
That Time an Amnesiac Deathmage Visited a Reincarnated Slime

Vandalieu Zakkart was riding home to Talosheim until he falls into the dimensional sea. When he wakes up, he finds himself with almost no memories of who he is. Eventually, he finds out that he's in the holy kingdom of Ruberios and is recruited to visit a demonlord in a great forest; this demonlord is apparently a... slime? The art doesn't belong to me. If your the original artist and want me to take it down, just pm me.

RammyBoyz · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

*Meanwhile in Lambda*

Darcia POV

Darcia was sitting on her bed in her room worrying about the safety of her son.

"How could I lose my son twice, after all he did for my sake. What kind of mother am I?" Darcia almost sobbing.

She began recalling the information she had learnt through Vida.

"I am doing all I can to find him" Zuruwarn the God of Space time had told her through Vida.

"Judging from what you had told me, he was likely transported to another dimension" Zuruwarn had continued.

"He is definitely alive; however, traveling through space and time is something not even I can do lightly." Darcia tensed when she was informed of this.

When she had asked how inter-dimension travel could affect her son, Vida had glumly told Zuruwarn's depressing reply.

"I... Don't know. This has to my knowledge never happened before, it is shocking that it is even possible. However, there would definitely be problematic side-effects from traveling through space, especially if unaided by a God who watches over it such as myself."

Darcia became depressed after hearing this

"Please find my son, he has been through so much for the sake of a mother who doesn't deserve his love. I can only hope wherever he is, he is safe and with people who will take care of him."

*Returning to Tempest, Vandalieu was relatively safe (by virtue of being stronger than most people) and was with people who had promised to take care of him (though many of them were currently afraid of him) *

The Vandalieu Internal Conference Sequel POV

"It is agreed, death to the one named Gobta" Vandalieu opens the conference

"Wait, why must we kill him? Though it is irresponsible for him to bring a child to the places he is describing, I do not think that is grounds for his death" Replies Vandalieu to the hasty conclusion

"Because... I do not know, him mentioning elves has oddly infuriated me" Says the first Vandalieu

"Agreed, but it is strange for me to be so angry at the mention of a single word" Chimes in another.

In the center of the circular conference room, a status board had suddenly appeared. Most of the information was unable to be read however it still revealed new information.

Name: Vandalieu Zakkart

Race: Dhampir (Mother: Goddess)

Age: 11 years old

Unique Skills

Perfect Recording (Corrupted/Damaged)

The room quieted at the status board's appearance and they studied the new information given. After a while, Vandalieus then began conversing and commenting on it.

"At least I can now confirm my actual age and name" was the opening statement of Vandalieu

"Aside from my race, it confirms that one of my parents was a goddess" commented Vandalieu

"Perhaps Ruminas is in fact my mother?" Another Vandalieu suggested.

"This is doubtful, she seemed sincere in her denial of this" A third Vandalieu rebutted.

"Still... It is worth noting" All seemed to agree on this.

"What is more interesting however is this damaged skill, what could it have been used for?" Vandalieu asked changing the topic.

"Perhaps it is connected to my loss of memories" Suggested a different Vandalieu.

"Hmm... this is troublesome if this is indeed true" All Vandalieus nodded.

"All of this appeared after the mention of the word "elf", this seems strangely important. Though this is a guess, if one of our parent's was a goddess then perhaps the other was an elf turned vampire"

All the Vandalieus thought calmly on this.

"Also, I have noticed that the pain that I usually feel has weakened slightly." one of the Vandalieu suddenly notices.

"Hmm... I feel somewhat stronger as well" another Vandalieu agrees.

"I wonder why this is the case..."

"Wait I have noticed that all of me is in complete attendance here in the conference. Is anyone controlling my body right now?" Vandalieu suddenly realizes.

The conference room panics and quickly adjourns the meeting in a peaceful and orderly fashion.

Rimuru POV

"Dammit Ruminas! I want to meet the guy who you made this kid with. Both of you need Parent Counseling" Rimuru internally yells.

The room was overflowing with a dangerous aura, the amount of which only awakened demon lords could reach. Rigur, Gobta, and the knight captains were collapsed on the ground from the intense pressure.

The source of the aura in question had started to grow horns and was beginning to form a sort-of shell or carapace around his body. His usual expressionless face was suddenly filled with animalistic anger and irritation.

"Everyone be careful, that shell was not present the last time this happened!" yells Hinata.

"This happened before! What did that vampire leave me with!?" Rimuru lets out his inner thoughts.

"Everyone with the ability to do so, help me form a barrier around the kid" Rimuru orders, remembering and mimicking the barrier Guy employed in Rimuru's battle with Clayman.

