
The A.I wars

"Within every individual lies a dormant beast, concealed beneath the surface, carefully hidden as if it were nonexistent. Yet, in truth, it slumbers in a profound state of rest, waiting for the right moment to awaken." In the year 3088, society is governed by AI practitioners, humans with the ability to control advanced artificial intelligences that enhance their skills. Jai Deshmukh, born into a prestigious family known for producing powerful A.I. masters, faces adversity due to having a seemingly weak A.I. companion in the form of a sparrow. Despite being looked down upon by his family, Jai remains determined to pursue his dream of becoming an A.I. master. In pursuit of his goal, Jai decides to enroll in the Avian Academy of A.I. Practitioners. Here, he must navigate the challenges of proving himself with a seemingly inferior A.I., uncovering hidden potential within, and confronting the societal prejudices against those with unconventional A.I. companions. As Jai strives to awaken the dormant power within him, the narrative unfolds against the backdrop of a futuristic world where the true strength of individuals lies in their ability to awaken the dormant beasts within, even if society may judge them based on appearances. authors patreon page: patreon.com/animostudio Have a good read!!

Captain_doubloon · ファンタジー
16 Chs

It's not that bad

After seeing the yandere form of Sara, Jai's been in trauma let's see what exactly is happening there…

Hi! I am Jai Deshmukh and the rest you know, a shy girl with black hair who wears a glasses, her purple eyes which shows the well-behaved behaviour and her smile which just start the pleasant breeze and voice which is just like a melody of heaven my literal angel Sara, it has been two weeks since I saw her scary side and in the mean time she started to talk with me nowadays and I think she got the idea that I'm somewhat avoiding her.

And right now I'm having lunch with my fallen scary angel Sara I don't know how that happened but for now I think, I've to stay alert while being with her. Well after what I saw earlier and the thought that she sits beside me just gives me chill and right now to I'm in class and the fucking prof. Abhijeet is absent and now its spare period.

"I…I you know, do you still have feelings for my sister" Sara asks Jai.

"Ehh..! ab… well to be honest I can't forget about her cause she was my first love and the only one I ever fell for, with that I don't mean I don't like you or something , it's just the way of loving someone changes and to keep it exact I don't know maybe I still love her or maybe I don't!" Jai says

"I…I am sorry for asking you something like that, it's just I didn't wanted to be a bother or just trying to meddle around, trying to make a place in your heart not knowing about your feelings" Sara says.

"I can understand that you don't have to think like that I guess… ya you don't have to think like that way!" Jai says

Bell rings, ohh I guess I've to go now, that scared the shit out of me. It's not like she meant to harm to me I guess… but still she's dangerous more than the Aaliyah, I don't know what will happen if I do something which can make her hate me or give her anger. She was asking me for lunch but I just rejected cause luckily I was having an important meeting Gaja and everyone related to the battle.

"So now I know y'all are here and now we can begin our secret meeting, y'all know that we're being on black list of the student council from the very start but now because she has thrown their gloves in front of us and we gladly accepted that because it can help us get approval" Gaja gives his speech while starting the meeting.

"The reason y'all are called is because we lack members, the battle which we're involved is of six versus six and we still lack two members" Gaja says.

"Can't we just fight 2 times?" Rocky asks.

"No we can't I did thought of that but that's not possible" Gaja replies.

"So what are you think?" Bhushan asks Gaja.

"Well it's like the problem can be solved completely but to solve that I want Jai's help!" Gaja says.

"Huh! (In his arrogant tone) I what do you need from me I'll make myself clear that I won't strip again in front of horny perverted girls" jai says,

"It's not like that one of the two members is the one you dated recently and another is my fiancée let me call them inside" Gaja says.

Don't tell me the one this bastard is mentioning is…, but after Sara I've dated 6 girls and I don't know who they might be so let's not jump at any conclusions. 

"Guy's these are our group's saviours and also the ones who'll stay in our house from now on" Gaja says.

These… yeah she's Sara my fallen scary angel and his fiancée Ekta Rathore she's also a lower A rank swordswomen born in one of the elite family but they're not the same as mine or the ones of Gaja is from they are like so called 'Thakur'

[ Thakur= is a word use to call master or chief] from Rajasthan[ a state in India] their family is actually the handlers of underworld in reality but in public they're some seven star hotel's owner's, and if you're thinking how did Gaja got her as his Fiancée it's a long story I'll tell you later.

"So you're the one Gaja was telling hehehe…!" (Fake laugh) Jai says,

"Hello everyone myself Sara Rogers m.my A.I beast is Arcane whom I call Puchy. Jai I…I didn't meant to hide this from you, but you know before handed but I…I didn't have the chance to tell you about this" Sara says.

