
That time I got reincarnated as an Oni

TheKhorne · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 17 Homeless

This evening was peaceful, remains of ogre tribe deserved at least that for now. Most sat around the campfires that were set up around the camp, they wanted to cheer each other up. Talking about their future and how they should be happy that their are alive. Most of them are young, just became adults, few are older, even some children. But what shocked most was presence of 4 elderly ogres, the one who lead them was one of the Chief's advisors. Some ogres didn't liked that as this placed shame on Guard Captain's words about the old ogres staying behind to fight. But in the end they gave up, knowing how highly this old ogre was thinking of himself.

Shiva and Ogre Girl were sitting near one of those campfires, talking with some ogres. Shiva smiled while looking around, quite glad that many of previously ogres are now in great condition thanks to his Healing Blood. As he looked around, he noticed a necklace on one of the ogre's neck.

He then remembered about question that lingered in his mind. He saw drawings, medallions, sculptures and even shrines with dragon in them. He turned to Ogre Girl.

"Hey, I have a question...What god do you believe in?"

"What god?"

Ogre Girl was both confused and surprised by a sudden question but began to seek for a fulfilling answer. She tapped her chin before nodding.

"Well, we believe in Great Veldora. A might dragon that brought peace to the Jura Forest."

"He brought peace to the forest? What do you mean by this?"

"His magicules could be felt in whole forest, no tribes fought each other or any other alien force wasn't able to step into the forest. It was all from fear but the dryads that served him helped us many times."

"Oh...I see. That is why your tribe worships him."

Ogre Girl nodded few times but then after few seconds frowned.

"I mean...worship is a strong word. We acknowledge him as our god but you don't have to pray to him or anything. Like Young Master, he doesn't believe in this crap, for him Great Veldora is only a dragon."

Shiva nods, smiling slight as the face she made was quite a funny one.

"And do you believe in this... 'crap'?"

"I...don't really know. I agree to some things but to name Great Veldora a god is...quite much. From what I heard from other ogres, real god could defeat him quite easily."

Shiva nods once again and as they finish their talk, a young ogre comes running through the camp.

"Young Master is back from the talks with Lizardmen! Young Master is back!"

Shiva and Ogre Girl look at each other before both run towards the Young Master. They stop at the camp border where many other ogres follow them, standing behind them wanting to know what Young Master was able to acquire.

They saw Young Master together with the Guard Captain's Son, enter the camp. Both had sacks as big as their torso, they were placed on their back. And Young Master was also carrying bundle of about 20 spears. Everyone grew confused but still hopeful.

Young Master took of his baggage and sighed.

"I have two things to say. One good...and one bad."

He could see worry settle in his people's eyes as they heard that there is even one bad message.

"First the good one. We were given two sacks full of food that will allow us to survive for another few days. We also got bundle of 25 spears which will allows us to better defeat each other and hunt."

He passed the spears to someone else before folding his arms and sighing.

"And then there is the bad one...I asked Lizardmen Chief to give us shelter. I told him that we can work and fight, we ogres were known for our strength."

Some ogres nod while other cringe slightly as they hear that they would have to work together with lizardmen.

"But their chief denied. Saying that the past wounds didn't healed yet, and that we have to worry about ourselves. We have time to tomorrow morning to leave this place or Lizardmen will force us out."

Sudden roar of anger and protest boomed from the crowd behind them. Some random ogres walked out from the crowd.

"What?! Are they mad!? Let them come! We have defeated them before and so we can do it again!"


Shiva frowned hearing what other ogres are saying. But it seems that Young Master doesn't likes it either. He takes in a big huff of air before roaring out.


As he roared, everyone went quiet fearing their future chief. Young Master huffed and cracked his neck.

"We are not going to fight them! There was only one war between our tribes and that is enough! Now, in 5 minutes I want few of you to join me into a meeting where we will decide where to go. Guard Captain's son will fetch you for me. Rest of you? Sleep, we are going tomorrow morning."

And with this, Young Master went to his tent. He walked though the crowd, making sure to nod towards Shiva. Slowly everyone went back to their tents and makeshift beds. Shiva and Ogre Girl also wanted to go sleep but something picked up Shiva's interest in this talk.

"Is something wrong, young one?"

Shiva turned his head to the side and raised an eyebrow. There was Ryujin's brother slowly walking towards him.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"You always ask many questions during our training. By now I can recognize your expression when you want to ask about something. I am here, so ask..."

Shiva smiled slightly.

"It seems that Ogres and Lizardmen aren't on best of terms."

"No we are not. But while we contact each other only in real times of need, this hate is caused by our history, not by recent events."

"I heard Young Master saying something about....a war?"


Old Ogre nodded while Shiva and Ogre Girl listened.

"Long long ago. Before the times when Lord Veldora was sealed. Ogres, Lizardmen and Goblins fought over control of the Jura Forest. We were much more primal at those times, humans weren't as numerous and so we weren't worried for any outside forces. This war went on for years, many creatures dying during it. Then, Veldora awakened in his prison. His magicules flooded the forest, making us kneel to him. His servants, dryads that came under his wings after being left behind by Fairy Queen, helped in achieving peace in the forest. Ogres were given north side of the forest, goblins southern and lizardmen were given the Lake Siss with surrounding marshlands. Age of peace came to the forest and we became much more...civilized."

