
26. Chapter 26

They watched the movie for about half an hour, Maya struggling to stay awake. Carina wanted to just tell her to let her body rest, but she knew Maya really wanted to be able to do PT again this afternoon and also knew it was important for her wife's mental health to be moving around so she didn't push her to sleep.

Carina herself was feeling slightly better rested after the nap she got during Maya's therapy, her stomach finally seeming to be able to settle for more than an hour at a time. It still hurt and didn't feel well, but she wasn't having to drag herself to the bathroom quite as much which she counted as a win.

Just as she felt Maya's head lull over onto her shoulder for the third time in the past five minutes, there was a knock on the door.

"Hey," Jared said, coming in with Emily again, "Is now an ok time?"

"Yeah," Maya said, forcing her head back up, rubbing at her eyes which were still kinda puffy from her session with Diane, "What's the plan?"

"I was thinking first, we will get you up and walking a little bit," Jared said, "If you are feeling up to it?"

"Yeah," Maya nodded, "For sure."

"Good," he said as Carina got out of the bed, "And then I want to start working on some light resistance band activities with your right leg. I talked to Dr. Hunt, and he said as long as you are feeling ok, we can do that. Sound good?"

"Yeah," Maya nodded as Jared lowered the bed some. "Ok," he said, "Emily, her legs?"

"Got it," the young woman said.

Soon enough, Maya was again sitting on the edge of the bed, Carina standing in her normal spot near the wall, smiling at her.

"Ready?" Jared asked, getting into a position to help her stand.

"Ready," Maya nodded, leaning on him a little bit as she was helped up.

"How are you feeling?" he asked as Emily popped the walked into Maya's left hand.

"Good," Maya said, almost taking a deep breath only to have her ribs and abs protest, "God, my abs are so sore."

"That is probably going to take a few months to go away completely," Jared said, wincing a little as Maya glared at him, "Hey, you had pretty intense abdominal surgery. And then you had multiple drains coming out. You are going to have to give it all time. We will work on it, but I am under pretty strict instructions from Dr. Grey to not let you do much with those abs for at least the first month post-op. We will work on it though, I promise. But lifting anything over about 5 lbs. is going to be out for quite a while."

Maya sighed, nodding. That told her at least the bare minimum of the timetable she was looking at for going back to work. Without use of her abs, she couldn't even wear her turnouts because they were so heavy. The jacket alone weighed close to 20 lbs., more if she had any tools or anything in it.

It was hitting her all of a sudden just how long this recovery was going to be and before she knew what was happening, tears were streaming down her face.

"Woah," Jared said, "Hey, what's going on?"

Maya couldn't speak, Carina coming over quickly, Jared stepping back and letting the wives have a moment.

"Bambina, Shhhh," Carina said, feeling sobs running through Maya's body, feeling her stiffen as pain rippled through her abdomen because of the shaking, "Calmati. Per favore. Whatever is happening in your head, it is going to be ok."

Maya just held onto her wife as much as she could, tears continuing to stream down her cheeks. Carina made sure she was supporting a lot of Maya's weight to keep the pressure off her weak body.

It took a few minutes, but eventually, Maya stopped crying, Emily descretely handing Carina some tissues to help dry Maya's face.

"Sorry," the blonde said, pulling back from her wife, "I think it just…I don't know…hearing how long its going to take just my abs to heal…"

"It is a bit overwhelming, si?" Carina asked, brushing a piece of blonde hair off Maya's red, blotchy face, "But we will take it one day at a time. Bambina, I am going to be right here for you, and you are going to heal, and it will not be this painful the whole time. You've got this. I know it seems so big, but you will do it. And it is probably extra overwhelming right now because you have had a long day, si?"

Maya nodded, letting Carina wipe her face again.

"Ok," Carina said, "Are you feeling up to some walking, or do you want Jared to help you back into bed?"

"I'm tired," Maya said very quietly, Carina only catching it because she was listening very closely.

"How about you get back into bed?" Carina asked, not wanting to push, but knowing the only reason Maya would chose to walk was to push herself in a way her body probably wasn't ready for a the moment.

"Ok," Maya nodded, smiling a little bit when Carina's face lit up like a Christmas tree, "What?"

"I am just so proud of you," Carina said, pressing a chaste kiss to her lips.

"Why?" Maya asked, rubbing her face on Carina's shoulder.

