
The ability collection

This here is a work in progress of a vast collection of abilites from all over fiction along with explantions of how they work and their effects. Anime? Comics? Novels? Video games? You name it and i'll do it!

MachinaOnTheMoon · アニメ·コミックス
39 Chs

Boundary Manipulation


Boundary Manipulation


Touhou Project


It's a lot: Creation, Conceptual Manipulation, Immersion, Subjective Reality, Matter Manipulation, Antimatter Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Law Manipulation, Fusionism, Fissionism, Life Manipulation, Death Manipulation, Void Manipulation, Darkness Manipulation, Physics Manipulation, Space-Time Manipulation, Existence Erasure & Nonexistence Erasure, Invisibility, Non-Physical Interaction, Curse Manipulation, Portal Creation, Dimensional Travel, Teleportation, Sleep Manipulation, Weather Manipulation, Durability Negation, Energy Manipulation, Dimensional Storage, Biological Manipulation, Vector Manipulation, Dimensional Manipulation, and Incorporeality


With the word "boundary" in its name, Yukari is capable of pretty much anything put under the influence of this ability. In her monologue during A Beautiful Flower Blooming Violet Every Sixty Years, she explains that this power allows her to control the boundaries "between any and all things", like Gensokyo and the outside world, the worlds of the living and the dead, humans and youkai, and even the day and the night. The most common application of Yukari's boundary manipulation abilities is opening "gaps," which act as portals between two places. Yukari can create gaps through which only she can pass, or through which anything can pass. She can use those gaps to get items from other universes and attack her opponents with items from within them. Yukari can also use them to attack opponents directly, fire danmaku, and even open them within her opponents to split them apart. Aside from that, Yukari can also control boundaries in a more general sense. Since the nature of all things is defined by its boundaries - for example, a lake can only exist as it is because there is a boundary between it and the atmosphere, the surface of the water itself. Yukari's ability can, in theory, be used to achieve a considerable amount of different effects. Other than that, since there is a boundary on the water surface so to speak, as there is definitely a distinction between water and atmosphere, and since there is the boundary called the horizon that separates the sky from the earth, as was said, she can freely manipulate the boundary of all existent things at will. According to Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, it seems that not only are physical boundaries, but also the general idea of boundaries are also able to be manipulated, and it seems like she would be able to manipulate the boundary between dreams and reality and open up holes for people to enter into dreams. Yukari is also capable of seeing (and seeing through) boundaries that are normally invisible; when the Human Village was displaced from history by Keine Kamishirasawa, Yukari was still able to see it.She is known to be able to manipulate several fundamental boundaries, however, such as the boundaries between truth and falsehood, reality and fantasy, human and youkai, slave and master, life and death, awake and asleep, day and night, or winter and spring. By manipulating the barrier between reality and fantasy, she was able to aid in the construction of the Great Hakurei Barrier, making Gensokyo distinct from the Outside World, and she was able to repair the boundary between the world of the living and the Netherworld, or the boundary between life and death itself. By manipulating the boundary between "slave" and "master" in regards to possession, she can undo its effects. It's shown that Yukari can also control the boundaries and bend them to her will as seen in Immaterial and Missing Power when she adjusted the sky by manipulating the border between the daylight and moonlight to unite the day and the night. According to Marisa Kirisame, Yukari can even control the boundary between "a danmaku for play and a danmaku for battle".


Ion gonna lie just read the description of it.


At least Tens of Meters with Danmaku to Multiversal as Yukari was shown that with Boundary manip she can travel across Otherworlds and separate things from the space-time continuum to form new Otherworlds.


None, this ability just that good.