
Template World

By some miraculous power, Ethan and his friends were given a second chance at life. The new Earth they were born in was vastly different from their previous one. On this Earth, no boundaries exist to the imagination, whatever you think is probably real in this world or some other world. Here exists powers and character templates from anime, TV shows, movies, or comic books. This is a place where no limitations are put on humans or any other being for that note. See how Ethan unfolds his new life with his family and friends.

Mik_024 · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

New Family

"Khalid, how do you feel now that you have beaten Connor McGregor again" a reporter asked

"Well, he always talks big. When is he going to do something big" Khalid responded casually during his after-interview

" We all know that in contrast to you, only a few can fight on a similar level, that's why we have found a strong rival for your next match"

"I invite Featherweight, Welterweight, Middleweight Champion, an international dan10 mixed martial artist, the daddy of all fighters, the myth and legend in person 'Ethan: The Beater'!" that's when I made my entry with Darth Vader entry music in the background. I wore the classic Darth Vader helmet and had a few people following me in white Sith costume.

I walked while smiling at Khalid, but this smile looked more like a devil ready to eat his prey, to Khalid. Finally, Khalid couldn't control himself and started crying, "Mummy," said Khalid.

"There is no mercy to the enemy," I said, taking out my lightsaber. I was just going to stab him in the stomach when Khalid said to me "Wake up, little guy"

"Shut the fuck up, if I am a little guy then you are a newborn baby"

"Wake up, man" the Commentator came to me and started shaking my shoulder

"Hey, what are you doing, I'm already wake can't you see" I started getting frustrated

"Wake up" Every person there started to say the same thing. That's when I woke up and looked around. Jeff my new brother was trying to wake me up.

"What's your problem man? Can't you see I'm trying to sleep here" I started getting frustrated. He woke me up just when I was going to kill that bastard. I will remember this new bro; I said while trying to make a cut sign on my neck.

POV- Jeff

I was waiting outside the hospital room, where my mom was in labor. That's when I heard the song playing from inside 'Marvin Gaye's - Let's Get It On'. That's the song Dad likes, why is he playing it when Mom was giving birth? Dad can be weird sometimes, well whatever – I'm so excited to meet my new brother finally or it can be Ethan too. I was just too curious that I wanted to barge in.

Finally, the baby's cry came from inside. I wanted to go in but was grabbed by Grandma Sally or Sal for short. She asked me to wait patiently as a human being just came out of my mom and that there must be lots of blood around. Grandma Sal can be really literal at times.

That's when Grandpa Jack came towards me patted my head and said "Don't worry kid, Sal is just like this. Your mother is healthy, she must want some alone time with your new brother. You can meet Ethan after your mother".

"Well, what can I do, except wait" I said in resignation. That's when the waiting game started


Half an hour later


"Grandpa Jack, how long do we have to wait, I'm also a member of this family. I want to meet my brother. They are taking too long in there" I asked frustrated with the wait. Before Jack could reply Dad came out and asked if we wanted to meet Ethan

"Dad get out of my way," I said before Dad could even finish and barged into the room. When I entered, I saw my mother sitting on the bed, looking tired and sleepy.

"Mom, you OK" My mom nodded and then told me to be quiet as my brother was sleeping. I wanted to wake him up but Grandpa Jack stopped me

"Jeff, he is still a baby. He needs sleep to grow. You can go see him but do it quietly, OK" Jack whispered to me giving me a thumbs-up sign. I also reluctantly gave him a thumbs-up. The curiosity of this being the old Ethan or a brand-new Ethan was killing me.

I started walking up to the crib in which my new brother was placed.

There was nothing much to say except tiny and alien. Well, that is a baby for you. Their appearance becomes clear after a few months. I imprinted the image of my baby brother in my mind.

'It doesn't matter if you are my old friend or new brother. I will always protect you' I said in my mind

Then Grandpa Jack and Grandma Sal came to meet my mother and Ethan.

"Kawaii" Grandpa Jack said

"What the grandpa where did you learn that"

"Oh I was watching my favorite Japanese show and they say 'Kawai" when something is cute" Grandpa Jack told me excitedly. Who knew Grandpa was one of those.

"She sure is cute," Grandma Sal said

"Mom he is a boy," Mom said to Grandma Sal

"He looks more girly than a real girl" I tried to control my laughter thinking about Ethan's reaction when I tell him this.

My grandparents on the side of dad couldn't come due to some reason. They won't tell me. Well, what can I do about that, they haven't come to visit us once in these 3 years of life. Dad said they visit places frequently and don't stay at one place for more than a month. That sounds really shady. By shady, I remember Eminem's song. Man has it been long since I last listened to him. Well, you see he is not on this earth or he is but not the rapper we know and love. I will explain this when I'm explaining it to Ethan. You guys can wait.