"Beaucase you are not pushing your body when it is not ready," Carina said, "Now, let's let Jared and Emily help you back to bed."

"Of course," Jared nodded, coming over to Maya.

"Sorry I didn't do the walking you had planned," Maya said, as he and Emily quickly helped her sit and then lay back down.

"Maya, the fact that you listened to what your body was telling you and didn't try to push beyond that is better than any amount of walking in my book," Jared said, "Plus, you did stand for almost 5 minutes which is pretty damn good in my book."

The next fifteen minutes were willed with Jared and Emily working on manipulating Maya's right leg, testing the strength and flexibility and then teaching the blonde a few activities with the low resistance bands they brought with them.

Maya was given permission to do the exercises as often as once every hour as long as she didn't push it when it started to hurt. Carina was a little bit skeptical that Maya would listen, but she kept her mouth shut, hoping her wife would surprise her with her self-control and listening to her body.

"Alright," Jared said, "That was really good. Any questions?"

"Can I start doing PT three times a day?" Maya asked, looking up at Jared hopefully, "I just feel like I can handle it and maybe it would help?"

"I will talk to Dr. Grey and Dr. Hunt and we will go from there," Jared said, thinking, "If they say yes, I would be fine with that. Hopefully, we will get you moving around a bit more soon, ok?"

"Thanks," Maya nodded as her physical therapy team left.

"I am going to go to the bathroom," Carina said, feeling the familiar cramping in her belly, "I will be right back."

Maya sighed, rubbing her puffy eyes. Her own stomach was feeling weird again. Not sick or anything, but just weird. It had been such a long day and all she wanted was to sleep.

However, it was barely 5 pm, meaning if she went to sleep now, for one, her body would probably only let her sleep for maybe thrity minutes and two, if she did manage to sleep longer, she would be up at 1 am and unable to sleep the rest of the night.

As she was laying there, the weird feeling in her stomach grew and by the time Carina came out of the bathroom, Maya needed to use the bathroom.

"Can you please wait in the hall?" the blonde asked as she hit the call button.

"Si," Carina nodded, walking out of the room.

She just stood right outside the door, her body tired from the day and from being sick. As she was standing there, Vic and Travis suddenly walked up to her.

"Hey," she said, smiling tiredly at them, "How are you two?"

"Good," Vic said, nodding, "We just came to see how you two were doing and bring some more of those rehydration drinks you like. Sorry you got sick."

"It's fine," Carina said, yawning a little bit, "I am ok. Just feeling gross."

"Is Maya still sick?" Traivis asked, trying to figure out why Carina was in the hall.

"She said she is feeling better," Carina said, "But I don't know. She kicked me out."

Just then, the nurse came out, nodding at Carina that she could go back in.

"Hey," Carina said, "Look who I found."

"Hey guys," Maya smiled, "What are you doing here?"

"Brining your wife some more hydration," Vic said, holding up the bottles, "Because you said she hates the stuff they have here."

"I would drink it," Carina said, rolling her eyes a little as she sat down on the bed by Maya.

"Yeah, ok," Maya said, "When we had that stomach virus last winter, you said drinking that stuff was worse than puking."

"It's just so…gross and too surgary and salty," Carina said, unable to find the word, "But I would have been fine."

"Well, you don't need to have to drink something you hate when you are sick," Travis said, shaking his head, "Also, we just wanted a reason to come and see our two favorite hospital bound people."

"We are the only people you know who are hospital bound right now," Maya said, raising an eyebrow, "At least I think."

"Shhhh," Vic said, shaking her head, "Details are not important. How are things going?"

"They've been up and down," Maya said as Vic and Travis sat down, Carina allowing her tired body to rest gently against her wife's, "I have started taking steps which is fun."

"Maya," Travis said, smiling at her, "That is huge. How does it feel?"

"Weird," Maya said, "And exhausting and also really good. I can't take too many yet though."

"Last time we were here, you could barely sit up assisted," Travis said, "Walking is huge."

"I guess," Maya said, looking down and seeing Carina fighting sleep at her side, "Babe, you can sleep."

"I'm ok," Carina slurred, "I'm awake."

"We can go if you guys need to sleep," Travis said, about to stand.

"No, stay," Carina said, rubbing her eyes, "I mean, if you want to. I am just really worn out. I'll try to stay awake."

"Please sleep if you need to," Vic said, looking at Carina, "You need rest."

