knew she had no choice but to fight back, so she began to prepare for anything. Soon after, the black cracks lifted off the ground and began to go straight for her. Molly began to block the attacks and cut them off too. She had to evade many attacks and try super hard not to get impaled by anything, her force fields were enough, but she knew it could hold on forever. She had to really up to her defense, so she let out a wave of disruption that killed off all the black cracks and withdrew them from the ground. It wasn't for long, though, because they began to grow back on the ground around her; Molly was getting tired but was still not going to give up. The figure grew tired and stopped hoping in and out through the shadows, and San was visibly exhausted from having to dodge so many attacks and a bit wounded as well, but for the most part, San was angry and wanted to throw a few punches of his kindness towards the figure. "So you can use the shadows, but you can't stay in? A halfbreed is fighting me? How pathetic" the figure became noticeably angered by that "oh? Did I pinch a nerve there, halfbreed? I do gotta give it to you, you can put up a full legion level fight. But I bet all that hard work is just to mask the fact you're a halfbreed". The figure lunged and grabbed San by the throat.

"I'm just as powerful as you or even more! Don't test me," San, with the bit of breath he could use, responded, "but killing me would satisfy you, would it?" The figure was noticeably thinking now; there was no expression to see, but you could tell this got him thinking since his grip around San's throat was loosened "nothing in this world will satisfy you ever, so why even kill me? It's not going to quench your thirst" by now the figure let go of him and was standing there contemplating, San was getting into his head. "If there's nothing to suffice, why don't you just end it? Call it a day and stop your torment" San stopped trying to be nice, and he was letting his dark side get to him. San picked up a sharp branch from the floor and handed it to the figure, "go on, just finish this once and for all, end your suffering. Make all this go away. It won't hurt after a while" the figure began to raise the branch ready to impale it onto itself, San lost concentration as he turned to see Molly almost walk into a black spike behind her "MOLLY BEHIND YO-" the little bit of concentration was enough to break the figure out of his power, and San found himself held by his throat once more but this time the figure was given a weapon, that was being held in its other hand. "You almost had me there; too bad your empathy for others got the best of you. Would you like to say your last goodbyes to her?" The figure forced San's head to face Molly, who by now was wrapped up in the grasps of the black stuff. Molly mouthed, "I'm sorry," to San as they both saw this being the end.

"You're taking too long, so your time is up," the figure said as he began to raise the spear like a branch. Before the figure could do anything, a ripple-like wave came from the center between Molly and the other two, and out came a visibly angry giant fox whose first move was to throw a big bowl directly to the figures head, the hit was so hard that the figure was knocked out immediately upon impact than the figure just disappeared out of the area as though he was being called back. Molly yelled out, "KIT!" In a tone of pure relief. Kit did a fox-like hop, and once he landed back on the ground, little ripples appeared again, and the stuff wrapped around Molly began to disintegrate. The force of two atrocities must have been so great that it caused another figure to land on the ground from the sky. "Now what?" San said, very tired and worn "it seems like we finally caught his attention," Molly replied, "who's?" "Davids," Molly said as she stared at the figure getting closer and closer.