
The Air in Our Lungs

In a world where two kingdoms are on the brink war over the correct way to use magic, a young orphan from a border village finds herself at the center of a prophecy promising victory for whatever side she fights for... but which side is in the right? And will a second prophecy help her make the right decision?

Warped_Daydream · ファンタジー
3 Chs

First Meeting

Kneeling next to the tomatoes, I carefully began untangling the weeds that had begun attacking the poor plant. It was suppertime, but the knot in my stomach had rooted itself deep into my soul, curing me of hunger. My host family for the night, the Jesnarsons, had asked me to come in repeatedly, but I just refused as politely as possible. 

No one else was outside, the entire village rested on the same schedule. It was nice, missing supper. I could think in peace, enjoy the stillness that so rarely rested here. Besides, I was still a little upset about what Kei had said earlier. 

The wind picked up, tugging at my hair and clothes. After a moment it started blowing away some of the weeds I had pulled out, scattering them across the rest of the field. I would have just left them had some not been a notorious weed that had a habit of spreading like wildfire. So, instead of staying put and continuing my meager and pretty meaningless task, I chased after. 

As if this was all some sort of game the wind gained speed, whipping them away and into the forest surrounding our village. Good, I thought, no need to worry about that anymore. I had ran to the edge of the village, the wind still tugging me towards the forest. After a moment of debate, I decided that I needed a minute to clear my head anyway - so might as well go in the direction the wind was pushing for. This seemed to only excite the breeze further, turning into a gust that nearly swept me off my feet. "Calm down, sheesh." As if the torrent of air could hear me.

It finally began to calm down when I reached a clearing, quite a ways away from everyone I knew. "Finally, I can think in peace."

Hello, Aari. I lept into the air, looking around for whoever the voice belonged to, but I was the only person there. Something about the voice seemed breathy and soft, as if a whisper carried miles on just a breeze, yet a hurricane tearing through the silence. 

"Who are you?"

A soft chuckle, A better question would be what am I. 

Nope, that was enough for me. I sprinted out of the clearing, running through the trees towards the village. Awkward suppers were better than this. Somehow, while running in my relatively straight line, I ended up in the same clearing.

Again, and again, and again.

I am not here to hurt you, Aari. The disembodied voice sent a chill down my spine. Please, sit.

"No thanks. I'm good." How was it so difficult to get out of one lousy forest? I had been exploring this place since I was three, and there were still a few shreds of daylight left. "Just, stay away from me."

I have chosen you. 

"Great." Not. "Look, I'm honored that you would choose me, but choose someone else for this... whatever it is." Just let me get outta here.

It's not that simple, I have very specific parameters in mind for my next host. For hundreds of years I have destroyed myself while I waited for the perfect host to show themselves. As always, the voice was very gentle.

Nope. Whatever this was, it sounded a lot like it wanted to take over my body or something evil like that. Just... no.

"Stay away from me!"

I had hoped you would be honored, gratefully accepting the gift of my magic. There was another, unsettling chuckle. Although I guess this would be an ideal reaction, it further assures me that you won't abuse my power.

I wouldn't what? "You- You're crazy."

No more insane than any other immortal being whose existence has been long forgotten. Something in the voice seemed almost sorrowful. For a moment, I almost felt bad for it... almost.

"Uh-huh. Look, I don't want any trouble, I'm sure you don't want any trouble, so how about we just leave each other alone?" Please say yes, please be done with this nightmare.

A breeze blew through, gently rustling the trees. I am trying to be gentle, I do not wish to scare you - but I'm on a bit of a time limit. The breathy chuckle was really starting to get annoying. Kind of funny, as I gave myself this limit.

"What do you mean, time limit?"

I may have made the horrendous decision of having my last host write a couple prophecies about my next one. Sadly, I limited the time to find you to a rather short amount. 

"How short?" Stupid curiosity, just let the survival instincts run their course, please!

Three thousand years.

That was what this guy considered short?! "Okay, so... prophecies?"

Yes, you are quite familiar with one of them.

Oh, oh crap. It better not have been talking about- 

I believe it refers to you as my Yogen-Sha.

It was. "No way. Nope. You have chosen literally the worst person, I'm out. Pick someone who's at least an adult, please? Someone who would be responsible. Shard would work! Sure, he hates the thought of being it, but he's totally the perfect candidate! He's a little young, but then again you initially chose me right? He's a bit older than me, so in comparison everything about him is perfect for what you're looking for, right?!"

Your friend would make a good backup plan, if he did not already retain his own form of magic, and if he fit some of my other… prerequisites.

"Well, sure, he's got his ice, but he has an incredible control over it, the likes of which haven't been seen in nearly a thousand years! He could easily handle whatever you've got up your sleeve!"

His control is nearly identical to what I wish to accomplish alongside you. I was about to question him when he continued. Unlike the vast majority of your people, he lives in almost perfect harmony with the elemental of ice. Neither one forcing the other into submission, instead existing almost as one. Both considering the desires and needs of the other - however subconscious the thought is - above their own. 

"So, let me get this straight: you're saying that Shard has some... thing... like you, and this is his ice power?"


"Okay, guess I should have realized I was working myself too hard. But still, this dream is wild, even for passing out."

I can assure you this is no dream. Oh, yay, empty assurances. I can even prove it.

… What? "How?"

Instead of responding, a bitter wind swirled around me, biting at my skin and causing a shiver to envelop me. Just as sudden as its beginning, it slowed and turned to a comforting warmth that wrapped around me and soothed my screaming nerves. 

"What the heck was that?!"

That is how. Will you accept my gift?

"Depends." I let my voice fall into a deadpan. "What are the terms and conditions?"