Carina nodded as Maya's arm snaked around her wife, playing with her hair while carefully avoiding her stitches.

"How have you two been?" Maya asked, looking at her friends.

"Oh, that's actually the other reason we are here," Travis said, "As you may or may not be able to tell, I no longer have massive bandages on my arm because I just came from an appointment with Link to get my stitches out. He said everything looks really good and to keep it in the sling for another eight weeks at least to let everything heal before I can start PT."

"That's great Trav," Maya smiled, "Amelia took the ones out of my head this morning."

"Nice," Travis said, smiling, "How is everything else?"

"I think my c. diff is finally clearing up, thank god," Maya said, shaking her head, "That is far and beyond the sickest I have ever felt."

"What's with the tube in your nose?" Vic asked, looking at her friend.

"I was throwing up everything I tried to keep down," Maya sighed, "And I hadn't even tried any actual foods so they wanted a tube to try to help with that. It's really been good I think. I haven't been nauseous in like 36 hours which is great."

"I'm so happy you are getting better," Vic said, "I was worried for a while there that…anyway, I just glad you are getting better."

"Same," Travis said, nodding, "I'll have to tell Diane when I see her in a few days. I know she was worried about you."

"I actually saw her this morning," Maya said, "I needed someone to process this all with who wasn't living it."

Maya was normally extremely closed off about ever seeing Diane outside of the mandated sessions at the station, but Andy, Travis, and Vic all knew about it, partly because Maya one night drunkenly told them during game night truth or dare and partly because after that, she realized that they were her people who were in her corner and she could trust them. (That had obviously come after a mini freak out she had with Diane about how embarrassed she was that her friends knew she was in therapy, of course).

"I've been seeing her too," Vic nodded, "This accident has been a lot."

Travis and Maya nodded in agreement, knowing that besides the three of them Andy was the only one who knew what it was like.

"How is the station?" Maya asked, wanting to get them on another topic, "I haven't talked to like anyone recently. Has Jack burned it down yet?"

"Not yet," Vic said, laughing, "Though Miller brought Pru over for a visit yesterday and told us that Gibson tried to order new crew t-shirts for everyone because the three of us obviously need more because ours were destroyed in the accident and instead of ordering 50 various adult sized shirts, he ordered 150 kids sized shirts so now he is having to figure out some fundraiser to sell them or something."

"So, there are going to be 150 little kids with station 19 shirts?" Maya said, eyes wide, "That is not supposed to happen. Those are just for us."

"I know," Travis said, "But he can't send them back and we don't have 150 kids that belong to members of the station."

"I am going to have to get him down here to have a meeting with him," Maya sighed, "I need him not to ruin the house while I am gone. I thought Andy was helping him? Why is he being so stupid with her help?"

"She is having a really hard time with morning sickness the past couple days," Vic said, "She's barely been able to leave the house. I mean, the shirts happened while she was still off because of the accident, but…"

"I can write her a prescription for something," Carina mumbled sleepily, surprising all of them who thought she was sleeping, "Tell her to text me or I will text her tomorrow if I remember. Or maybe I should call and talk to her."

"Ok," Maya said, settling Carina back down against her, "She will be fine for tonight. You just rest."

Carina nodded, letting her eyes drift shut again, Maya going back to playing with her hair.

"I guess I'll have to text Jack tomorrow and tell him to come down here to save our station," Maya sighed, "I just saw Andy earlier this week and she seemed fine."

"I think it's just been the past three days," Vic said, shrugging.

"We can handle it," Travis said, "I am already going stir crazy at home so I can go down to the station and double check all his paperwork, especially once this one goes back to work. You just focus on getting better."

Maya rolled her eyes, still fully planning on texting Jack and having him come down and talk to him both about this and to give him a piece of her mind because she hadn't forgotten what she heard he said to Carina while she was unconscious with sepsis.

"Is there anything you guys need?" Travis asked, drawing Maya out of her thoughts, "Or anything we can do for you?"

"Can you wash Carina's clothes again?" Maya asked, pointing to a small bag sitting on the floor near the couch, "And then bring them back once they are clean?"

"Of course," Vic nodded, "When do you need them back?"

"No rush," Maya said, looking down at her wife, "She's got other stuff here, although that one sweatshirt is her favorite."

"We'll get it back tomorrow," Travis said, knowing how important that sweatshirt was to Carina.

