
The Ametrines of Allurion

Synopsis: Upon coincidental encounters and already established friendships, a group of 6 friends and their own friends are unified by a force of opposition. The story follows the Ametrines gang around along on their goofy but sometimes serious adventures that they go through together. It’s never known what they’ll get themselves into, and often times the issues they get into are accidentally provoked while others have hidden reasons. Follow them and see what’s in store for The Ametrines of Allurion. join in my discord to see whats going on also https://discord.gg/3B9xaA6KZN

_Sesame_ · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Fates Sealed

"Now David, you see, we wish no harm nor want a fight," San said to David as he approached the three. "What do you need here, and why are you here, Molly?" "We both are here for different reasons. You know why Molly is here, and you know you can't oppose this. I'm here because I know you know where Len is. You were around on this planet when Len entered it, so I know you have had to have seen her and feel her presence around, especially now that anomalies can't come through anymore." David just silently stared at San then finally broke the silence after some time.

"All this to find Len? Really?" David seems annoyed "what can I say? I like doing things out of the ordinary," San said confidently "that, and there was no other way to come through. We didn't expect to get ambushed by an asshole as we did," Molly cut in, destroying Sans triumphant stance; David didn't reply to Molly; he just winked at her, which prompted Molly to roll her eyes. "I felt an enemy atrocity. How was I supposed to know it was going to be you, which by the way, you're not supposed to be here at all, especially not around me? You'd be putting yourself in danger if they find out you're around an enemy side atrocity; I don't want what happened last time to happen again. We both barely made it out alive; you wouldn't be here if it weren't for San, who had to manipulate your family into not killing you," David said, "well, guess what, David, this isn't your choice, you ran off. I found you. I chose this, and you won't be leaving like you did last time. I'd rather die than not be with you, and you're not leaving me alone like last time. If this strikes another war, then so be it. I'm fed up with that life, and I'm not going back to it," Molly replied, angered "yeaaaa… that and she already isn't allowed to go back she was shackled still as punishment not allowed to leave her family's premises, so they have to know by now, she's stuck here with you David get over it and accept it no one likes a martyr" San says to David "you two can discuss this later can we please go find Len already you two owe me anyways this will pay off that debt" "I just actually met her in person a few days or weeks back for the first time she's cool I know she'll be in her fashion building come on" David says cheerfully as he opens a tear in space to travel "fashion build- WOAH HEY" San yelled as he was cut short by David throwing him into the portal "okay let's go you two, and you Molly, we're not done talking" "whatever" Molly replied as she walked past him to get into the portal to Lens place.

"And that's how I got here! Can you untie me now?" San asked Crozz, who was still standing over San. "Holy shit, San, next time, maybe don't fucking set off my traps?" Len exclaimed, "HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW YOU HAVE TRAPS ALL AROUND THE FUCKING PLACE? IT'S NOT MY FAULT!" "Look around next time, dumb ass" "you literally can't see anything" "and that's my fault because???" "REALLY?!" "Yea, it's not my problem just next time look around, don't care how you figure it out just don't fucking cause such a mess because then we end up in this situation" Len ended the exchange. Ash chimes in, "Wait, if you said you came with others, then why aren't they around here too? Some shit's not adding up to your bullshit of a story" "yea, I don't trust this crap," followed Crozz. "No, no, he's telling the truth. He came with three others. I'm the one that brought him to you guys; I just told him to go on his own because I knew there were traps and wanted to see this play out; I'm not disappointed with the outcome. And before you ask, no, I don't regret it or feel remorse," David said as he walked out with Molly and Kit behind him. "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK DAVID?!" San yelled to David, who just shrugged. The duo just stared at Len "what are you waiting for? There's the confirmation you two were looking for untie him already," Len ordered "thank you," San said to the two in a sour tone. "Wait, it's the guy that we met with that time" "oh yea, what the hell!" The duo said, "So we all know each other from different times?" Molly said, "well, I know San due to legion times before I froze him with a dagger" "I know David because he told me about the artifact and who had it and I know those two because they were the ones that had the artifact that David told me about" Len said "Yea and we two know David because he gave us the artifact and that's how we met Len too" the duo said "and I know San because I'm the one that took out the dagger from him" Crozz said "oooh it was you, thanks" San said to Crozz, "and I know David because we come from the same place and have a history with each other and I know San because he helped me not die" Molly said back to the rest. "So we're all connected to David in some way or another?" Ash asked, "I guess so? But what about the dog who knows him or who is its owner?" Crozz asked, confused. "Oh, that's mine, his name is Kit, he's also from mine and Davids's place. I sent him out to find David, and when he did, he was meant to come back to me, but he never came" "where did you go, Kit?

