
That time when I kicked out my weak healer from the party.

Hero Jason's party falls apart when he kicks out his weak healer from the party and now he's all alone in his journey to complete the dungeon. a/n: English is not my first language so please forgive me for any errors.

Jace_Creed · ファンタジー
8 Chs


As I noticed the demi human girl, I immediately remember who she was, and she probably remembered me as well.

This bitch!!! The only reason she was able to attack me back then was because it was a surprise attack but this time won't be same..

And without giving it a second thought , I lunges forward with by blade, but before my blade could reach her, it was stopped by the dragon girl.

She looked at me with anger filled in her eyes and said in a chilling voice.

"What the hell do you think you're doing to Belle?"

If it had been me from before, this might have scared me...but right now I know something that they don't!!

"This girl that you're trying to protect, she's a traitor!!"

I said as I pushed my sword forward but before I could exert more force, I noticed my legs were not moving....no they were trapped in ice.

"Make a single move and I'll turn you into an ice sculpture."

The ice magic girl said as looked at me with clear hostility in her ice.

Before the situation get even more dangerous, Leon shouted.


And with that, all of us stopped and looked at each other.




All of them except Leon were looking at me as if I'm the villain, but I'm the victim!!! As for that treacherous demi human, she was currently unconscious. Probably due to shock.

After a long moment of silence, Leon asked me.

"Jason....how do you know Belle?"

And I told him my whole story about how I got her from the slave market, how I fed her and how she betrayed me... I thought that maybe Leon would understand where I was coming from but as my story progressed, I could see his face filled with disbelief...and finally he said..

"I'm sorry Jason.."

I smiled knowing that Leon will understand me but the next words that escaped from his mouth left me speechless..

"But I can't let you be in this party... I'm sorry."

The smile on my face vanished..

"What...but...but why?? I told you everything and you're still gonna choose that traitor's side?"

I wanted to speak more but Leon shouted.


Then he looked at me with his eyes, that were neither filled with contempt nor disgust...but sadness and regret..

"Please....please leave.."

I said nothing, there was nothing to be said or done, I just got up and started leaving...but before I leave, I turned and said..

"Don't come running back to me when she also betray you."

After saying this I left the camp site.

As I was walking away, all those words were filling my head, what Celine said at the Founder's Mountain, what Ru said at the guild hall, his new party that made fun of me, what Borris said...and Leon's disappointed gaze.

Finally something came to my mind.

"Maybe I really am a loser.."




(At Borris' weapon shop)

"Are you sure about this?"

Borris asked with concern in his voice.


I said with a smile.

After the incident that happened two days ago, I realised now that maybe...just maybe, being a hero or an adventurer doesn't really suit me..

"I understand you don't want to be an adventurer anymore Jason, but leaving this city... is it really necessary? "

I just took a deep sigh and said.

"I don't know Borris,I just want a fresh start for myself...a new place, new friends and new me."

Then I pulled out my sword and place it on the counter...

"Also, can I sell this, I'm really low on funds."

Borris took a deep breath before looking at me and then he pick up the sword and placed it on the wall as display. Then he pulled out a pouch filled with silver coins.

"Isn't this a.."

I said, thinking he's giving me more than what the sword costs but he raised his hand and stopped me.

"I might not be a great blacksmith, but I know if something is valuable or not."

Then he placed the pouch on my hand and said.

"Just promise me, you'll visit this me often, you don't have to come as customer, you can even come as an old friend."

I didn't say anything and just nodded with a smile still plastered on my face.

And after saying my farewell, I started exiting the shop...but as I touched the door knob... I remember something..

"By the way, Borris... there's something I want to tell you."




"Why are you telling me this?"

I just gave a small chuckle and said.

"Well, I don't know....do whatever you want with that info."

And with that I finally lefty old friend's shop.

My heart was as heavy as my footsteps, I couldn't help but at myself...how miserable I have become... I lost my party, my friends, and now I'm leaving this city where I grew up.

"Haha haha... I'm sorry mom...guess, I was never suitable for being an adventurer, forget being a hero...but...but I'm glad...that I tried..and.."

The tears started streaming down from my eyes, realising that the goal which I had been following this whole time was nothing more than a dream damn hurts....this feels like crap...to know that everything I did this whole time was for nothing but well...atleast the moments I shared with my companions wasn't all that bad.... I'll definitely miss all of them.

After taking a deep breath, I felt a drop of water on my head, and when I looked up I noticed that it was raining. A curve formed on my lips as I said..

"I'm glad it's raining today."




(Borris' POV)

In an empty shop, I standing behind the counter...waiting for my customers, but deep in my mind I thought to myself why did he told me that...

But as I ponder on it, someone entered my shop.

"Ah, welcome to...oh it's you guys."

They were the members of blood fang party, these bastards I never liked these bastards because of their methods..but well... Business is business.

"Oi! what's this? Is that how you talk to your esteemed customers."

The one with a bandana said.

"Come on man, we're here to buy some weapons that's all~"

The eye patch bastard said.

"Buy? Or do you mean steal."

I said in a sarcastic manner as the third guy who was the vice leader of the party said.

"Stealing? Us? Oh... I would use the term...uh what was called again...AH yes borrow.."

I took a deep breath and said.

"No, go away. "

But as I was engaging in conversation with them...one of them noticed the sword that was hanging on the wall..

"Hey hey~ that sword looks good."

The bandana bastard said as he moved closer to the wall trying to reach it but I stood in front of him.

"Leave, now."

The vice captain bastard brought his disgusting face close to mine as he said in a threatening voice.

"Or what?"

But before he could do anything, someone entered through the door.

"What are you doing here"

A chilling voice that made all three of these bastards turned into statues.

Only the vice captain bastard was able to utter a single word.


After Celine entered the shop, all three of them ran away. Then she brought out some ore that she got from her recent dungeon expenditure and placed them on the counter.

"Haha, long time Celine.."

But she didn't say anything, just stared at me, looking at me as if I did something wrong....oh right.

"Is it about Jason coming to the Founder's Mountain?"

After hearing this, Celine finally opened her mouth.

"So it was you!"

Her voice was calm but I no she's not calm by any means..

"I'm sorry okay!! I didn't knew he would actually be crazy enough to reach out to you after everything."

As I said this, she took a sigh.

After that I evaluated, the present and asked her if she's gonna sell it or if she wants to turn it into a weapon.

"I think I'll probably sell."

As she said this, gave her the money and with that, she started leaving...but before she left I remember what Jason said...and asked her.

"You're worried about Leon?"

She stopped on her tracks and turn at me.

"What do you-"

But before she could finish her sentence, I said.

"He is at the Ruvia city, you'll probably find him there"

As I said this, I could see a warm smile forming on Celine's face.

"...oh and by the way, he's surrounded by beautiful women so you should hurry."

Now, Celine's charming smile turned into a pale expression as she immediately ran out.

"Hahaha, youth."

"But boss, you're not that old yourself, shouldn't you also find yourself a partner?"

"Shut up Al and do your god damn job!"


-to be continued ~