"Hinata! Get your collapsed captains behind the barrier, we'll try to contain that aura inside of it" Hinata quickly does as told with the help of Louis.

"Milim! You're not allowed to kill him, but restrain Vandalieu and make sure he doesn't hurt anyone"

Milim nodded at this but was strangely stoic, Rimuru had expected her to be more excited at fighting the kid she had challenged to a duel a few minutes earlier.

"I don't know why, but I suddenly want to make sure that kid doesn't do anything to hurt herself. Don't worry Rimuru, I'll protect my new little sister" say Milim before walking inside the barrier.

"Um... I'm glad she's not trying to be so violent for once though it is kind of strange. Also, I think she still hasn't noticed that Vandalieu is a guy." Rimuru thinks to himself.

Suddenly Diablo approaches him.

"Lord Rimuru, please allow me to aid Milim-sama. I too do not wish for harm to fall upon that child and wish to restrain them without lethal force."

"Huh, even Diablo is wanting to be peaceful, something must be in the water today" Rimuru thinks while nodding at Diablo's request.

The two of the most destructive people in the room begin trying to restrain Vandalieu. Needless to say, even though both are trying to holdback to avoid destroying the erected barrier surrounding them, cracks have started to form. After several minutes of fighting, the barrier is getting dangerously close to shattering.

"This kid is a monster, though there are cracks and dents, none of Milim or Diablo's attacks are going through that shell of his. Plus, those horns and black orbs he's shooting out are getting really hard to deal with." Rimuru comments to himself as he notices everyone straining to maintain the barrier around the three combatants.

"I need more info on Vandalieu. Raphael! keep trying to analyze him"

[Analyzing... analysis failed]


[Notice, individual "Vandalieu" has used our failed analysis attempt to counter attack and has begun trying to analyze Master. Implementing defensive countermeasures... Leak of information has been prevented]


As Rimuru was in shock, the desperate and destructive fighting suddenly stops. Vandalieu who was like a flash and had never stayed in one place for more than a millisecond suddenly stops in the center of the space enclosed by the barrier.

The child of Ruminas's enraged face which had turned to face him suddenly turns expressionless. The child then looks at Milim and Diablo and bows.

"I apologize, I had suddenly lost control of myself. I am alright now."

The room surprised at the sudden end to the fighting pauses for a good amount of time before sighing in relief. Once the barrier is released, Rimuru walks up to Vandalieu who bows and apologizes to him aswell.

"It's alright, luckily we have healing potions so no one was harmed, but you definitely surprised everyone for a bit. Could you explain to me what happened?".

"Still, I'm sorry for causing trouble. It's because one of my parents was an elf that I suddenly lost control when going to an elf club was mentioned" Vandalieu apologetically replies.

"Is that so? Well, it's alright for now, just be sure to control yourself from now on."

"Yes Rimuru-dono, don't worry I don't think I'll lose control at the mention of elves again"

Rimuru nods with the face of a proud parent who successfully got their child to promise not to steal from the cookie jar.

"Even then, I'll make sure no one mentions elves around this kid again" Rimuru concludes internally.

"Speaking of mentioning elves" Suddenly remembering something, he looks to Gobta and Rigur who had both recovered from Vandalieu's initial aura release.

"Gobta, though you were given a special break from your 4 heavenly king training with Ranga to escort Vandalieu and the others, it seems you'll need more training" Rimuru says, smiling with killing intent.

"What!?" Gobta looks shocked.

"Since Ranga is still tired and you seem to be so energetic judging from how you invited a child to go to the elf club, you'll get the honor of receiving the full attention of training"

"Mhm, I'll make sure to properly train you from now on, I'm going to push you harder than ever before" Milim adds eagerly.

"Before you leave Milim-sama, I would like to reinforce his swordsmanship and discipline, I as his first teacher feel partially responsible for what happened earlier" Hakuruo piles on to Gobta's punishment.

"If you allow me Lord Rimuru, this humble servant would also like to contribute to the 4 Heavenly King training, I would like to prevent the recurrence of today's events in the future" says Diablo, stepping forward and volunteering himself in aiding with Gobta's "Training".

Gobta who has just heard everyone enthusiastically agree to his new training(torture) regimen bolts for the door but is blocked by Shion.

"Where are you going Gobta-kun? You must be hungry? Do not worry, I shall be cooking a big meal for you now. I'll also make sure to cook and pack enough food for you when you go training" The killing intent from Shion's statement rivalled Vandalieu's previous outburst.

Needless to say, Gobta fainted.