
Ten Days Apocalypse

"When I thought it was just an ordinary day, I found myself captured in the Land of Finality. "When I thought I just had to keep participating in the game of death to escape, I discovered that people began to awaken supernatural powers. "When I thought this place was the 'Land of God-making,' everything was heading towards annihilation.

Julie_ZH · ファンタジー
120 Chs

Twenty Seconds

The black bear attacked continuously for seven or eight times, with each attack becoming weaker than the last.

The heavy impact sounds gradually turned into insignificant tapping sounds.

"It's almost over..." Qi Xia said, "Its attacks should stop here."

As Qi Xia predicted, after the last weak attack, the black bear cautiously looked at the iron plate in front of it, exhaled a few breaths of hot air from its nose, and gave up.

It didn't seem very tired, but it stopped attacking.

"Is this the end?" Qiao Jia Jing peeked from the side of the iron plate, thinking that the bear should still have some strength left.

"Animals are different from humans. To cope with the dangers that are everywhere in nature, they rarely exhaust themselves completely. Even if it still has some strength left, it's not going to keep fighting against this iron plate," he explained.

Sure enough, the black bear silently turned around and walked towards a corpse on the ground.

This was the woman who had died at the very beginning of the game.

Similarly, she was also a more stable and safer food source for the black bear.

The bear's eyes were fixed on the iron plate, and after sniffing the corpse on the ground, it opened its mouth and bit through the corpse's belly with a "pop" sound.

The sound was like biting through a plastic bag full of water, with bright red liquid spilling all over the ground.

Then, the bear used its nose to nudge and began to use its tongue to select the organs it liked. Soon, the sound of "smack smack" could be heard, as if it was enjoying its meal.

Everyone turned their heads away, unable to bear watching the scene.

The black bear, while eating, kept looking at the iron plate, forming a strange standoff with the group.

Fortunately, there was not much time left.

Under the tense and oppressive atmosphere, the black bear did not take any further action, only eating until the corpse's abdomen was completely hollowed out, revealing a few stark ribs.

Qi Xia checked the time and saw there were only thirty seconds left; it seemed the game was about to end.

But at this moment, the well-fed black bear suddenly growled and twisted its massive body to run over again.

It seemed to know that time was running out and was ready to make a desperate effort.

"Here it comes! Get ready!" Qi Xia shouted loudly, alerting Qiao Jia Jing.

Qiao Jia Jing stepped back with his feet, positioning himself at an angle against the iron plate.

The people behind him quickly got into position, and at this moment, they were somewhat united, each person firmly supporting the person in front of them.

They thought they could get through this attack safely as well, but they didn't expect that the black bear, running in front of the iron plate, would suddenly stand up on its hind legs, its two-meter-tall figure exerting a great sense of oppression on everyone.

"Damn..." Qi Xia suddenly felt a sense of impending doom.

The next second, the black bear placed both front paws on top of the iron plate and poked its head over. With its mouth open, there were still shreds of human flesh between its teeth.

"Roar!!" With a tremendous roar, Qi Xia felt as if his ears were about to be deafened, and the bear's foul saliva sprayed all over his face.

"Hold on!" Xiao Yanjing shouted.

Qiao Jia Jing gritted his teeth and pushed against the table with all his might, clearly feeling hundreds of kilograms of force pushing forward, trying to crush him into a meat patty.

Finding... him... damn...

Qiao Jia Jing even found it difficult to speak, and Qi Xia immediately stepped forward to help him hold the iron plate. The strength of the black bear was so terrifying that the people behind were somewhat stunned.

The black bear pushed forward a few more times, realizing that the iron plate could not move forward at all, and then it grabbed the edge with both hands and suddenly pulled it towards itself.

Qiao Jia Jing and Qi Xia were already pushing against the table outward, but they never expected the black bear to pull outward as well, and they inadvertently flipped the table plate over on the ground.

The two of them lost their strength and fell to the ground.

"Clang!" With a loud noise as the iron plate hit the ground, everyone was exposed in front of the black bear, including Qiao Jia Jing and Qi Xia, who were the most vulnerable.

Before they could react, the black bear immediately extended its front paw towards Qiao Jia Jing.

Qiao Jia Jing suddenly rolled over, narrowly avoiding the blow.

"Hey! Cheater! Get up quickly!" Qiao Jia Jing, who had rolled to the side, shouted, "If you keep lying down, you'll be dead!"

Qi Xia, lying on the ground, kept rolling, feeling as if he had hit his chest just now, and for a moment, he had some difficulty breathing.

Qiao Jia Jing got up and anxiously looked in Qi Xia's direction: "Damn... Cheater, get up quickly!"

Qi Xia also wanted to get up, but his body was in so much pain that he fell to the ground several times when he tried.

The black bear seemed to have noticed Qi Xia's condition and immediately abandoned the agile Qiao Jia Jing, turning to pounce on Qi Xia instead.

Qiao Jia Jing gritted his teeth, took two steps to build momentum, and then leaped into the air, delivering a knee strike from the side that hit the black bear's face.

The black bear let out a mournful cry and immediately closed its eyes, swiping at Qiao Jia Jing's abdomen with its forepaw.


This blow seemed casual, but it hit the most tender part of the human body, and Qiao Jia Jing was sent flying straight out.

"Cough... cough... I feel like my ribs are broken."

"What should we do..." Xiao Yanjing said nervously, "We have to save them..."

After saying that, he seemed to think of something.

He immediately turned his head and said to the middle-aged man,

"Old Lu! Take off your shoes! I have a way to save them!"

"Don't be foolish!" the middle-aged man said, "Xiao Yanjing, do you want to bring trouble upon yourself? Now, if the black bear just eats the two of them, we'll be safe! Time is almost up!"

Xiao Yanjing looked up and saw that the game indeed had less than twenty seconds left.

At this moment, the black bear was reaching out its forearm towards Qi Xia again. Judging by the current situation, although the game was about to end, Qi Xia was undoubtedly going to die.

This man had been doing his best to contend with the black bear in front of the iron plate just now, and regardless of his ultimate goal, he had indeed saved the lives of the group.

After a second of internal struggle, Xiao Yanjing made a decision.

"Hey, you son of a bitch!" he shouted while taking a step forward, "Don't touch him!"

The black bear was taken aback and shrank back for a moment.

The middle-aged man was also startled and growled, "Damn it! Xiao Yanjing, are you crazy?"

"You bear..." Xiao Yanjing ignored the middle-aged man and instead cursed at the black bear, "If you have the guts, come after me..."

Before he could finish speaking, the black bear immediately pounced.

Xiao Yanjing was terrified and turned to run. He thought he could entangle with the black bear for dozens of seconds like Qiao Jia Jing.

But he never thought that being chased by a huge predator filled with endless murderous intent would be so terrifying. He could feel the hot wind and a faint stench coming from behind him. Although he tried his best to stay calm, his legs kept shaking, and he fell every two steps.

He could only keep getting up and falling, falling and getting up again.

Given the situation, it was possible that he might kill himself with falls before the black bear could kill him.