
That time I got reincarnated as an Oni

TheKhorne · アニメ·コミックス
29 Chs

Chapter 18 Where It All Began

The Lone Hill, big enough for some to call it a mountain. It stood alone among tress in north-west part of the Jura Forest. While the hill isn't special in any way by itself, it's the underground that's so important. On it's base one can see big gates made from wood and steel that lead to the system of caves that hides in it's interior not only ores rich in magicules or herbs from which high level healing potions can be made. What it hides is place where Great Storm Dragon Veldora was sealed away to die. From that place his magicules spread to the surface and whole forest.

Now it has new visitors...

Ogres arrived here after few days of travel, each one of them looking at the gates with wonder and amazement but one. Shiva's gaze locked on the gates as he stopped in place, letting other ogres walking past him closer to the gates and memories flashing in his mind. Memories of time spend with Veldora, telling him about Japan and him teaching Shiva many things about magic. He still remembers how he dance and sang for Veldora to cheer him up, a dance that he later changed into his martial art.

He also saw other memory, a memory of him devouring three helpless adventurers that ventured into the caves. Especially that girl, her terrified screams ringing in his ears.



Shiva looks down and sees his lower hand intertwined with Ogre Girl's own. He looks back up at her with raised eyebrow.


"You...You are crying..."

Shiva reached up and wiped his face, he looked at his fingers and in fact he shaded few tears. He shook his head, relived that only Ogre Girl saw it. He then nodded towards her and smiled.

"Yeah. I am ok, just....some memories."

Ogre Girl nodded back and both headed towards the group. As they arrived they saw Young Master standing with few other ogres at the side while Ogre Priest was on his knees bowing down towards the gates, many ogres mimicking his moves. He sighed and approached Young Master who saw him and nodded towards him. Shiva stood next to him and both watched a small ceremony made by the Ogre Priest.

"What's this all about?"

Shiva asked while scanning through the bowing crowd.

"That old fart told others to bow down as we felt remaining's of Veldora's Magicules. He said that we need to pay respect as we are entering holy place. You see now why I can't kill him? Many ogres trust him with their lives..."

"I can see that. Wait, there are still Veldora's magicules around?"

Young Master looked up at confused Shiva with raised eyebrow.

"You can't see them? Use Magical Sense, it will allow you to see it. And to 'why' there are still some, it's either those magic ores that I heard about from dwarves or...Veldora is still alive. Barely but alive."

Shiva's fist clenched slightly when he heard that. He wishes that Veldora would still be alive...

He sighed again and turned back to Young Master.

"So, can I assume your sister is with them? As I cannot see her next to you."

Shiva was indeed right. Princess was currently next to the Ogre Priest, bowing down, showing respect to Veldora. Young Master nodded while watching her.

"Yes, you can. At least one of us has to believe in this things."

After few more words from Ogre Priest everyone stood up and gathered up, turning to Young Master who stood in front of them.

"We are here. The Cave of Seal, place where Veldora was sealed few hundred years ago. Our plan is simple. We will camp outside of the cave, using the insides as a fortress in case of danger. Now, go eat and rest. We moved through quite a distance and we need strength for tomorrow as then we will begin rebuild of our village!"

Ogres shouted in both relief of not having to march anymore but also happiness that this will be their new home. They began to set up their tents and bonfires and soon area was filled with cheerful and hopeful chatting.

Some time later after ogres set up their camp, Shiva was sitting together with other around one of the campfires, as others were talking he watched the fire.

'Great Sage. Can you tell me something more about giving monster a name? If there is something that Velodra didn't say?'

Besides possible evolution for a certain monster, there are two possible side effects. One of them is that this monster will gain a weaker copy of their namer's ability. Second is that if levels of magicules of namer was much higher then named monster, monster has a chance of developing a deep loyalty towards his namer.

Shiva frowned slightly as he heard that.

'Then how come I...betrayed Veldora? He was much more powerful then me so I should also develop that sense loyalty, right?'

Correct. However there is not possible answer to your question.

