
Chapter 25

Abel got straight into a small taxi as soon as he got off the plane. It had actually been waiting beside the runway. As soon as he got in, his Beta was in the seat next to him filling him in. As they pulled out and away from the airport Abel and Thomas stared forward. When they were well on their way, Thomas tried to break the news gently.

Thomas: Okay so here is the run down. Joyce's parents have arrived here safely. They have met with Yuan's family. They really appreciate the good word that we gave them. So far the royal family and Joyce's are getting along famously…

Abel: Cut the crap Thomas!

Thomas: She has arrived here unharmed. Yuan is unharmed too, or so I hear. They arrived on shore day before yesterday. Yuan has done the traditional carrying of the bride from port to Castle…

Abel: Quit beating around the bush. I did not make it in time, did I? Lamia kept me prisoner for far too long didn't she.

Thomas: Abel, I don't think your too late. As a matter of fact, I think you are just in time. It is only seven o'clock. She has only been married for thirty minutes. We will make it there in time for the reception. She has no clue that you flew her family here on your dime. But her parents said they were going to tell her all about what all had happened. I think she may still think you do not love her. I mean, Yuan did technically rescue her. She was expecting you sure. But now you can have your chance to explain.

Abel: You know just how to make a bleak position look even worse! Did you know that Thomas?

Thomas chuckled: Well one of us needs to find the golden lining to this.

Abel: She has! Yuan has more money than God. He is good looking. He loves her. Therefore, if I love her I should be happy for her right?

Thomas: That is the best way to look at this man. Good for you!

Abel flipped Thomas off: So why do I still want to throttle anyone who tells me that she is better off? We were a perfect match. Wolfs mate for life man, you know that as well as I do. I would never wish anything bad on Yuan. But I can dream of horrible things happening to Lamia and her father for putting us in this situation. Making me watch the woman of my heart and dreams walking off into the sunset with my best friend. I am sorry man. I tried to leave my broken heart on the plane. I guess I still have some sour grapes.

Thomas: I can understand how you feel Abel. We have been friends just as long as you and Yuan. I know what is going on in that chest of yours. Otherwise, how could I be your beta.

Abel: Tell me what to do. This is going to be awkward. I cannot just grab her and kiss her like I want.

Thomas: ¡OOH HELL NO! ¡No you cant! That would cause an international incident. Maybe I should do the talking.

Abel: Yeah, that might be a good idea. But can you get me alone with her so I can tell her what happened?

Thomas: I will do you one better. I think I can get you alone with both her and Yuan. You being alone with her, could be more catastrophic than if you kissed her out in the open.

Abel: Alright I trust you to make it happen. Oh, look we are at our hotel. I need to change. So be thinking of what you are going to say. When I come back give me all the details.

Thomas grinned as his friend exited the car and ran into the hotel. As soon as the door shut, he pulled out his phone and dialed. The phone rang twice. Then a voice answered the phone. There was a lot of noise in the background. He could barely make out Yuan's voice on the other end of the phone call.

Yuan: Hello

Thomas: He is here. He has just ran in to put on his suit for the reception.

Yuan: You got him here! That is great! Does he know that we are now married?

Thomas: Yes he knows. But he would still like to explain to you both what happened. He cant live with the feeling that he abandoned his mate.

Yuan: Thomas, I will let that one slide. But please remember, Joyce is my mate. We are married now. Abel would do good to follow your example. My father has been quick to war of late. He will cause an incident.

Thomas: He is going to follow my lead. But he wants an audience with you and Joyce. He knows not to be alone with her. Even he said that it would not only be a bad idea, but he would get them both in major trouble.

Yuan: Alright than, you do all the talking for him. We will break away at some point in time. When we do, bring him. We will grant him his audience.

Thomas: Thank you Yuan! He is awfully torn up.

Yuan: I bet! You should have seen her. Anyway, please hurry up and get here. The reception will be over in about two hours. You have until nine o'clock. Then we are headed to our honeymoon suite.

Thomas hung up the phone. He really hoped that Abel could act the alpha at this party. It really did mean the difference between having good relations between the Chinese werewolf's and our pack. Only time will tell if it can heal all wounds. He hoped for his friends sake it would.

Back at the palace people kept pouring into the reception hall. Many of the neighboring Packs had sent representatives to meet and greet the newly married prince and princess. They brought all kinds of foods and wedding presents. Yuan and Joyce sat at a table filled with presents. Every now and again the servants would bring Joyce and Yuan a small plate with some food. Otherwise, their main goal was to great and thank everyone that came up to them.

I leaned over to Yuan, "Yuan?"

Yuan finished shaking the hand of some Nobel he did not even remember the name of, "Yes Tiánxīn?"

In his ear I whispered, "Honey, it just occurred to me that I am still wearing my wedding vail. It is getting rather hot in here. When do we take it off?"

Yuan leaned over to me. He pulled the veil out just far enough he could kiss me. Then that he did. He kissed me and then blew on my face to help cool me down. His breath smelled of the sweet mint chocolates that we had just ate. Then he put my veil back down. "In Chinese tradition, you will wear the veil until we are alone in our room. Once there, I will remove it before we indulge in some marital bliss. Do you think you can wait that long?"