He had gotten it for Carina when Maya was in the hospital for smoke inhalation, after the Italian had broken down twice because of how uncomfortable she was. Later, once Maya was better and back to work, Carina had pulled Travis aside one day, thanking him for being there for her and explaining about the sweatshirt. Travis told her he completely understood, telling her about Michael's t-shirt he wore when he was having a particularly hard day, and while he knew it wasn't the same thing, it was a little something they both shared in some way.

"Thanks," Maya said, smiling at her friends, "Oh, also, this is maybe a little weird, but Trav, I know you are really into puzzles and Diane said maybe that would help me with the sitting around and stuff because I can't really work out or anything."

"Sure," Travis said, "How big are you wanting? Like 500 or 2000 or bigger?"

"Diane said 1000 fit well on this little side table," Maya shrugged, "She gave me one today to try, but after she left, I had PT and then you guys came, but tomorrow, I probably will try that one."

"I'll bring some when we bring back the laundry," Travis nodded, "I did a ton of puzzles after my heart surgery. They really helped me then too."

"Thanks," Maya said, smiling. The three of them talked about random things for the next thrity or so minutes before Carina started waking up.

"Hey," Maya said, looking down at her wife, "How are you feeling?"

"Eh," Carina said, rubbing her eyes as she sat up, "I am finally maybe feeling a little less sleepy."

"Do you want something to drink?" Vic asked.

"Si, thank you," Carina said, reaching out for the bottle Vic was offering, "I didn't mean to fall asleep."

"Carina, you are allowed to do whatever the hell you want," Travis said, "We are here bothering you two."

"You're not bothering us," Carina said, shaking her head as she took a sip of her drink before leaning back against the bed.

"We are going to get going through," Travis said, "We promised to bring some of Vic's parents' kolaczkis to the station tonight so we need to go or they are going to be pissed."

"Well, thanks for stopping by," Maya said, smiling at them.

"Of course," Vic said, grabbing the bag with Carina's clothes, "We will bring these back tomorrow."

"You don't have to do that," Carina said, shaking her head.

"Let us wash your laundry," Vic said, stopping her, "We have a machine and we both need things to keep us busy at home."

"Thank you," Carina said, smiling at them.

"We will see you both soon," Travis said, "Get some rest. Hydrate. Listen to your doctors."

"Bye guys," Maya said, waving at them as they left.

"Why did you make me leave earlier?" Carina asked, having avoided it when they came back in because their friends were there, "Are you still feeling sick?"

"No," Maya said, reassuring her, "But I am still a human being who has to use the bathroom, ok? And with actual nutrition in my body, apparently my intestines are working pretty well."

"Oh," Carina nodded, "Si. So you are still feeling better?"

"Yes," Maya nodded, "I am. The nurse said I have to stay in isolation tomorrow, but after that, if my symptoms stay gone, I can theoretically leave this room. And maybe I can walk in the hall or ride in a wheelchair somewhere or something to get out of these walls."

"Maybe," Carina nodded, smiling as she watched Maya's face light up.

"Wait," Maya said, "Are you still stuck in this room? Because if you are, I'm not leaving until you can. I can't even believe I didn't think about that. Sorry. I won't leave until you can because that's not fair to you and…"

"Bambina, remember Diane's breathing exercises?" Carina said, stopping her spiraling, "Let's do one, ok?"

Carina guided Maya though the breathing, getting her to calm down a little bit.

"Bene?" Carina asked after a few minutes, noticing Maya's body language seemed much more relaxed, "Good. I can theoretically leave whenever I want as long as I wash my hands and do not use the bathroom outside of this room to prevent this from spreading. My tummy is already starting to feel better than it did yesterday so that is good. I still feel sick, but it is less. Let's just take it one day at a time, ok?"

"Ok," Maya nodded, making sure to keep her breathing even, "Now, are you feeling up to eating something?"

"I will try some crackers," Carina nodded, "I am not nauseous or anything. I just don't feel like eating."

"Just try a little bit," Maya encouraged, "It might make you feel better."

Carina grabbed the box of crackers, pulling out a few and popping one in her mouth, chewing it.

"Are you feeling hungry yet?" Carina asked, looking at Maya.

"Not even a tiny bit," Maya said, shaking her head, "I'm not nauseous anymore, but I have absolutely no desire to eat anything. Are they going to make me with this tube?"

"They will probably have you try at some point soon," Carina nodded, taking a sip of her drink, "Especially because you haven't been nauseous. They will take it at your pace though."

