
That time I found myself at terraria

What if, one day you find yourself enslaved by a world. going on an adventure to gain his freedom. read as he traverses the multiverse and finds his new home. #takenote# I always have a bad day, so if you want me to continue writing it's simple comment something and let me know I have readers it means a lot to me. also if you hate the mc for being weak, and a slice of life along with a subchapter that translates for "more fun" then I'm sorry because I will be doing that. chapter upload every 3-4 days. discord. htt ps://disc ord.gg/5q q3MDASWn

TornHeart · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 3 first time is always unpleasant


a man pops out of nowhere, he is out of breath and extremely dirty, blood covers his damaged golden armor.


he lay down on the grasses and remember what happened down there.

he remembered eating a heart crystal and feeling high for a moment, he mined and mined until he encountered bats, skeletons, and big black slices.

it did give him trouble but after he consumed the heart crystal the shop unlock the healing option at the cost of money, the cost depends on scratches, injury, etc.

right now he just accidentally stepped into an explosive trap that should kill him but surprisingly only remove half of his body before managing to use the system heal option.

he stood up to check on his loots, for equipment he got the useful stuff like boots of Hermes that let the user run faster, a cloud in the bottle a double jump, and a magic mirror making the teleportation potion useless, this magic mirror has different teleportation mechanism unlike in-game it teleports you to the set spawn point here you need to picture an image where you want to go, it works if you have been there before but not if not, teleporting to another world also doesn't work.

he also obtained a lot of gems from gem trees along with seeds that will be useful for future use.

"to the house!!!"

and then the crafting began.

"Lately I have been talking to myself a lot more, not that I'm not used to it already my whole life but... ah whatever"

he entered his workshop and began working, he's been in this world for 4 days he spent 2 days mining straight and one-night collecting starts as he forgot to do it the other day.


HP 1200

Mana: 1000

buff: well-fed

equipment: Hermes boots, cloud in a bottle, aglet, shackle.

weapons: enchanted boomerang, water bolt, spear, trident

the island he's on has four sides unlike the game with two sides, he has discovered that this island both includes a crimson and corruption biome along with jungle and dessert.

"not enough materials, only managed to make a diamond staff and amnesty hook along with a diamond robe and Timmy's hat!! (wizard hat)"

today the plan is simple, kill the slime king and the arena is already built in a wide area where you won't get stuck or accidentally trip.

crafting the slime crown is not that hard, but the real problem is crafting the very expensive crown it's either he has a full gold armor or platinum armor, but choosing gold did give him a chance to craft a 5 slime crown.

taking a dip at the nearby lake to clean his armor and remove his old clothes that is already useless he already removed the golden armor and now is wearing a robe and wizard hat.

by playing a single role he would always be able to utilize the number of items needed to farm using a sword is not good for him as he has had a weak body ever since he was a kid, he only has the option of playing summoner, mage, and ranger which is good on their own

roles but at late game mage have the highest damage overall, but very fragile same as a ranger.

stepping into the middle of the arena he held the crown and breaks it.


it startled him but he shortly snap out of it, not far from him is a giant slime five times his size with a diameter of a bus, and inside of the slime king is a ninja man stuck inside.

he felt quite nervous just like everyone at the first boss fight, you can't just shake the feeling but once you beat, it will be like breathing and walking naturally.

preparing the staff he sends a massive number of diamonds sparks towards the big slime, missing will be a joke with this Big target.

as it gets hits it drops a bunch of smaller slimes that will make the fight more difficult as the slime is no threat but a hundred sure do.


clicking his tongue in annoyance as the Diamond staff are not quite good at penetrating things, he brings out the water bolt.

he aimed at the ground as the water bolt get launched it did big damage to a group of slices as it keep bouncing each enemy hit.

and so the game of jumping around and avoiding the slime teleportation ability lasted for 30 minutes, and as the slime king gets smaller to the size of a car it became aggressive teleporting behind, dropping to the sky and sometimes bursting out of the ground.

lucky that he has a double jump, boots of Hermes, and a hook, or this fight will get slippery.

as a water bolt manage to pierce through the slime and tore the ninja in half making the blue cute-looking slime all bloody red before fading away.

as that happen our mc started to spasm, it can only be explained as having a good sleep and you trying to stretch your body.

[unknown chaotic energy entering the host body detected]

[termination of the said energy




ejecting said energy




implementing the energy to the host, refusing will lead to the host body exploding]

as he also has no choice but to agree with the system proposal he still wanted to deny it because chaotic energy doesn't sound good.

but saying no will make his body explode so it's not a win-win situation.

time goes by and the sun started descending, he finally manage to breathe in relief.

"haaaaa, I feel like a new person for some reason"

he stood up and grabbed the loot bag that the slime king dropped, he plan to kill it a few more times for the gold but something unexpected happened.

examining his body, it feels a lot lighter for some reason, and when breathing he feels it also changed.

coming back home to his box house, to rest even though he feels light and energetic his brain doesn't and he feels drowsy.

slumping down to the bed and falling asleep it's like nothing significant changed his outward appearance but his soul changed drastically.

JA! join my discord if you enjoy reading it in the novel description.

if you enjoy the book so far consider giving a rating cheer me up because no one do. (cry in corner along with shinji and subaru)


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