
The Adventures of Vesper

Join Vesper as she journeys through the world and makes discoveries. What will happen? In a world of humans and monsters will there be balance or destruction.

Inkythedeamon · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 24 / the hidden race

Abaddon and Orphius land with Castiel, Michael, and Aminediyl right behind them in the heaven's courtyard. Castiel, Michael, and Aminediyl walk through the courtyard with the two boys in tow. "What are we going to do?" Orphius and Abaddon ask at the same time following close behind them as the group enters a garden Abaddon sees his mother. He makes his way to her with the group seeing an unfamiliar person that looks like an angel but has a dark aura around them. Abaddon and Orphius have their hands resting on their weapons ready to fight the stranger. "I would not draw your weapons young ones. You would not stand a chance against an Arinian" the stranger says in a warning tone not taking their gaze from Narina. Narina signals them to put away their weapons. "What is your business here maria?" Narina asked as the boys put their weapons away with confusion. "I am here to tell you not to go after Vesper like you are. it will scare her while she is coming into her new powers" maria says sternly. "Powers? What are you talking about my sister is angel/human" Abaddon says to Maria with a confused tone. "Your sister is an Arinian like me very few exist in this world." Maria replies to him bluntly. "The race that is mixed with different races how? I thought that race was not allowed to survive due to it possibly making the world unbalanced." Orphius says shocked he is in the presence of an Arinian.

"Only certain conditions allow us to live our lives without upsetting the balance of the world" Maria states easing their minds. "What is the conditions Maria and how does it affect Narnia's daughter?" Castiel asks her curiosity laced in his tone. "Narina is safe from any usual punishment for her soulmate was a daemon. she was not aware that if an Arinian was born from a soulmate pair the child would be allowed to live" Maria says in a calm manner. "I knew my true mate was a daemon, but I was only with humans. At least I thought that was the case until sometime later I realized he disguised himself as human. During the time I thought I lost my husband in the human war." Narina says with sadness in her voice. Abaddon walks up to his mother hugging her saying. "It is okay mom I am sure everyone will understand it even my father. He was gone for a long time and other humans thought he died too" everyone looked shocked by the information they received "he hid himself well then since most of us visited you often during that time to console you." Castiel says processing the information Michael and aminediyl nod agreeing with Castiel. "What should we do now miss Maria? Is there a way Narina can know she is safe?" Orphius asked hoping for a way she could. "Her eldest son had told her she is safe in the human world, and she sent him out to find her and stay by her side" Maria relays what was said before the group got there. "When I saw her last, she was traveling with an elf and a dragon planning to sail over the ocean" Abaddon replies.

"She may have a special mission and called upon their help to complete it. Narina told me that she took off to speak to her mate's father about what transpired beforehand" Maria replies as Narina nods her head. "But why did she not come back to us. She must know we are worried about her" Abaddon argues getting upset. "Have you ever had a moment in time that you must do something on your own, even though you know you could get help?" she questioned him looking at him. Abaddon ponders for a moment about what Maria said "a few times I have miss" he replies admittedly knowing he has done it before. "She knows you all worry for her, but she is an Arinian as well. We are used to the feeling of doing things on our own the majority of the time. I will need to pay her a visit and train her soon, so she is more prepared for her path ahead of her." she says looking to Narina. Narina nods "it is tradition that the elders of Arinian's to train the young ones. Help her the best you can and let her know we are worried but understand that she needs it. I was blinded by the fear of losing her to the fact she is part daemon, I did not think to look for signs of Arinian traits fully." Narina says with relief her daughter will live.

Maria smiles "I am sure when she is ready, she will contact you in some form or another to help ease you all. A lot has happened she is sifting through its piece by piece." Maria says as she vanishes out of thin air. Castiel, Aminediyl and Michael leave to make their reports leaving the two alone. "Is this all we can do for Vesper mother?" he asks softly. "For now, yes Abaddon this is what we can do. For the longest time we were all taught to avoid crossing that line. that it was just a story to give hope to those who are paired with daemons" she states taking a deep breath. "Okay its strange to see a race like that due to our teaching but I think enlightening too. It shows even though one of their parents is a daemon they still have good in them" Abaddon says with interest. Narina softly smiles at him. "That is a clever way to see it. Let us return to our daily chores and when the time comes, we will speak to her when she is ready." She says while they leave the garden to return to their chores.