"Can't they just feed me through this tube forever?" Maya said, putting her head on Carina's shoulder.

"They could," Carina said, "But that is not what you want, trust me. If you did that, you could never have my lasagna again."

"True," Maya sighed, "I guess I'll have to eat when they tell me to then."

Carina sighed, kissing Maya's temple. She knew eating was going to be a struggle for Maya after this, but she knew that was potentially something that would keep her in the hospital so hopefully the thought of getting to go home would motivate her enough to do it.

"I need my phone," Maya said, sitting back up, "I need to text Jack."

"Why?" Carina said, confused as she handed Maya her phone; she was pretty sure she had heard Maya mention this earlier when she was between awake and asleep, but her mind was still fuzzy.

"I need to have him come down here," Maya said, "Someone needs to keep him in line, and Andy isn't up to it right now. Plus, I need to make sure he's doing it right."

"Bambina, you are in the hospital," Carina sighed, "You are meant to be resting and healing."

"I just need to make sure the station doesn't burn down while I'm here," Maya said, quickly tapping out a message to Jack, "Plus, I am just going to obsess about it if I don't talk to him."

"Fine," Carina nodded, "But not too much, ok?"

"Promise," Maya said, "I just need to keep him in line until Andy gets back in there."

"Oh, I will call her right now," Carina said, "If her nausea is keeping her out of work, I need to take care of that."

Carina pulled out her own phone, deciding to try to Facetime the pregnant woman.

"Hello?" Andy said, answering the phone, clearly laying on the couch, her hair pulled up in a messy bun on top of her head, face pale.

"Hey," Carina said, "Did I wake you up?"

"No," Andy said, "Just laying here trying not to puke again. What's up?"

"Hey Andy," Maya said, popping her head over next to her wife so she could see her best friend before just leaning it back on Carina's shoulder so she could still see her friend.

"Hey Mai," Andy said, pushing herself up to sitting, taking a second to take a deep breath and see if her stomach would handle the new position.

"I was just calling because Travis and Vic were here earlier and they told me you have been too sick to go to work," Carina said, "And as your doctor, I wanted to check on you."

"Oh," Andy said, nodding, "Yeah. Apparently my body is not loving being pregnant right now. I am nauseous like all the time and puking at least five times a day for the past couple days."

"Are you drinking and eating?" Carina asked, trying to get all the information she could.

"I'm drinking a lot," Andy nodded, "And I'm trying to eat, but nothing really sounds good and I have zero apatite."

"Right now, the fluids are the most important," Carina said, "Preferably something with electrolytes."

"Oh, I think Robert bought the entire Gatorade section of the grocery store yesterday," Andy said, "And I've been drinking that."

"Good," Carina nodded, "Drink as much as you can, even when you are throwing up because it will help. I also am going to put in a prescription for an anti-nausea medication that should help."

"Thanks Carina," Andy said, taking a long drink of her Gatorade, "I guess being friends with your OB has some perks."

"If you mean that your other friends can tell your doctor that you are sick and not telling her, then yes," Carina said, raising an eyebrow, "You need to call me if you are not feeling well so I can try to fix it."

"I just thought this was morning sickness," Andy shrugged.

"It is," Carina said, "But it should not keep you from doing your normal life. I'll put the order in tonight, ok?"

"Thanks," Andy said, "I'll tell Robert to pick it up on his way home tomorrow. How are you guys doing?"

"I finally don't have any active infections," Maya said, smiling at her friend, "And I am able to stand up."

"Not just stand up," Carina said, "You are starting to walk."

"Maya, that's so great," Andy said, smiling at her friend, "I'm so happy for you. And Carina, how are you?"

"I am getting there," Carina said, "This evening, I am feeling a tiny bit better."

"So the Bishop-Deluca's are finally on an upswing?" Andy said, smiling at them.

"I don't want to jinx it," Maya said, "But maybe."

"Finally," Andy said before a strange look came over her face, "I gotta go guys. Bye."

"By…" Maya said as the screen went black, "Poor Andy. That was her 'I'm going to throw up in the next five seconds' face. I've seen it more times than I ever wanted to when we were probies and would go out drinking together."

"Hopefully the meds I am going to send in will help her," Carina said, getting up and grabbing her laptop, "I wish she would have told me earlier."