"Ehhehe… I don't mind well I guess if you're there rather than any other girl I dated up until now I guess it will be better for me too" Jai says

"Well I know that Miss Ekta is strong but what about you are you strong enough?" Rocky asks Sara,

"I…I won't lose I mean I'll try my best to make us win" Sara Says

"I see you're cute and strong minded at the same time I like that I agree" Rocky says

"I don't remember her training or seen her more than her sister but if you're someone trusted by these guys I don't mind at all so I agree too" Bhushan says.

"So I guess there's no rejection by anyone, so with these our ground is ready and now the only thing which is to kick the asses of the student council and become officially The Remnant Tryarch's" Gaja says.

To think that this guy will accept his fiancée whom he hates from the bottom of his heart for the sake of us and our respective goals I can also bet on my life too. So after the meeting me and Sara went to café cause there were two reasons, well my pro tip is if you reject an offer or idea of your girl, then make up with her like I'm or I guess you won't be having your relationship for too long, well these only work on girls like Sara so don't apply on someone like Aaliyah that's a big no for her,

the reason why I went with her at café was cause I rejected her offer of having lunch earlier and cause she's feeling somewhat of doubt that I'm not interested in her and am acting to be normal[ which you really are] just like how usually do with every girl I often date and the second reason the most important I just wanted to have some hot chocolate.

"J.Jai, can you tell me do you really like me" Sara asks Jai.

As I mentioned above, well I got this skill after dating 500 girls you know. "Yes, I really like you it's just that, up until now my mind-set was just to date someone whom I don't like but just cause they need someone like me to help, but now I'm really, I mean I have someone whom I like it's like something new for me, so to keep it short it's like my first time" Jai says.

"I…I'm glad you're thinking that way (starts fidgeting), and are you sure that you won't mind me around you cause I'm not your fiancée and sister is still behind you right" Sara says,

She changed the topic so that I won't lose my mood of enjoying my hot chocolate. "It's not like she is in love with me or we are fiancée and fiancé anymore" Jai says.

"You know I…I've always thought that you became stronger and smarter than you were in past and I heard from Gaja how you guys became a family like friends" Sara says, 

"Ohh..! that I actually trained myself under Rocky's native's in Rajasthan where I almost was going to get another fiancée but luckily I survived somehow hehe..(Grins)" Jai Says.

"Jai if you don't mind can I…I ask you, if you are thinking of marrying more than one girl or not in future?" Sara asks,

"Pfff! (splits Hot chocolate out of mouth) I, didn't gave a thought to that yet but if there are chances like that as a real man of culture I should take the responsibility, I mean but I'll only marry the girls I like and will try to keep all of them cause that's what a man of culture must do ehhehe..(Grins)" Jai says.

"You seriously are a pervert but the thought of making everyone smile is actually I like about you and that's what shows your kindness (starts fidgeting)" Sara Says.

"Ehh..! (Gets flustered) stop teasing me and I guess you should get going before it gets too late" Jai says,

"W…We are not going together, I know we aren't properly dating yet but I thought this much would be fine" Sara says

"No it's not like that I actually have something important to do" Jai says.

Where is he going at this time, is he in danger even he is he won't tell anyone I think I've to stalk him from behind. I won't let anyone hurt my dear-Jai hehe…(witchy laughter)[ that's what Sara says in her mind]

Saying that I left she left, she didn't like that I guess I've to make up again. Well she really is overbearing but I guess she mean no harm or something like that, thanks to my ideal and my 1698 dates up until now I survived. It's seriously dark and cold this year well when your academy is situated near an ocean and you're surrounded by water I think it is common though.

"You son of bitch why did you that for?" A sudden voice of yelling comes from Jai's back. 


 {Sara Rogers = # The innocent Yandere}

· A.I Beast = Arcane (Puchy).

· Age = 17.

· Tittle = The Vortex Enchantress.

· Rank = lower A rank.

· Abilities = Arcane insight, vortex mastery.

· Backfire = Adorable Retreat [ she temporarily becomes extremely shy and during that time people gets attracted to her finding it charming].

· Favourite Foods = Anything which Jai likes and he enjoys.

· Hobbies = To follow Jai and make him Happy.

{Ekta Rathore = # lady Gangster}

· A.I Beast = Vritra.

· Age = 18.

· Tittle = Rajanya Stormblade.

· Abilities = Aero blade splash, Loyal Distraction.

· Back Fire = gets rowdy and starts cursing everybody.

· Favourite foods = Ratto Maans [ it's a curry meat dish from India], Ghewar[ a sweet dish from Rajasthan].

· Hobbies = following the footsteps of Gaja and making him fall for him.


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and support me reach 5.k views by sharing the series to your friends and due to some reason the releasing of chps is now changed from weekly to once in two days of gap which means that chp 9 will be out on after 2 days

till that see ya

Captain_doublooncreators' thoughts