I sneakily went to my brother's crib. I just couldn't handle the wait. I mean how much can a baby sleep? Well, I got an answer to that. A lot, by lot I mean 12 hours in and there is still no response of him waking up. I don't know if it's only my brother or if other babies are like that too. I mean they got to drink milk and do other shit too right. Well, whatever, if he can't wake up then I will wake him up myself. You made me do this little man, it's not my fault I said in sympathy to myself. My mother was sleeping on the bed next to it. So, I had to be quiet. Otherwise, you guys may never hear from me again

"Wake up, little guy," I said while shaking my brother's shoulder lightly. Newborns have delicate bones and can fracture quite easily.

"Wake up man" I tried again thinking he would react. Now that I think about it, Ethan was the sleeper in our group. He used to either sleep, watch anime, or train. If we take training out of it, then he was a goddamn otaku.

"Wake up," I said again while lost in my thoughts

Finally, Ethan started waking up, he looked frustrated for a baby. Babies don't have facial muscles developed so they can't show many emotions.

"Gu Gu Ga ga," Baby said while making a neck-cutting sign. Babies definitely don't know how to do that. Maybe it was a fluke. Let's try something else.

"Are you Ethan 'The Beater'" I asked



"Are you Ethan 'The Beater'" Jeff asked with a curious look on his face

This motherfucker, how many times have I told him not to call me that

"Gu Gu," Ethan said while pointing at Jeff

"Is he calling me big bro now" Jeff asked while giving his finger to his new brother. Ethan looked disgusted "This bastard Jeff is treating me like a child, just let me grow up" I grabbed his finger and took it near my mouth, to bite him. But I once again forgot that babies don't have teeth

"Ahh, why am I this miserable" Ethan said like he was going to cry. Jeff saw that and quickly tried to stop me.

"Hey stop Ethan, if you cry now then I am fucked" Hearing this Ethan got a really creepy smile on his face.

'Wait I know that face, he is going to fuck someone up and the only one here is me, so fuck' Jeff thought seconds before Ethan started crying

"Hey stop stop, I will tell you about this world, if you stop," Jeff said while looking at his mother who looked like she was going to wake up any second now. As for my Dad (sleeping on Sofa), there is no way he is going to wake up. Maybe Ethan got this trait from Dad.

I stopped crying when I heard what Jeff had said. I made a hand gesture to tell him to go on. 'That's totally not a baby' Jeff thought.

"So you are that Ethan right, 'the bea'" I was about to say his nickname when I saw his glare

"Ok man my bad, just make a thumbs up sign, if your answer is a yes," Jeff said. In response, I made a thumbs-up sign 

"Ok, so you are old Ethan right" I made a thumbs-up.

"You know who I am" I made a thumbs-up again. I mean I would be an idiot if I didn't.

"Ok, so first I will start with our family, our mom's name is Mary she is pretty outgoing and gets suspicious fast. She can also be scary sometimes. She looks exactly like Jennifer Garner. So there is no need to go into more detail. She is very beautiful. One day we had a plan to go for a picnic but Dad had an urgent business meeting so he couldn't come with us. He accidentally left his phone at home. His friend asked him when he was going to reach the golf field without knowing that my mother was on the other side. Well, he had to sleep on the ground floor sofa for a whole month. I am not complaining, that bastard deserved it.

As for our dad, he is the most outgoing and social person I have seen in this and my previous life. He also makes dad jokes all the time which in my opinion are funny sometimes. He looks like Ty Burrell or Phil. Do I even need to tell you more?

Now comes me, you already know my name is Jeff or Jeffrey here. I know you can't see properly so I will tell you already that I'm going to be the most handsome sibling. I don't know how I will look in the future but the current me tells me it's going to be young master jealous level handsomeness. You already know my personality.

Next in line is Grandpa Jack. He is the sweetest and calmest out of all the family. He likes cute things and watches Japanese shows/Anime. He looks like Grandpa Max from Ben10.

And last Grandma Sal, Or Sally for long. She is the most critical and straightforward person in our family. She says whatever she thinks. She looks like Elen Barkin. She looks really good for her age.

Lastly our grandparents from Father's side. I don't know anything about them except that their names; are Julia and Adam. You would expect me to see them at least once in these 3 years but they are doing some work, I don't know about. Well, we will see them when it's time.

Well, this is our current family status, I am not going into uncle, aunts, or siblings for that matter. I think I have already explained a lot, maybe some other time" That was something. Well, my family is full of celebrities. I don't think any child born in this family will look bad. These are god-level look genes. I never cared much about my looks in my past life but if good looks are coming voluntarily then what can I say.

"Aah, my life is once again filled with difficulties due to my good looks" I signed while looking at the stars. Jeff looked at me weirdly. He couldn't understand baby talk but he sure could tell that I was making a narcissistic comment about myself

"Alright bro, now that we have gone over all that, now it's time to tell you about this new world or new Earth. You are surely going to like this place" Jeff said as if he already knew



What does this world hold for us?

Are other friends and family also reincarnating?

Is Ethan dumb?

We get you all that in the next chapters of Template Worlds



Stay tuned for the next chapter, I'm finally going to explain the power dynamics of Template World

Mik_024creators' thoughts