"She probably just didn't want to bother you because she knew you were sick," Maya said, "Trav said it's just been the past couple days so maybe she thought it was going to get better."

"That is the drawback to being friends with your doctor," Carina sighed, "I don't want my personal problems to make her not get the proper care."

"She is going to be ok," Maya said before she turned to look at her wife, "She's going to be ok right?"

"Si," Carina nodded, "She is keeping down some fluids which is very good and she is eating too which is perfetto. And these meds should help too. She will be just fine. Morning sickness is very common."

"Are you going to get morning sickness when you get pregnant one day?" Maya asked as Carina put her computer away.

"There is no way to know," Carina shrugged, "But if I do, I know you will be there to take care of me."

"Yes I will," Maya nodded, yawning a little bit, the exhaustion from the day hitting her really hard and fast all of a sudden.

"Is it time for bed?" Carina asked, seeing the look on her wife's face.

"If I sleep now, I will be awake by 3 am," Maya said, "But maybe can we listen to an audiobook?"

"Si," Carina nodded, "I need to use the bathroom. Why don't you pick one while I do that?"

Maya nodded, grabbing her phone. She scrolled through, finding a version of 1984, her favorite book from high school, in Italian. She downloaded it before leaning back and waiting for Carina. As she waited, a nurse walked in.

"Hey Maya," the nurse said, smiling, "How are you feeling?"

"Ok," Maya said, "Tired, but better than I have been. How am I doing medically?"

"That's what I am going to check," the nurse said, "I need to grab a little more blood to test those kidney numbers. You still aren't having any issues with your stomach, right?"

"Nope," Maya said, "Everything is feeling pretty good."

"Good," the nurse said, "We might try to start some oral fluids again tomorrow then because now that the c. diff. is clearing up, maybe that will go better."

"Ok," Maya said, not thrilled about the idea of trying it again, but decided not to fight it.

Just then, the bathroom door opened and Carina came back to bed, grabbing her drink and crackers on the way.

"How are you doing Carina?" the nurse asked, finishing getting Maya's new bag of formula hang after pushing her evening meds.

"I am ok," Carina said, "Still not feeling great, but I think my fever is maybe down."

"Let me check," the nurse said, going to Carina's side of the bed, "Yep, you are at 100.1 which is much better. Do you want another bag of fluids?"

"Maybe just to run overnight," Carina said, "I have been doing ok during the day drinking, but I am still losing a lot."

"Ok," the nurse nodded, "I will come back and bring a bag around 10? Even if you are both sleeping, I can still hook it up, ok?"

"Thank you," Carina nodded as the nurse left, "Can you turn off the overhead lights when you go?"

"Of course," the nurse nodded, flicking the light switch before walking out.

"Did you pick a book?" Carina asked before taking a drink and popping another cracker into her mouth.

"Are you actually hungry?" Maya asked as she pulled out her phone.

"I don't know," Carina said, "But the crackers don't make me feel worse and I like how they taste."

"I'm happy to see you eating," Maya said, watching Carina put another cracker in her mouth.

"What book did you chose?" Carina asked as Mya pulled up the app.

"This was a favorite of mine in high school," Maya said, starting the book.

"You liked an Italian book in high school?" Carina said as she draped her blanket over both of them, making sure Maya's bear was accessible should she need it in the middle of the night.

"I liked the English version of this book," Maya said, rolling her eyes, "But I like listening to Italian more than English."

"1984?" Carina said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah," Maya nodded, "I don't know. Something about the control Big Brother had over everyone was interesting to me. Maybe it was because I was never allowed to make my own choices so reading about someone rebelling against the system spoke to my subconscious."

Carina kissed Maya softly before they both cuddled together, Carina feeling more and more confident she wouldn't seriously injure her wife by being close to her. They listened to the book, Carina enjoying hearing the story, Maya smiling when she recognized words and phrases.

Maybe learning Italian would be a good idea while she was recovering because that was something that challenged her brain to no end. She had tried and tried to learn it, and she was making progress, but it was slow. Her brain just couldn't wrap around it and every time Carina tried to teach her, they just ended up having sex because it turned her on in ways she didn't understand. Maybe she would try to find an app or something to learn it while she was here and recovering at home, but that was something to think about tomorrow because her brain was too tired to think about that so she just let her eyes close, not falling asleep, but just listening to the Italian words coming from the phone and to the Italian woman lying next to her, just allowing herself to relax.