
That time I found myself at terraria

What if, one day you find yourself enslaved by a world. going on an adventure to gain his freedom. read as he traverses the multiverse and finds his new home. #takenote# I always have a bad day, so if you want me to continue writing it's simple comment something and let me know I have readers it means a lot to me. also if you hate the mc for being weak, and a slice of life along with a subchapter that translates for "more fun" then I'm sorry because I will be doing that. chapter upload every 3-4 days. discord. htt ps://disc ord.gg/5q q3MDASWn

TornHeart · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

Chapter 4 big bang equal stars


he can't see anything, everything is covered in darkness but his gut tells him that something is wrong, and yet it wants to accept it.

he closed his eyes and started to think, does love truly exist? it suddenly pops into his mind usually he won't think twice but say "No".

but it questions him more, why? and so after he opened his eyes, he found himself in a classroom empty yet it feel nostalgic.

the memory he made with everyone yet are they even friends? they talk, eat, and play games but that's all, outside of school they rarely meet besides school projects.

crush? he long lost the power to trust that word, maybe reading too much bad manga did have an effect but since high school, it never went well.

after that, he still tried but even after graduating from high school he never finds it, so he decided to stop as he might start to hurt the people around him.

"hurt the people around me? ah yes I'm such a terrible guy huh"

he take a sit and started at the window.

" I... I always attract people toward me and then push them away... I always knew this but I keep this personality, reason?"

he takes a deep sigh


"maybe to protect me, because I knew someday they will forget about me and it's making me troubled just thinking about it"

"and the fact that I'm always saying I'm fine every day makes me tired somehow I'm just really troubled to show my real feelings"

as he sulked more and further was suddenly blinded by bright blue light, he can't see anything his heartbeat started to intensify hoping to wake up but the light didn't stop and it consume him.

no, he won't accept being consumed! he may not have a BWILA right now but it doesn't mean he won't look for the perfect and right one.

so he insists!


his heart beats crazily and he heard a whisper.

~BecOMe ONe~ ~BecOMe ONe~ ~BecOMe ONe~ ~BecOMe ONe~ ~BecOMe ONe~ ~BecOMe ONe~ ~BecOMe ONe~ ~BecOMe ONe~ ~BecOMe ONe~ ~BecOMe ONe~ ~BecOMe ONe~ ~BecOMe ONe~

then darkness also started to consume him, he only hope to wake up from this nightmare.

with his will, he retains sane in all of this, the darkness corrupts him and yet the light is too much that it consumes him.

every second felt like an eternity, and then as if the two energy mixed it created a big explosion.


waking up without a headache, he tried to grab something before realizing he doesn't have a phone, or in his world.

opening his eyes he was surrounded by black goo, he quickly stood up but he slipped as the floor is also filled with black goo.


with a slam, it woke him up after realizing just what happened and how unreal his dream are.

[system fail-safe activated

chaotic energy is now subdued and can be used by the host, other energy is used to offset the chaotic energy is now available]

it surprised him where did it even come from? so he asks.

"what's that energy anyway? and care to give more explanation?"


that blue energy is your power that will be awakened at the right time, as the all-seeing don't leave any of his transported people empty-handed or they just die and it won't be good. but it's up to you to discover what it is.

as for the chaotic energy, the system already scans where or whom it might come from, and the result is, that it has the same signature as the unknown God that dragged you here.

and by further research of life signs, I found that this world is created by half of his body but doing that did cause him to unable to descent. so the host is mostly safe from early Big boss battle.]

as the system is explaining he lit the whole house on fire, he was too lazy to clean it, and making one is much easier in his opinion.

wondering if he's been sleeping the whole day as the sun is up high and mighty but decided it doesn't make a difference knowing or not.

he then proceeds to clean himself in the lake close to his house.

"so what am I supposed to do now then?"

[simple, by killing all the world bosses you will take all of their power in making them weaker every fight as they lose power and by doing so it means you have half of his body and it will give you change to fight]

"so I will have a big body below wrists, hahaha"

just imagining it makes him laugh, but the system didn't give a reply making him stop laughing.

"oy, the system won't happen, right?

[that.. however, is not part of my calculations]

right now he is making a funny face, surely the future is looking grim.

as he looked up trying to think of something to lighten his mood some struck his mind.

"Rigel, that will be my name"

JA! join my discord if you enjoy reading it in the novel description.(not really my own server hahaha)

if you enjoy the book so far consider giving a rating cheer me up because no one does. (cry in the corner along with Shinji and Subaru)


TornHeartcreators' thoughts