
The Alphas Chosen Mate

Upon getting a new job as a security guard at a ballpark, a young woman thinks she is settling into life. She loves her job, her life, and where her future is leading. She has big plans to buy a home of her own and soon. Unbeknownst to her, there is something magical and phenomenal going on in the background. Something that she is about to be drug into, willing or not. Once she is plunged into this magical world, she did not know existed, there is no coming out again. Can she keep this new life from her family and friends? Or will they be drawn in with her, simply for knowing her. Will she still achieve the life she always wanted, or will she go in a completely new direction. The new man in her life will have a lot to do with all her upcoming decisions. Weather they be for good or bad. The only way to find out is to delve into this world with me. lets embark on this journey together and see where this road will lead us.

Joy_Phoenix · ファンタジー
33 Chs

Chapter 26

Yuan carried me to an elevator. He kept me in his arms as we went all the way up. We went down a few halls. Now if my directions are not to far off we are in the back of this castle. Yuan never once slowed down though. He kept trucking on.

Once we had gotten all the way to the back of this hallway, there was a grand opening. The back of the castle looked as magnificent as the front of the castle did. The back of this castle looked just like the entrance in a grand hotel. All the floors on this side ended with a balcony looking out over the main lobby. In front of the main lobby, the entire wall, all the way to the ceiling, was a huge window. You could see the entire forest beyond the drive in the back. It looked like it stretched out for miles.

Yuan had told me that their castle property was huge. He had also said that the outer wall went around the entirety of the property. I just did not really realize how big until I looked out this window. It was sunset now too. The sun was setting just behind the hills of forestry. The window was darkly tinted too. So it might not have been quit as late as I thought it was.

I took a deep breath in, "Yuan! How big is this property?"

Yuan chuckled, "Our property is roughly, in American standard measuring, 10 miles across, and ten miles wide. As I told you when we got here. We have werewolf's that are on constant patrol on the walls. They use golf carts to get around because the property is so big. It needs to be so big for all of our kind in the area. The whole property all together is roughly one hundred mile area. Only werewolf's live within the walls. We have three werewolf only towns within this area. Then there are the werewolf's that prefer to live with humans as well. Our entire territory spans over two thousand miles. We are merely a blip on any major map when you look at China. Maybe about the size of a small island nation. But we rule all of China, Korea, and Japan's werewolf community."

I had to pick my jaw off of the floor. "Yuan I did not realize how big this was. I feel a little small."

Yuan hugged me to him. "You will get used to it Tiánxīn. You are a princess now."

I shivered a little, "That is a lot of people to be in charge of. I hope I will do well!"

Yuan smiled and kissed my forehead, "All we can do is try Tiánxīn. Now let me tell you about this castle. The entire front of the castle, belongs to the king and queen. However, they have gifted us the entire back. The entire top floor on this end is our personal living space. All the proceeding floors down from our personal quarters are for our guests, our public meetings, and for when we hold court. The King and Queen hold court five days a week. They take weekend's off. They will now be taking off one week a month. That whole week, we will be holding court. We will both learn more of the intricacies later. We will be given more rolls later. Right now though, we get to enjoy the next three weeks without any obligations. Save one! We are going to deal with it right now. Before we go up and begin our honeymoon. It will not take long. It is a good friend of mine or I would not put, us, off for anything. Is this okay with you Tiánxīn?"

I smiled, "Sure, I am sure it will be fine."

Yuan sprinted down the other side of the hallway. We got into another elevator and went down to the bottom floor. Then we went into a room off to the right. It actually did look like a living room. Everything was covered in beautiful embroidery. There were all kinds of birds, flowers, and dragons everywhere. The room was tastefully done, and so full of color.

Yuan laid me down on what looked like a couch. Then he went over and stood by the doors. Talk about a weird feeling. My heart was pounding out of all the excitement. I felt like throwing up, and I felt like running laps all at the same time. It was a chore to get myself to calm down. But I was able to, and just in the nick of time too. Because right then Yuan stepped inside the room with Abel and Thomas.

Abel stayed by the door, and so did Thomas, until Yuan closed and locked the door. Yuan began walking towards me with a big grin on his lips, "I hope you all do not mind being locked in. But I would rather keep everyone else from entering and hearing what we are going to talk about. I do not want anyone intervening, or causing a scene."

Abel and Thomas followed behind Yuan. Abel did not take the subtle warning very well. In fact, it really looked like it had broke something in Abel. Yuan sat down beside me and put his arm around me to comfort me. I have to admit, I probably looked like I was fuming. In truth though, I was not really sure how I was supposed to feel. If I had to pick a feeling, I would have called it confused.

Abel and Thomas sat down in front of us. The air was so thick you could have cut it with a knife. Thomas smiled, and took it on himself to be the first to talk. "Joyce, I need to apologize for my part of the deception on the ship. As far as we had been told, we were following doctors orders. If you will allow me I would like to start from the beginning. You see…."