Shiva sighed as he got more questions then answers after he asked that question. He then stood up and went to Young Master. He noticed Shiva walking up to him and raised eyebrow.

"What is it Shiva?"

"I want to show you something?"

Young Master became confused and looked around.

"Here? What do you want to show me?"

"Come to the cave's gate. And bring only those you really trust."

Young Master's eyes widen as he hard that but he nodded knowing that Shiva will answer his future question. Shiva nodded back and was about to walk away before sopping and looking over his shoulder.

"Oh and...don't bring Princess with you."


Shiva then left the camp and found his way towards the gate. He walked up close to it and looked it up and down. He lifted up one if his hands and placed it on the gate.

"So I came back here, huh?"

Another memories of Veldora flash before his eyes and he closes them, not wanting to see them. He frowns and his claws dug into the wood. Then with his enhanced hearing he hears someone walking up, he sighs and begins to turn around exception it was Young Master.

"Shiva ?"

His eyes widen as his gaze locked itself with Princes's. They watched each other for as second before looking to the sides.

"What are you doing here, Shiva?"

"Oh, nothing much..."

Shiva wants to take his hand away but as he does he rips away some parts of the wood, showing that his claws dug deep into them. Shiva's eyes widen as he looks down at his claws before sighing and scratching his nape.

Princess chuckles and walks up to him, taking away small parts of the wood, freeing Shiva's claws. As she was doing that Shiva was glancing at her face, or more importantly into her eyes. After she was done she took few steps back and looked at Shiva.

"So, what are you really doing here?"

"Uhm, well I wanted to see what is the whole deal about. Those are some big, sturdy doors."

He chuckled as he used his bottom hand to knock on the gates. Princess raised an eyebrow and looked at Shiva's claws

"Not sturdy enough if your claws broke off some of the wood."

Shiva chuckled again while scratching his neck. Princess smiled slightly before shacking her head.

"No matter about that. I think I will be going...."


Princess turned around and began to walk back into the camp but as she was about to disappear behind the woods she turned around and smiled towards Shiva while blushing.

"Also, I wanted you to know that I am happy."

"For what?"

"That you two are together. It's great to find someone to love."

Shiva could notice how she shuddered as she said those last words but nodded nonetheless.

"Yes, that is true. Thank you."

Princess nodded again and walked back to the camp. As she left, Shiva turned back towards the gate and leaned his forehead on it.

"You are not making it any way easier, Princess."

After another minute Young Master arrived at the gates, following him were Ogre Girl, Guard Captain's Son, Blacksmith's Son and Ryujin's brother.

"We are here. I took only those I trust."

Shiva didn't answer but simply pushed the gates open and walked inside, while mentioning them to follow with his hand. Ogres grew confused but followed him, they walked down through the gates. All the time there were no words said, they walked in silence. Finally after few minutes of walking down Shiva stopped and looked down. Others looked among themselves confused, it was Ogre Girl who walked up to him and when she was just about to ask him a question she looked down.

On the ground she saw a skeleton of a human, few small pieces of rotting flesh were still present on it. She looked up at Shiva and placed hand on his back.

"Is...something wrong?"

Shiva shook his head and continued to travel down the caves. Ogre Girl turned back to her friends and shrugged. Young Master sighed and followed Shiva. Finally they entered a big cave where Shiva stopped, this time it was Young Master who walked up to Shiva but stayed few feet away from him.

"Shiva what is it all about? We walked this caves for some time already and not even once we found a dead end. You know this place, right? Tell me..."

"This was the place where he was sealed..."

Young Master's eyes widen slight as he heard that.

"By 'him' you mean...?"

"Yes. Veldora. This was the Cave he was sealed in and where he lived for past 300 years."

Shiva's teeth clenched, same as his fist. He didn't want to lie to them, but he had to.

"He disappeared because...his magicules went away."


"His seal not only didn't allow him to move but also it sapped at his magicules. That is why they were felt in the forest. He didn't know when it will happen, but it had to happen. His magicules reserves finished and he...died. As simple as that..."

