
Chapter 2

Rimuru's POV

Rimuru was sitting down reflecting on the past days of the founding festival. Overall, it was a success in garnering recognition and support for the kingdom. They were also able to foil a plot to damage the reputation of the kingdom while gaining some foreign merchant subordinates as allies through Diablo's "persuasion". Though he did regret having to rely on empress Elmesia's help in solving the money crisis.

After all that, Rimuru should have been calmer. However, he was preparing to introduce a new guest to his executives. The guest in question, Vandalieu Zakkart who he had already met previously, was still staying with Demon Lord Ruminas but would formally arrive and be introduced today.

"Who could have thought Ruminas of all people would have a kid, are we sure that kid is hers?"

[Negative, DNA analysis is required for any judgment to be made]

"Sigh, either way, it's surprising someone like him is only showing up now."

He had asked Milim and Ramiris if they had known anything about this, and their surprised reaction was the same as his. In some ways, it was even greater since they had dealt with Ruminas longer than Rimuru.

"Didn't one of her two vampires get killed recently? Maybe Ruminas is raising a replacement" Ramiris suggested.

"Ohh, I hope the new kid is strong, I wanna see him" Milim chimes in with a smile.

Due to their surprise, curiosity, and battle hunger (for one person specifically); they had forced Rimuru to let them attend the guest's official arrival and meeting with the executives.

Everyone was seated waiting for the arrival of their new guest along with the delegation from Ruberios. A conspicuous absence was Veldora who had locked himself in his dungeon floor saying he had to study the "sacred texts".

"I wonder why Ruminas wants him to be here. She knew Milim and Ramiris hung out here a lot, maybe this is her way of introducing him to the other demon lords. I doubt that's the case though."

Eventually, the guest and representative delegates had arrived. Entering the Royal chamber was Hinata flanked by the two knight captains Arno and Fritz. Behind them was Pope Louis holding the child in a a similar fashion to a few days ago. The executives stood up while Rimuru stayed seated. Usually, he would stand as well but Shuna, Shion, and Diablo insisted that he should no longer stand when receiving visitors.

Arno then stepped forward to introduce themselves, he introduced himself, Hinata, and Louis but stopped at Vandalieu letting the guest introduce himself.

"Hello, I am Vandalieu. Mother informed me that I shall be in your care for the foreseeable future" says Vandalieu with a doll-like motionless expression.

"I see, Alright Vandalieu, I am Rimuru, demon lord and leader of the tempest federation. Since you're going to be staying here awhile you can simply call me Rimuru"

"... Alright Rimuru"

"Now then..." Rimuru began to motion for his executives to introduce themselves to Vandalieu. Shuna and Shion seemed to find Vandalieu cute, though Rimuru worried they had mistaken Vandalieu as a girl and would start insisting to dress him as one.

"At least, I no longer have to suffer alone" Rimuru thought to himself.

Benimaru and most of the others seemed to show a mixture of curiosity and caution towards the child of Ruminas. Interestingly when he had gotten to Diablo, his butler expounded on the usual greeting.

"Hello Vandalieu, I am Lord Rimuru's humble servant Diablo. If you ever wish to become a demon, please feel free to approach me. I can see you have to potential to be a great servant to Lord Rimuru" says Diablo to the mild surprise of the room.

"This is the first time I've heard Diablo try to actively recruit someone. I wonder what he sees in this kid." Rimuru thinks.

[Positive, the child "Vandalieu" seems to possess power that would be extremely helpful]

"Wait, how powerful?"

[Analyzing... Analysis Failed, unable to examine target]

"Huh, if he can resist you then no wonder Diablo is interested."


"It's not your fault Raphael, he's Ruminas's kid after all" says Rimuru sensing Raphael's guilt and frustration.

Next came the two demon lords in attendance.

"Hello Vandalieu, I'm Ramiris, you better make sure to respect me or I'll show you all of my 128 moves" say Ramiris acting proud and tough.

"Hey kid, I'm Milim, I hear your Ruminas's kid so you must be pretty strong. Let's fight later" say Milim eagerly.

"... I decline" says Vandalieu completely unaffected.

"What!? Come on kid, you must be pretty strong" says Milim completely shocked.

"Mother Ruminas told me that people will have to ask permission from Rimuru before they fight me, she mentioned your name in particular" replies Vandalieu

"What!? She pre-emptively pushed this problem to me?" Rimuru reacts internally.

"Please Rimuru, I really wanna fight him." Says Milim facing him with puppy eyes.

"No, you'll destroy the city."

"Pleeaase..." Milim begs.

"No, no lunch if you ask again."

Milim defeatedly accepts Rimuru's decision.

"Before we get to business, let me introduce your escorts around the city" Rimuru motions towards Rigur and Gobta.

"Hello, I am Rigur, Lord Rimuru's head of security; and this one beside me is Gobta, captain of the wolf riders. We will serve as your escorts around the city."

"Heya, I'm Gobta, I'm sure we'll have lots of fun. You look pretty young, but I'll let you tag along to the elf club later tonight if you behave." says Gobta brazenly.

The room became embarrassed at Gobta's introduction.

"Elf?" Vandalieu asks confused breaking his stoic face.

"Oh, does this kid like elves too?" Rimuru thinks to himself thinking he found a common interest.

"Wait! Ruminas is gonna kill me if she finds out I brought her kid to an elf club" Rimuru realizes to his internal panic.

"Ohh, I see you've never met an elf before, have you? Don't worry it's gonna be great." Gobta says with a perverted smile.

Rigur is about to smack Gobta over the head as Shiona and Shuna appear behind Gobta planning to do the same. The two women's killing intent began to leak out.

Suddenly, the room goes quiet as Vandalieu falls on the floor.

"Everyone! GET BACK!" Hinata yells.

[Warning, a dangerous amount of energy is being released] Raphael reports.

Everyone in the room was panicked and shocked, though one thought seemed to echo throughout the room.


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