Thomas went on to explain the entire situation. Starting from the moment Abel had been hospitalized, to the moment that the council annulled Abel's wedding. Even about how hard they had tried to make it here before my wedding. The more Thomas talked the more angry Yuan became. He was vibrating with anger beside me. I mean literally, he was vibrating. I am surprised he did not shift right then and there.

Abel sat beside Thomas stoic as ever. His expression never once changed. He kept his eyes on Yuan. Thomas, when he was done telling what all had happened, got down on his knees in front of me. Then he bowed with his head low. "Please Joyce, forgive me for my part."

Yuan stopped shaking. I looked at Abel. His eyes were stuck on Yuan. Yuan stood up and brought Thomas up to his feet. "That is not how brothers treat each other. You should have told me what was happening. Not one person told me about the doctor's orders. All I knew about was the accident after it originally happened. You are my brother and therefore should have told me immediately. However, that being said. I do not fault you. I understand!" Yuan hugged Thomas. "I will let my wife make up her own mind. But I understand."

Thomas looked so relieved, I chuckled to myself slightly. I caught it and cleared my throat as I stood up. "What else could you have done." I looked at Abel then too. "Either of you! When the situation had been found out, you fixed it as soon as you could." I walked over and hugged Thomas as well. I heard a slight growl. I looked at Yuan. "OH! Did I do wrong?"

Yuan burst out laughing, "Sorry Tiánxīn! My wolf was warning Thomas." Even Abel laughed then.

Abel stood up and he and Yuan shook hands and pulled each other into a man hug. It was actually cute to watch. As the guys were joking and talking I sat back down on the couch. I knew better than to hug Abel. I felt differently towards him now. Yuan looked over at me in the middle of laughing, "Tiánxīn, are you okay my love?"

I smiled and shook my head. Under my vail I could feel tears were rolling down my cheeks. I did not have anything to wipe them away with. I got a Kleenex and quickly wiped my eyes, and blew my nose under my veil, which was not easy. The guys did not even notice I do not think, or at least, none of them pointed it out. I was not sad! I think that the tears came from utter relief. I was not replaced. I was not truly forgotten. You can not really get mad at drugs.

Yuan walked over to me and rubbed my back. "Tiánxīn, knowing what we know now. If Abel had of made it in time. Would you have changed your mind? Is Abel the one you want? Now! Do not answer yet. Let me put this out. If you are still in love with Abel, I will step aside. We have not been together yet. I can annul our marriage. I did not know all the details of what had happened either. I am uncomfortable with the knowledge that I am stealing my best friends mate. I will leave the choice with you."

Wolf's mate for life! That was my only thought! I love Yuan! But, I was in love with Abel! I can not just sweep all my feelings under a rug. I don't know! I had put Abel aside. I am married to Yuan! I screamed the loudest and highest scream I ever loving could in my head. I have to check my loyalties.

Yuan and Abel looked knowingly at each other. Yuan and Abel had a silent conversation between the two of them. They were using their telepathic link. They would look at me from time to time. When I let out the scream in my head, Yuan unlocked the door to the room. He yelled for someone to bring me a cup of tea. Once he had the tea, he closed the door and locked it again. Then he handed it to me.

I drank the tea and put my head in my hands until the tea could stop the headache I had going on. To be honest, all the way up to when Yuan carried me off of the boat. I had hoped I would be rescued. But I had also thought, all the way to the hot springs, that all of this was a dream. It is not a dream! It is real! I have not taken time still to really allow myself to evaluate what is going on, and how I feel about it. I have just been taking things in stride. My brain was at the point of malfunctioning!

Abel smiled at Yuan. Yuan shook his head in my direction. Abel sat down next to me. He turned me towards him and hugged me. "Joyce, my love! Yuan and I, well we may have a solution. We have been looking for a way to solidify relations between our two nations and our packs. We have a way of doing that with this situation. Actually, it was Yuan's idea. I will let him tell you."

Yuan sat down on my other side. He turned me towards him and kissed my forehead. "Let's test our connections. If our connections are as strong as Abel and I think they are, we have the solution. You will not have to pick. The test will pick for you. All we have to do is bring in the elder. He knows how to test bonded mates links."

I was so confused, "What are you saying? Guys look, I am happily married! I picked Yuan! I have to say though, I do not know what I would have done if you gotten here before the wedding. I do not know how I truly feel! Yuan, I know I love you. But before I was kidnapped, I know I loved Abel. I have to be honest! Those feelings do not go away overnight. They have not since the day I met Abel. Though I will say they are not as strong now as they were then."

Both Yuan and Abel cheesed at me. "That is what we were hoping for!"


Yuan laughed, "I am calling the elder over right now. He was at the wedding. I am pretty positive he has not left yet. I bet he has his testing kit with him. Let's get tested, then we will decide what to do. If Abel comes out with the stronger link, I will concede."

Abel smiled, "If Yuan has the stronger link I will concede. What do you say?"

I hope you all are enjoying my story. Who are you hoping will win? I would very much like my readers to let me know what you think.

Special thanks to all my new and loyal readers. You all make writing fun!

Joy Phoenix

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