I breathed out, and I swear I was so hot it felt like I breathed out steam. "It all depends on how long it will be. I mean no offence to anyone. But not only is this dress vary thick, this head dress is heavy. Then that old lady caked on my makeup. Which I do not understand why, if I keep my face under this veil. Then the veil itself is heavy and does not breathe." I took another breath and greeted another person and so did Yuan. Then I continued, "I am not complaining mind you! But I feel like I am over heating slightly."

Yuan smiled at me then turned to one of his servants. He said something. Then the servant was off. A few moments later, he came back with a ice cold sweet tea. He handed it to me. My first sip went down better than any candy ever did. It was so good!

As I enjoyed my tea, Yuan got a phone call. From the sounds of things, a friend was coming. I leaned in and asked, "Yuan, who was that calling during our reception?"

Yuan grinned, "It is a surprise guest. He should be arriving any moment. It may really surprise you."

Not long later it felt like we had greeted the entire population of their zone. I think zone is what they call it. When I saw two familiar faces come walking through the door. It was Abel and his friend. I did not know the friends name. I had only met him the once, and that was the time I was informed I was being left behind on a boat where I knew no one. All that time I kept thinking Abel would save me. Then I was left behind.

I leaned over to Yuan, "Yuan, I am getting exhausted. I do not know how to end this. But I need a rest. What do we do?

Yuan looked surprised, "Yes rest, I understand." "WAIT, OH, you want to go (wink) rest (wink, wink)!

I giggled at his not-so-subtle subtlety. I wanted out of there just as soon as we could get out of there. We both stood up and everyone in the reception hall did as well. All the people left an opening for us to walk down the middle to the exit doors. However, when we got there, Yuan leaned down to me. "Now is the part where we shake every ones hand and thank them for coming. We will see them all out. Then it will be you and I in our honeymoon suite. If we missed greeting anyone they will put their presents on the table then come say goodbye. I have already instructed the servants to bring as much food to our suite as possible."

However, when we got out in the foyer, we did not see people out. Instead, we met up with our gigantic wedding cake. It was huge, with six separate tier's. It was absolutely exquisite! There was enough cake to feed a village. It was white with beautiful yellow flowers all round it on each tier. On the vary top of the cake was a bouquet of red roses.

Yuan's mom smiled as she walked up to us, "I know you two are ready to go get some rest. But you cant forget the wedding cake. Remember to not cut the top! We need to save it for your first anniversary. Cut the second layer down. Then we will give a piece of cake to each visitor as they leave, as a parting favor."

Yuan's mother gave us our out! We thanked her and walked around to cut the cake. Once it was cut, we ate the first piece. Yuan feed me and I him. The cake was so good and moist! I had eaten the one or two of the small snacks that the servants had given us. But we had not eaten anything all day. It was just now starting to catch up with me. The cake felt really good in my empty belly. I felt it hit rock bottom. One of the servants handed Yuan a flute of champagne. Yuan gently gave me a drink, insisting I drink half. Then handed me the flute. So, I did it back to him, not knowing what else to do. I let him tilt the glass though. I was afraid of drowning him. Everyone got a good chuckle at both the cake and champagne.

At this point both our mothers were taking pictures. There was a professional taking pictures as well. Several Pictures were taken and we both laughed. The photographer got some amazing shots of the whole wedding. But some of my favorite ones were of us eating cake.

After we fed each other we dished up for our parents. There were several pictures of them eating the cake. Then the servants dished the cake up and our mothers handed out pieces of cake to people as they left. We stood by the main doors and said goodbye to each and every visitor. Our fathers stood outside the doors. They shook hands with the other men and accepted cigars and handed out some as well. Which I thought only happened when you were expecting a baby. But everyone has their own traditions.

Finally, after what felt like hours, we were down to the last few people remaining. That is when it occurred to me. I had no choice now. I had to see Abel! I may even have to shake his hand. I did not want to even touch him! Him or that friend of his. I just wanted to be left alone! Then they were there! They shook my hand like one of the regular guests. I still felt the magnetic pull towards him, but it was not near as strong as it was before. Now instead, it was more of a small static shock, instead of sticking a fork in a light socket. Yuan reached over and put his arm around me after directing one of his servants. When Yuan touched me, there was fire in the electricity. This felt more of a lightning volt to me.

With that feeling, I wanted this man to pull me near. and ravage me. Right here and right now. With that I knew, No matter who was in the room I would never be alone again. I am happily married to my Yuan. This man loves me! This man wants me! This man knows I exist!

Then just like that the moment was gone. Abel and his friend were gone. All the guests were gone. Our parents had headed off to their perspective rooms. Yuan looked down at me. He quickly swept me off of my feet. Then we were off to our honeymoon suite.

Authors notes:

I hope you all are enjoying my story. Please let me know if you would like me to continue this story line. I am thinking about consolidating and ending a few stories I have been writing. It will be a little while before I do. But I would like my readers to let me know what you think.

Special thanks to all my new and loyal readers. You all make writing fun!

Joy Phoenix

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