
Chapter 45: Peaceful Coexistence

Luke stood at the center of the clearing, surrounded by his pack members, with me, Alex, and Josh standing beside him. He cleared his throat and began speaking.

“I've called this meeting today to discuss an important matter. As some of you may already know, Kiara and Alex are from the rival pack. However, after much discussion and deliberation, we have decided to put an end to the animosity between our packs and work toward peaceful coexistence."

A murmur of surprise and disbelief ran through the crowd. Luke raised his hand, indicating silence.

"I understand that some of you may have reservations about this decision. But I assure you, it is for the greater good of our kind. We cannot continue to live in fear and hostility toward one another. The time has come for us to move past this rivalry and work together toward a common goal."