
The Adventures of Vesper

Join Vesper as she journeys through the world and makes discoveries. What will happen? In a world of humans and monsters will there be balance or destruction.

Inkythedeamon · ファンタジー
30 Chs

Chapter 23/ the temple fight

Ryuji, Castiel, Michael, and Aminediyl see Abaddon being held back by Orphius while an elf is holding back a daemon. "What is the meaning of this!" Aminediyl shouts as he rests his hand on a sword at his waist ready to fight. The four-stopped movement turned their attention to the three angels and Ryuji standing before them. Orphius opens his mouth to speak but Abaddon spoke first in an angered tone. "This daemon has no place being here on these sacred grounds." the three elder angels nodded agreeing with Abaddon's statement. "What is your business here today daemon?" Ryuji asks in a commanding tone staring at the daemon. The daemon gives a curt nod to Ryuji then says. "I came here looking for guidance, for I am unsure of my path in the road of life" Abaddon rolls his eyes and Orphius looks at the daemon in surprise. "Like a daemon is ever innocent. You are just using this unfortunate elf beside you for protection against the guardians of this sacred land" Abaddon argues butting into the conversation. Ryuji shoots Abaddon a warning glare causing Abaddon to stop talking. The elf moves between Abaddon and the daemon trying to prevent a fight from breaking out in front of Ryuji with the other angels. "I came here of my own free will. I saw that they needed help, I offered to bring them here for guidance" the elf speaks calm and firm tone. Abaddon huffs not believing the elf, he turns around with his back facing them. "They speak the truth Abaddon. No wrong has been made here aside from the fight you and the daemon had" Castiel speaks calmly.

"We need to return to the heavens; you will be debriefed Abaddon and Orphius on your mission" Michael says firmly gesturing the two to head back to the heavens. Orphius and Abaddon nod understanding Michael's command. They take flight to the heavens with the three elder angels following them not too far behind them. After a few minutes passed Ryuji speaks "be at ease Vesper, Kiyan they have fully left our domain" They both let out a sigh of relief knowing the angels are gone. "I have a feeling they'll return again Ryuji" Vesper said with the uneasy feeling in her gut. "Your intuition would be correct Vesper…you both should make your way to Prides cottage soon" Ryuji states to them with honesty. "Yes, father we'll keep in touch as much as we can" Kiyan replies putting his hand on Vesper's shoulder. "Exceptionally good I'll send letters to keep you both informed also keep your forms hidden" "yes, Sir Ryuji" Vesper nods understanding. Kiyan walks to his room to grab a few things he needs for the trip. Ryuji walks in a few minutes behind Kiyan asking him, "what do you plan to do from this point on?" Kiyan turns to face his father with a calm expression replying to his father. "Vesper and I will stay at her father's cottage as what the angels think we are for the time being." Ryuji nods then says "remember when dealing with other lords of any kind be strong and firm in your aura" "yes father and oversee the underlings with caution. For no one knows another's full agenda until its revealed." Kiyan replies in a light tone remembering his father's teachings. "You will face many more challenges since you are a sin lord of Wrath. Some of the old Wrath's underlings may act out to access their limits." Ryuji speaks in a serious tone. Kiyan's expression darkens at the thought "then I will punish them for their disobedience" Kiyan replies with his tone matching his expression. "Choose your battles wisely for they are not always worth the risk or reward" Ryuji firmly states with a serious expression. Kiyan nods to Ryuji as he walks out of his room.

Kiyan leaves the temple and sees Vesper looking out at the scenery from the cliff side. A small smile reaches his lips as he walks up to her gently taking her hand into his. Vesper blinks turning her attention to Kiyan. "Is everything alright Kiyan?" Vesper asked him. "Everything is okay for now. Let us head to the cottage and get fully set up there" Kiyan replied as he gently pulled her to him wrapping his arm around her waist. "Alright let's go darling" Vesper replies following his lead. After some time has passed Kiyan and Vesper are walking through the forest. "The forest is beautiful this afternoon, isn't it?" Vesper asked with a smile seeing the beauty around her. Birds chirping can be heard in the trees above them. "Indeed, it is calming" Kiyan agreed with her feeling the calmness of the forest. not too far behind them a low-ranking daemon stalked the two. The daemon steps on a branch making it snap under its weight. Kiyan goes on high alert hearing the branch snap letting out a low growl. "Kiyan it could be a wild animal" Vesper guesses at what caused the sound. Kiyan takes in a deep breath forming a plan in his head. He smiles, moving his attention to Vesper, pulling her close to him. He whispers into her ear "someone is following us my dear. I will manage them follow my lead" he lets go of her with a sly grin. Vesper nods understanding then replies. "I will scout ahead master" she bows her head like an obedient daemon. "Good now go" he growls with intimidation rolling off him Vesper takes off ahead of Kiyan. He waits a few minutes then lets his sin lord form emerge. He turns his head to the daemon he had smelled earlier. "Come out now daemon" Kiyan says in a deep tone. The daemon emerges from the shadows with a displeased look on his face. "So, you're the new leader of the sin of Wrath." The daemon says sounding disappointed. "I am and how does this concern you?" Kiyan replies not liking his behavior. "It is my concern since I was the second in command under the old Wrath. You do not deserve the sin title" he states staring Kiyan down with hatred.

Kiyan's expression turns annoyed at the daemon "I do not have time for an arrogant fool like you to slow me down" Kiyan turns his back to him and begins to walk the direction he sent Vesper in. "What?! How dare you ignore me I will end you!" The daemon leaps at Kiyan to attack him in the back; right before the daemon gets close Kiyan slightly turns his head with a smirk saying "check mate" the daemon looked at him confused for a split second. Then gets tackled to a tree by Vesper in her daemon form. Vesper stares at the daemon annoyed keeping her grip tight on them. Kiyan fully faces the daemon chuckling lowly taking a step closer next to Vesper. "Do you really think it would be that easy to defeat me? Vesper through him to the ground, so he receives his punishment." Kiyan states as his dragon claws appear. Vesper nods, tossing the daemon to the ground hard knocking the wind out of him. The daemon coughs trying to catch his breath from the impact scrambling to his feet. Kiyan grabs him with his clawed hand around the daemon's neck then begins to slowly squeeze. The daemon struggles in his grasp while choking losing air. "You are of no use to me you will die" Kiyan says coldly snapping the daemons neck killing him. The daemon's body disappears in a cloud of smoke. Kiyan turned to face Vesper giving her a soft expression saying, "it's okay Vesper you did very well my dear" Vesper smiles walking up to him giving him a light kiss on the cheek. "I understand that this will happen, and I'm not scared" Vesper says in a calm and collected tone. Kiyan feels lightened knowing Vesper is not scared of what just happened. "You are adjusting well Vesper" Kiyan compliments her happy that she is responding well. "So far, I am darling but there are still more challenges ahead for us both" she states as she starts walking to the cottage with Kiyan by her side.