Young Master and other ogres grew confused at what Shiva said. Young Master looked around and chuckled.

"Wait. Wait. Wait. How?"

Shiva turned around and looked at him with raised eyebrow.

"'How?' What?"

"How do you know all this? No one knows about this but you? And how can we be so sure that it's truth?"

Shiva sighed and nodded.

"Yeah, I figured you wouldn't believe."

Then, Shiva began to walk closer to the cave's wall. When he was at the spot he looked down at the ground and brought his four arms up.

"But I will show you..."

With all his strength he began to dig down into the ground, moving rock and dirt. After a minute he was done and mentioned ogres to walks closer.

When they did, their eyes widen. There, they saw huge dragon skull and rest of the bones.

"Mine full name is Shiva Rajin, name-brother of Veldora Rajin."

Ogres looked at him in shock and awe. Shiva scratched his horn before sitting down next to the skull, he placed on of his hands on it and looked at it.

"I...ventured into those caves few months before I meet you guys. I ventured to those caves to seek shelter as I had nowhere to go. I was alone, I had no one. He gave me mine name and became mine brother."

"I see. So that must be why you were able to fully control the Lightning Manipulation. It's hard to control ability but powerful one at that."

Shiva looked at the Old Ogre who said it and shrugged.

"Maybe. I don't know."

"If you meet him then...do you know what happen to him?"

It was Ogre Girl who asked this question, still shocked at what Shiva told them.

"Yes...I was with him at his last moments. I..."

Shiva clenched his teeth again and sighed.

"Before he died he told me about Ogre Village some distance away from this cave. I guess he didn't want me to be alone."

Young Master frowned slightly angry at Shiva that he didn't told them about if before but he let go of his anger. He looked at Shiva and saw saddens in his eyes when he was looking at Veldora's skull. Young Master was about to take as step forward but Guard Captain's son beat him to it.

Guard Captain's son walked up to Shiva and awkwardly placed hand on his shoulder.

"I...know what you feel. I felt the same when I heard about mine father's death. We all know how you feel."

Shiva looked up at Guard Captain's son and smiled.

"You know...I never heard you talking so much. Even when we practiced together."

All ogres chuckled slightly at this remark, while Guard Captain's son took his hand away and smiled.

"Don't get used to it."

"And now you are smiling? Wow, I need to write down this day in mine memory."

Guard Captain's Son shook his head while walking back towards the group while rest chuckled. As he was passing by, Young Master gave him a pat on the shoulder and a smile. Shiva then stood up and looked towards the group.

"So...any question?"

"Yeah, one. Why are you telling all of that to us?"

Young Master was the one that asked this question.

"Well, I trust you all and I want you to trust me more."

Young Master nodded understanding.

"So, is that all?"

Shiva shook his head to his another question.

"No. I had other reasons why I brought you here. First of all, those bones."

Shiva turned back towards Veldora's bones.

"What about them?"

Asked Young Master.

"They are not just some bones. Those are True Dragon's Bones and we can make anything from them. Mine Shamisen is made from them."

This time Blacksmith's son walked few steps forwards confused.

"But how? From what I saw your instrument is so well made that it would take long time for a skilled craftsman to do it. And I doubt you are one..."

"You are not wrong to assume that. But what i used were not tools but magic."

Shiva picked up one of the smaller fangs and using magic molded it into a shape of triangle. Everyone's eyes widen as he did that especial Blacksmith's son.

"It's amazing!"

"Yeah, I know. They are not only durable but are also powerful magic conduits. I want to use them to make you all weapons so we can fight the Orcs."

Young Master shook his head as he heard that.

"Wait. You want to fight them again? They almost killed you!"

Shiva nodded, knowing that Young Master is right.

"I know but that is also I want to do another thing. Form me and Ryujin normal orcs and orc generals weren't hard to beat. But Orc Lord had tricky abilities and he himself was strong. That is why we need more Kijins on our side, so you need to evolve."

"You can't mean-!"


Shiva turned around to shocked ogres.

"I will name you all...."