
Ten Days Apocalypse

"When I thought it was just an ordinary day, I found myself captured in the Land of Finality. "When I thought I just had to keep participating in the game of death to escape, I discovered that people began to awaken supernatural powers. "When I thought this place was the 'Land of God-making,' everything was heading towards annihilation.

Julie_ZH · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Zhang Shan

The once orderly group almost instantly disintegrated, with everyone scattering and fleeing, but the black bear only chased after Little Glasses.

"I'm done for... I'm done for..." Little Glasses chanted desperately as he stumbled and ran around the room, "Mom... I'm really going to die this time..."

Within ten steps, the black bear had cornered Little Glasses against a wall.

Little Glasses's legs completely stopped responding, and he collapsed to the ground, unable to move.

Leaning against the wall, he looked back, and a terrifyingly black face filled his vision.

Ugly, ferocious, and foul-smelling.

The black bear extended its nose and sniffed Little Glasses's face.

Little Glasses's face was pale, and he stared blankly ahead, not daring to move even as the black bear brought its mouth close to his neck.

"Mom..." Little Glasses muttered, "I won't be able to come back... Mom... Don't wait for me..."

As the black bear opened its mouth, which reeked of decay, and was about to bite down, Qiao Jia Jing, who was lying on the ground, suddenly shouted.

"Hey!! The time is up, damn it!! Are you trying to cheat?? Stop killing people!!"

Everyone turned to look, and the electronic clock on the wall indeed showed that the countdown had ended, stopping at '0'.

The next second, a distant iron door suddenly opened, and the black bear stiffened.

Then, a powerful suction force erupted from the iron door, and the black bear, like a piece of paper swaying in the wind, let out a painful wail. It was then quickly grabbed by an invisible force and pulled into the door.

The game was over.

Everyone survived.

"It's... it's over..." After several minutes, a girl said shakily, "The black bear is gone..."

The girls slowly stood up, hugged each other, and wept for joy.

Little Glasses seemed to be in shock, sitting on the ground and gasping for breath.

"Phew..." Qiao Jia Jing moved his sore body, holding his abdomen and said with a tired face, "That was not easy, Cheater. Thanks to your 'Eagle Catches Chicken' strategy."

Qi Xia stood up and didn't speak, instead, he looked worried.

"What's wrong?" Qiao Jia Jing asked.

"You said..." Qi Xia began to ask, "Did they two make it?"


Qiao Jia Jing naturally knew who Qi Xia was talking about - Tian Tian and Lin, but he didn't dare to guess recklessly.

No one knew what had happened in the other room.

Were they also being chased by a black bear?

Could their teammates unite and come up with a strategy like 'Eagle Catches Chicken'?

The group turned around and saw that the staircase they had come from had reappeared behind them.

"Stop thinking about it, let's go see directly," Qiao Jia Jing patted Qi Xia on the shoulder, "Let's go."

Lao Lu helped Little Glasses up, and the group, supporting each other, slowly walked up the stairs to the room where the chairs were previously placed.

"Nine survived?" The ox demon paused slightly, "Not bad."

"Damn it..." Qiao Jia Jing quietly cursed, "One day, I will deal with these people."

"Please wait for a moment, the people from the other room have not returned yet," the ox demon waved to them, indicating for them to sit down.

Everyone sat down without ceremony; for them, who had escaped death, nothing was more terrifying than the black bear.

After waiting for about two or three minutes, Qiao Jia Jing couldn't sit still.

"Hey, Old Ox, is their game not over yet?"

"You both started at the same time, and it should be over by now, but they haven't come back here yet."

"What..." Qi Xia frowned, feeling a headache coming on, and quickly covered his forehead, asking the ox-headed man, "If the game is over and no one has come back, doesn't that mean they're all dead...?"

"I don't know," the ox-headed man shook his head, "Please be patient and don't worry."

It was said to be patient, but who could really be patient?

This time, the team was randomly shuffled, which meant that almost all the participants had teammates in the other group.

Qi Xia turned his head and saw Little Glasses sitting not far in front of him, quietly talking to a middle-aged man.

"What?! That's not going to work!" the middle-aged man exclaimed in surprise.

Little Glasses quickly waved to him and whispered a few words.

"No way, no way, I disagree!" the middle-aged man shook his head like a rattle drum, "Nothing will do."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and met Qi Xia's gaze, but he quickly averted his eyes as if he hadn't seen anything, then continued to speak in a low voice, "If it really comes to that, I will have to let Zhang Shan make the decision for me!"

"Heh," Qi Xia sneered, roughly guessing the content of their conversation.

After waiting for a full five or six minutes, the group finally heard a heavy footstep emerging from a door nearby.

"Here comes... "

Following this footstep, there were many more footsteps.

It sounded like this team also had a considerable number of survivors.

A large man with a stern face slowly emerged from the dark door. He quickly scanned the crowd and a smile gradually appeared on his face: "Damn... you're all alive?"

"Zhang Shan! Zhang Shan!" Little Glasses ran forward excitedly, "That's great! You're okay... I mean!"

Little Glasses shouted and quickly stepped back.

The scene in front of him was too horrifying.

The man named Zhang Shan, who was just standing in the dark, hadn't been fully visible.

But as he continued to walk into the light, the terrifying injuries on his body were revealed.

His entire body was covered in blood, with three deep scratches on his chest. His right arm was holding two dark objects, like two thick tree branches.

Tian Tian and Lin also gradually appeared from the door.

"Pretty girl!" Qiao Jia Jing looked them up and down, "Are you alright?"

"We're fine..." Tian Tian forced a smile, "How about you guys?"

"It's the same old story." Qiao Jia Jing shook his head helplessly, "Thanks to Cheater's idea, we survived."

"Ah?" Tian Tian looked at Qi Xia in disbelief, "Could it be that Qi Xia saved the game again?"

Lin also found it hard to believe: "Qiao Jia Jing, didn't you say you were going to handle the 'Ox' game yourself?"

"Forget it..." Qiao Jia Jing grumbled, "If the opponent was a person, that would be one thing, but it was a black bear! Who in this world can defeat a black bear?"

Tian Tian and Lin looked at each other and said with some difficulty, "Maybe... someone can actually kill a bear."

Hearing them say this, Qi Xia and Qiao Jia Jing looked at the strong man named Zhang Shan.

Could it be that he... killed the bear?

They saw him continuously walking out of the door, and they counted his teammates, making it exactly ten people.

Obviously, there were no casualties in their team.

Zhang Shan, with a tired face, sat down on a chair: "Damn... Old Ox, you're really something, even preparing a 'bear' for us?"

Everyone looked down and saw that what he had thrown on the ground were not branches but two bloody black bear forelimbs.