Molly looked down to ask Kit. "Well, he did find me with the mark you gave me before leaving, but I gave him a caretaker by giving the person the same mark, and I'm guessing Kit just liked torturing the poor dude, so he stayed and forgot to give you the message" David responded for Kit, "You gave him a caretaker?" "Of a sort" "where is he at?". Len began to laugh as she began to speculate who it was "oh yeah, I forgot to bring him along with us, before I do that, though, someone hold off San. You two, Crozz and Ash hold his arms" "Okay?" Crozz said, confused "why, though?" Ash asked; everyone was just as confused as the two. "Oh, you'll see" David snapped his fingers. From behind the pillar, a bright light flashed for a second, followed by a loud thud "Augh" was all you could hear from behind the pillar "come on out buddy, come on, walk it off," David said, trying not to laugh "fuck you, next time you send me to fight don't let the fucking fox thing join in" "fight?" Molly and San both said confused "you left your bowl back there too Kit" said the weak voice followed by a bowl being thrown towards the fox "come out you're leaving everyone curious" the voice slowly began to form a body, the last one of the soon to be group, Dev. "YOU! You mother fucker, I am going to kill you let me go!" San yelled out, staring at Dev with a look of pure anger "look, dude, I'm sorry. I was sent to fight you no hard feelings also a bit weak on the punches, work on them," Dev said, still a bit disoriented from the hit. "I'm not going to let a half-breed tell me what to do," San replied "wanna go again, you asshole!?" Dev said, angry "anytime you bitch" San said while he tried to get lose from the grasps of Ash and Crozz. "Uh, what's going on?" Len asked, confused "oh, Dev and San fought each other, and I think they still have some pent-up anger between one another," David said "not just that he has caused so much destruction for our legion and the anomaly's themselves do you want to have other species out there for you and risk having them go deeper you dumb fucking halfbreed?" San says "call me that one more time and you're dead" at this point Molly was holding Dev behind a force field wall just in case. "Okay, okay, how about we chill it down you two look pathetic fighting" Len said to the two "if it makes you feel any better, Dev has been held on a probation type of thing where he hasn't been allowed to kill for a pretty long time now," David told San "yea, but that'll end really soon" Dev snickered "then what?" "Then he can only kill those that are bad for the world" David said, trying to reassure San, "but that'll be up to me then" Dev mocked "You won't be doing shit like that. You know your consequences" David said, angered. San took a different approach and looked at Ash "you don't want to be holding me anymore" then looked at Crozz "you think it's safe to let me go, you see no harm in this" they both let San go. He quickly runs into the shadows, heads to his bag, reaches the needle of judgment and uses all his speed and agility to run straight to Dev, who had no time to react. San stabbed the needle into Devs neck, having it go really deep to make sure it stayed in. David pulls San off and slams him onto the ground. "What did you do to him? Why is he on the ground in pain?" David asked, "if I can't kill him, I'll at least make sure you follow your promise," San said using the bit of air that didn't get taken out of him upon the slam "relax, David, he'll be fine," Len said as she got off from her desk "I believe he just injected the needle of judgment, a needle crafted by the divine, forged out of those righteous enough to judge. He'll be able to judge those and determine if they are worthy or not, and you'll know based on his actions if he is doing right or wrong; it does hurt, though, because it requires a tiny portion of his body, but he'll be fine". "You fucker" said Dev as he stood up adjusting to his new system in him "I had to if you choose to live." "Okay, so now that that's over with, can we finally discuss some stuff?" David said "some of you are here for a reason. Others are here out of coincidence from fate itself, and we need to discuss what this is all about." David brings out a stone tablet "of course! Of course, the rest of you that weren't on this are now on it too" David says, angry "huh?" Asked Len, really confused "the tablet that I found one day in a different world had the names of Len, Crozz, Ash, Dev, and mine on it along with a weird sketch of each of you so I spent some time looking for everyone and waiting in timelines to see where you guys would pop up and coincidentally you all came to earth, but now everyone in this room is in it. I still don't know what this means, and every time I have tried to scratch out a name, the name just reappears later again. It's like we were destined to be here together for some reason." "Yea considering that we are from different species, which is a big no-no, so this has to be big" Molly says, "exactly, atrocities aren't allowed to be around humans or anomaly's, and the same thing for anomaly's," David said. "Wait, wait, wait, so you're telling me that this rock-looking thing wants us to be together? A rock? That knows how to write?" Crozz asked. David agreed. "So what now?" Len asked, "I don't really know" David replied, "but the first step is done; we are now together" soon after, Kit threw a bowl to Dev to get everyone's attention, then popped out a scroll and threw it to Molly. Molly opened the scroll "Molly, David, Len, San, and Dev, you are hereby sentenced to a life of mortality for breaking many regulations of your own kind; as of today, you are sentenced to live a life of aging as a human. You are shackled to life's hands of those on this planet you have sealed your fates- The Elenia System" "No fuck FUCK FUCK" Len says "Shit" Dev exclaims "son of a bitch" David yells out while Molly and San were just in shock "so now we can bleed like them and bruise like them, we're fragile just like them" San says. They all just stared at each other in disbelief and shock.