Old Ogre ended his history lesson and left Shiva to ponder.

"Hmmm. I see, that is why you aren't on the best of terms."

Before they could continue the conversation, Guard Captain's Son walked up to them and bowed slightly.

"Young Master awaits you."

"Ah, well. See ya gramps."

Shiva waved towards confused old ogre but was stopped from walking away.

"You are also asked to come, Shiva."

Shiva grew confused and looked down at Ogre Girl who shrugged. Shiva nodded and followed Guard Captain's Son while Ogre Girl went to sleep.

When they arrived at Young Master's tent, Shiva saw few other individuals. Besides them there was also few young ogres and that old priest. Shiva saw Young Master leaning over small, makeshift table that had map of Jura Forest on it. And it seemed that Princess was not present.

"Now that we gathered here, we need to discus what now."

Young Master was first to start talking.

"I gathered you all here because I hold your opinion high in regards. We need to point into the direction in which our tribe can go."

All ogres around were listening to the Young Master while Shiva was looking at the map, first map of the forest he ever saw. He zoned out, focusing on something else.

'That is one big forest....and that cave, is that...?'


Shiva looked back up, into Young Master's eyes.


"So you weren't listening. Mine idea was to go to the Dwarf Kingdom."

"Dwarf Kingdom?"

"Yes. If we give them information about the Orc Lord and offer our warriors, they might take in rest of the tribe. Dwarfs trade with us monsters so this is our only chance."

Few other ogres nodded while Shiva frowned. He didn't like the idea, he read too many history records about situation like this. In ancient times, some people needed help or they would die out. So they went to the closes city and asked for help in exchange for work. They ended up almost like slaves or they were sold out to other cities.

"It is interesting idea...but do you want your people in chains?"

Young Master's eyes widen as he heard Shiva say it. He then frowned and growled quietly.


He barked out while Shiva looked at him calmly.

"If we do that, yes there is a chance that they will help us. But there is also a chance that they will use us as a cannon fodder to fight the Orc Lord."

"At least rest of mine people will be safe."

Shiva came closer to the table and placed all four hands on it.

"Safe?! Dwarfs might take them in. But they will probably live there in rags. Working in the mines while some gangsters pick them our one by one."

Young Master stood up and faced Shiva.

"And what else can we do? Go to the other kingdoms and be live in shadows? Go back into Orc Lord's maw?"


Shiva shook his head before pointing at a lone mountain in the forest.

"What is this?"

Young Master looked down at the map and raised eyebrow before looking back at Shiva.

"That is The Cave of Seal. In this cave rests Dragon Veldora."

Shiva smiled slightly.

"So I was right..."

"What do you plan?"

"Let's go there. We can find shelter there..."

Every ogre's eyes widen in shock as to what Shiva said. To ogres, this place was sacred so no one could go there. Ogre Priest's first hit the table as he glared at Shiva.

"What is this blasphemy?! We cannot go there, we cannot disturb Great Veldora!"

Shiva looked down at old, hunched over ogre that pointed at him his boney finger.

"What of it? Veldora is dead, right? You cannot feel his magicules anymore."

Angry Priest turned to Young Master and was shocked to see him thinking the idea over.

"Young Master, you cannot be seriously thinking about it?! We cannot go there. Shiva didn't even once attend to a ceremony in the name of Great Dragon and he dares to go to the holy place! Throw this outsider out and let-!"

As the priest was about to utter another word, sword was held over his neck. He looked back and saw Old Ogre pointing his sword at him. He wanted to call Young Master for help but when he looked back he saw Young Master holding his hand up and glaring at him.

"Don't utter another word. Shiva is like brother to me, even tho we might disagree in few things I will not allow anyone to offend him, even you."

"You damn Crying Ogre! Help me dammit!"

As he said those words, those words of curse that Young Master's mother was called in the past. Young Master growled, Old Ogre pressed his sword harder making blood to slip from under it. Then two other ogres that were seen before with the priest came in. They wanted to charge at Old Ogre but Shiva and Guard Captain's Son stopped them, holding them by their necks and pressing them to the ground.

Then Young Master began to speak.

"I tried to ignore or maybe even accept your presence. Your faith blinded you and you blinded mine father for many years."

He breathed in and out before shaking his head.

"I would love to kill you. But I cannot, people need faith to continue living."

Blade was taken away from Priest's neck and he smiled, holding hand over his injured neck.

"But! From now on, you won't be part of the tribal council. You will be part of out community but you will not be giving me any poisoned advice. Begone."

Priest cursed under his nose and together with his two servants which were let go off, left the tent. Everyone turned to Young Master with questionable looks and the Shiva was one to ask.

"Why did you do that?"

"It was a simple intrigue. I wanted to erase his influence from this council. Many bed decisions that mine father made were because of him."

"Then why not kill him?"

"It will upset other ogres. Especially now when we need faith. But going back to the plan...Why you want to go there?"

Shiva smiled and looked down at the map.

"In those caves is something...that might change the balance of power."